2016-08-23 14:45:59 -07:00

297 lines
12 KiB

'use strict';
* Calculate a 32 bit FNV-1a hash
* Found here:
* Ref.:
* @param {string} str the input value
* @param {boolean} [asString=false] set to true to return the hash value as
* 8-digit hex string instead of an integer
* @param {integer} [seed] optionally pass the hash of the previous chunk
* @returns {integer | string}
function hashFnv32a(str, asString, seed) {
/*jshint bitwise:false */
var i, l,
hval = (seed === undefined) ? 0x811c9dc5 : seed;
for (i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) {
hval ^= str.charCodeAt(i);
hval += (hval << 1) + (hval << 4) + (hval << 7) + (hval << 8) + (hval << 24);
if( asString ){
// Convert to 8 digit hex string
return ("0000000" + (hval >>> 0).toString(16)).substr(-8);
return hval >>> 0;
angular.module('view-form').directive('submitFormDirective', ['$http', 'TimeCounter', '$filter', '$rootScope', 'SendVisitorData',
function ($http, TimeCounter, $filter, $rootScope, SendVisitorData) {
return {
templateUrl: 'modules/forms/base/views/directiveViews/form/submit-form.client.view.html',
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
controller: function($document, $window, $scope){
$scope.noscroll = false;
$scope.forms = {};
var form_fields_count = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.filter(function(field){
if(field.fieldType === 'statement' || field.fieldType === 'rating'){
return false;
return true;
var nb_valid = $filter('formValidity')($scope.myform);
$scope.translateAdvancementData = {
done: nb_valid,
total: form_fields_count,
answers_not_completed: form_fields_count - nb_valid
$scope.reloadForm = function(){
//Reset Form
$scope.myform.submitted = false;
$scope.myform.form_fields = _.chain($scope.myform.visible_form_fields).map(function(field){
field.fieldValue = '';
return field;
$scope.loading = false;
$scope.error = '';
$scope.selected = {
_id: '',
index: 0
$scope.setActiveField($scope.myform.visible_form_fields[0]._id, 0, false);
//Reset Timer
//Fire event when window is scrolled
$window.onscroll = function(){
$scope.scrollPos = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop || 0;
var elemBox = document.getElementsByClassName('activeField')[0].getBoundingClientRect();
$scope.fieldTop =;
$scope.fieldBottom = elemBox.bottom;
var field_id;
var field_index;
//Focus on submit button
if( $scope.selected.index === $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length-1 && $scope.fieldBottom < 200){
field_index = $scope.selected.index+1;
field_id = 'submit_field';
$scope.setActiveField(field_id, field_index, false);
//Focus on field above submit button
else if($scope.selected.index === $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length){
if($scope.fieldTop > 200){
field_index = $scope.selected.index-1;
field_id = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[field_index]._id;
$scope.setActiveField(field_id, field_index, false);
}else if( $scope.fieldBottom < 0){
field_index = $scope.selected.index+1;
field_id = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[field_index]._id;
$scope.setActiveField(field_id, field_index, false);
}else if ( $scope.selected.index !== 0 && $scope.fieldTop > 0) {
field_index = $scope.selected.index-1;
field_id = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[field_index]._id;
$scope.setActiveField(field_id, field_index, false);
//console.log('$scope.selected.index: '+$scope.selected.index);
//console.log('scroll pos: '+$scope.scrollPos+' fieldTop: '+$scope.fieldTop+' fieldBottom: '+$scope.fieldBottom);
** Field Controls
var evaluateLogicJump = function(field){
var logicJump = field.logicJump;
if (logicJump.expressionString && logicJump.valueB) {
var valA = hashFnv32a(String(field.fieldValue));
var valB = hashFnv32a(String(logicJump.valueB));
var scope = {
'a': valA,
'b': valB
return math.eval(logicJump.expressionString, scope);
var getActiveField = function(){
if($scope.selected === null){
console.error('current active field is null');
throw new Error('current active field is null');
if($scope.selected._id === 'submit_field') {
return $scope.myform.form_fields.length - 1;
} else {
return $scope.selected.index;
$scope.setActiveField = $rootScope.setActiveField = function(field_id, field_index, animateScroll) {
if($scope.selected === null || $scope.selected._id === field_id){
//console.log('not scrolling');
//console.log('field_id: '+field_id);
//console.log('field_index: '+field_index);
$scope.selected._id = field_id;
$scope.selected.index = field_index;
for(var i=0; i<$scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length; i++){
var currField = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[i];
if(field_id == currField._id){
$scope.selected.index = i;
var nb_valid = $filter('formValidity')($scope.myform);
$scope.translateAdvancementData = {
done: nb_valid,
total: form_fields_count,
answers_not_completed: form_fields_count - nb_valid
setTimeout(function() {
$document.scrollToElement(angular.element('.activeField'), -10, 200).then(function() {
$scope.noscroll = false;
setTimeout(function() {
if (document.querySelectorAll('.activeField .focusOn').length) {
//Handle default case
document.querySelectorAll('.activeField .focusOn')[0].focus();
} else if(document.querySelectorAll('.activeField input').length) {
//Handle case for rating input
document.querySelectorAll('.activeField input')[0].focus();
} else {
//Handle case for dropdown input
document.querySelectorAll('.activeField .selectize-input')[0].focus();
}else {
setTimeout(function() {
if (document.querySelectorAll('.activeField .focusOn')[0]) {
//FIXME: DAVID: Figure out how to set focus without scroll movement in HTML Dom
document.querySelectorAll('.activeField .focusOn')[0].focus();
} else {
document.querySelectorAll('.activeField input')[0].focus();
SendVisitorData.send($scope.myform, getActiveField(), TimeCounter.getTimeElapsed());
$rootScope.nextField = $scope.nextField = function(){
var currField = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[$scope.selected.index];
if($scope.selected && $scope.selected.index > -1){
//Jump to logicJump's destination if it is true
if(currField.logicJump && evaluateLogicJump(currField)){
$rootScope.setActiveField(currField.logicJump.jumpTo, null, true);
} else {
var selected_index, selected_id;
if($scope.selected.index < $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length-1){
selected_index = $scope.selected.index+1;
selected_id = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[selected_index]._id;
$rootScope.setActiveField(selected_id, selected_index, true);
} else if($scope.selected.index === $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length-1) {
selected_index = $scope.selected.index+1;
selected_id = 'submit_field';
$rootScope.setActiveField(selected_id, selected_index, true);
$rootScope.prevField = $scope.prevField = function(){
if($scope.selected.index > 0){
var selected_index = $scope.selected.index - 1;
var selected_id = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[selected_index]._id;
$scope.setActiveField(selected_id, selected_index, true);
** Form Display Functions
$scope.exitStartPage = function(){
$scope.myform.startPage.showStart = false;
if($scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length > 0){
$scope.selected._id = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[0]._id;
$rootScope.goToInvalid = $scope.goToInvalid = function() {
$rootScope.submitForm = $scope.submitForm = function() {
var _timeElapsed = TimeCounter.stopClock();
$scope.loading = true;
var form = _.cloneDeep($scope.myform);
form.timeElapsed = _timeElapsed;
form.percentageComplete = $filter('formValidity')($scope.myform) / $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length * 100;
delete form.visible_form_fields;
for(var i=0; i < $scope.myform.form_fields.length; i++){
if($scope.myform.form_fields[i].fieldType === 'dropdown' && !$scope.myform.form_fields[i].deletePreserved){
$scope.myform.form_fields[i].fieldValue = $scope.myform.form_fields[i].fieldValue.option_value;
setTimeout(function () {
$scope.submitPromise = $'/forms/' + $scope.myform._id, form)
.success(function (data, status, headers) {
$scope.myform.submitted = true;
$scope.loading = false;
SendVisitorData.send($scope.myform, getActiveField(), _timeElapsed);
.error(function (error) {
$scope.loading = false;
$scope.error = error.message;
}, 500);
//Reload our form