(function () { 'use strict'; // Create the SendVisitorData service angular .module('view-form') .factory('SendVisitorData', SendVisitorData); SendVisitorData.$inject = ['Socket', '$state']; function SendVisitorData(Socket, $state) { // Create a controller method for sending visitor data function send(form, lastActiveIndex, timeElapsed) { var lang = window.navigator.userLanguage || window.navigator.language; lang = lang.slice(0,2); var userAgentString = navigator.userAgent; var md = new MobileDetect(userAgentString); var deviceType = 'other'; if (md.tablet()){ deviceType = 'tablet'; } else if (md.mobile()) { deviceType = 'mobile'; } else if (!md.is('bot')) { deviceType = 'desktop'; } $.ajaxSetup( { 'async': false } ); var geoData = $.getJSON('https://freegeoip.net/json/').responseJSON; $.ajaxSetup( { 'async': true } ); if(!geoData){ geoData = { ip: '', city: '', country_name: '' }; } // Create a new message object var visitorData = { referrer: document.referrer, isSubmitted: form.submitted, formId: form._id, lastActiveField: form.form_fields[lastActiveIndex]._id, timeElapsed: timeElapsed, language: lang, deviceType: deviceType, ipAddr: geoData.ip, geoLocation: { city: geoData.city, country: geoData.country_name } }; Socket.emit('form-visitor-data', visitorData); } function init(){ // Make sure the Socket is connected if (!Socket.socket) { Socket.connect(); } Socket.on('disconnect', function(){ Socket.connect(); }); } var service = { send: send }; init(); return service; } }());