'use strict'; // Init the application configuration module for AngularJS application var ApplicationConfiguration = (function() { // Init module configuration options var applicationModuleName = 'TellForm'; var applicationModuleVendorDependencies = ['duScroll', 'ui.select', 'ngSanitize', 'vButton', 'ngResource', 'TellForm.templates', 'ui.router', 'ui.bootstrap', 'ui.utils', 'pascalprecht.translate', 'view-form']; // Add a new vertical module var registerModule = function(moduleName, dependencies) { // Create angular module angular.module(moduleName, dependencies || []); // Add the module to the AngularJS configuration file angular.module(applicationModuleName).requires.push(moduleName); }; return { applicationModuleName: applicationModuleName, applicationModuleVendorDependencies: applicationModuleVendorDependencies, registerModule: registerModule }; })(); 'use strict'; //Start by defining the main module and adding the module dependencies angular.module(ApplicationConfiguration.applicationModuleName, ApplicationConfiguration.applicationModuleVendorDependencies); // Setting HTML5 Location Mode angular.module(ApplicationConfiguration.applicationModuleName).config(['$locationProvider', function($locationProvider) { $locationProvider.hashPrefix('!'); } ]); //Permission Constants angular.module(ApplicationConfiguration.applicationModuleName).constant('APP_PERMISSIONS', { viewAdminSettings: 'viewAdminSettings', editAdminSettings: 'editAdminSettings', editForm: 'editForm', viewPrivateForm: 'viewPrivateForm' }); //User Role constants angular.module(ApplicationConfiguration.applicationModuleName).constant('USER_ROLES', { admin: 'admin', normal: 'user', superuser: 'superuser' }); //form url angular.module(ApplicationConfiguration.applicationModuleName).constant('FORM_URL', '/forms/:formId'); //Then define the init function for starting up the application angular.element(document).ready(function() { //Fixing facebook bug with redirect if (window.location.hash === '#_=_') window.location.hash = '#!'; //Then init the app angular.bootstrap(document, [ApplicationConfiguration.applicationModuleName]); }); angular.module('TellForm.templates', []).run(['$templateCache', function($templateCache) { "use strict"; $templateCache.put("modules/core/views/header.client.view.html", "
"); $templateCache.put("modules/forms/admin/views/admin-form.client.view.html", "

{{ 'TELLFORM_URL' | translate }}
{{ 'COPY_AND_PASTE' | translate }}
{{ 'BACKGROUND_COLOR' | translate }}
{{ 'QUESTION_TEXT_COLOR' | translate }}
{{ 'ANSWER_TEXT_COLOR' | translate }}
{{ 'BTN_BACKGROUND_COLOR' | translate }}
{{ 'BTN_TEXT_COLOR' | translate }}
"); $templateCache.put("modules/forms/admin/views/list-forms.client.view.html", "

{{ 'CREATE_A_NEW_FORM' | translate }}
{{ 'NAME' | translate }}
{{ 'LANGUAGE' | translate }}

{{ form.numberOfResponses }} {{ 'RESPONSES' | translate }}

{{ 'FORM_PAUSED' | translate }}
"); $templateCache.put("modules/forms/admin/views/adminTabs/analyze.html", ""); $templateCache.put("modules/forms/admin/views/adminTabs/configure.html", ""); $templateCache.put("modules/forms/admin/views/adminTabs/create.html", ""); $templateCache.put("modules/forms/admin/views/directiveViews/form/configure-form.client.view.html", "
{{ 'FORM_NAME' | translate }}
{{ 'FORM_STATUS' | translate }}
{{ 'LANGUAGE' | translate }}
* {{ 'REQUIRED_FIELD' | translate }}
{{ 'GA_TRACKING_CODE' | translate }}
{{ 'DISPLAY_FOOTER' | translate }}
{{ 'DISPLAY_START_PAGE' | translate }}
{{ 'DISPLAY_END_PAGE' | translate }}
"); $templateCache.put("modules/forms/admin/views/directiveViews/form/edit-form.client.view.html", "

{{ 'ADD_FIELD_LG' | translate }}

{{ 'ADD_FIELD_MD' | translate }}

{{ 'ADD_FIELD_SM' | translate }}

{{ 'WELCOME_SCREEN' | translate }}

{{field.title}} *

{{ 'CLICK_FIELDS_FOOTER' | translate }}

{{ 'END_SCREEN' | translate }}

"); $templateCache.put("modules/forms/admin/views/directiveViews/form/edit-submissions-form.client.view.html", "
{{ 'TOTAL_VIEWS' | translate }}
{{ 'RESPONSES' | translate }}
{{ 'COMPLETION_RATE' | translate }}
{{ 'AVERAGE_TIME_TO_COMPLETE' | translate }}
{{myform.analytics.conversionRate | number:0}}%
{{ AverageTimeElapsed | secondsToDateTime | date:'mm:ss'}}
{{ 'DESKTOP_AND_LAPTOP' | translate }}
{{ 'TABLETS' | translate }}
{{ 'PHONES' | translate }}
{{ 'OTHER' | translate }}
{{ 'UNIQUE_VISITS' | translate }}
{{ 'UNIQUE_VISITS' | translate }}
{{ 'UNIQUE_VISITS' | translate }}
{{ 'UNIQUE_VISITS' | translate }}
{{ 'RESPONSES' | translate }}
{{ 'RESPONSES' | translate }}
{{ 'RESPONSES' | translate }}
{{ 'RESPONSES' | translate }}
{{ 'COMPLETION_RATE' | translate }}
{{ 'COMPLETION_RATE' | translate }}
{{ 'COMPLETION_RATE' | translate }}
{{ 'COMPLETION_RATE' | translate }}
{{ 'AVERAGE_TIME_TO_COMPLETE' | translate }}
{{DeviceStatistics.desktop.average_time | secondsToDateTime | date:'mm:ss'}}
{{ 'AVERAGE_TIME_TO_COMPLETE' | translate }}
{{DeviceStatistics.tablet.average_time | secondsToDateTime | date:'mm:ss'}}
{{ 'AVERAGE_TIME_TO_COMPLETE' | translate }}
{{DeviceStatistics.phone.average_time | secondsToDateTime | date:'mm:ss'}}
{{ 'AVERAGE_TIME_TO_COMPLETE' | translate }}
{{DeviceStatistics.other.average_time | secondsToDateTime | date:'mm:ss'}}
{{ 'FIELD_TITLE' | translate }}
{{ 'FIELD_VIEWS' | translate }}
{{ 'FIELD_RESPONSES' | translate }}
{{ 'FIELD_DROPOFF' | translate }}

#{{value.title}}{{ 'PERCENTAGE_COMPLETE' | translate }}{{ 'TIME_ELAPSED' | translate }}{{ 'DEVICE' | translate }}{{ 'LOCATION' | translate }}{{ 'IP_ADDRESS' | translate }}{{ 'DATE_SUBMITTED' | translate }} (UTC)
{{$index+1}}{{field.fieldValue}}{{row.percentageComplete}}%{{row.timeElapsed | secondsToDateTime | date:'mm:ss'}}{{row.device.name}}, {{row.device.type}}{{row.geoLocation.City}}, {{row.geoLocation.Country}}{{row.ipAddr}}{{row.created | date:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'}}
"); $templateCache.put("modules/users/views/authentication/access-denied.client.view.html", "

{{ 'ACCESS_DENIED_TEXT' | translate }}

{{ 'SIGNIN_BTN' | translate }}
"); $templateCache.put("modules/users/views/authentication/signin.client.view.html", "
"); $templateCache.put("modules/users/views/authentication/signup-success.client.view.html", "

{{ 'SUCCESS_HEADER' | translate }}

{{ 'SUCCESS_TEXT' | translate }}

{{ 'NOT_ACTIVATED_YET' | translate }}

{{ 'BEFORE_YOU_CONTINUE' | translate }} polydaic@gmail.com

"); $templateCache.put("modules/users/views/authentication/signup.client.view.html", "
{{'SIGNUP_ERROR_TEXT' | translate}}:
"); $templateCache.put("modules/users/views/password/forgot-password.client.view.html", "
Error: {{error}}
"); $templateCache.put("modules/users/views/password/reset-password-invalid.client.view.html", "

{{ 'PASSWORD_RESET_INVALID' | translate }}

{{ 'ASK_FOR_NEW_PASSWORD' | translate }}
"); $templateCache.put("modules/users/views/password/reset-password-success.client.view.html", "

{{ 'PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESS' | translate }}

{{ 'CONTINUE_TO_LOGIN' | translate }}
"); $templateCache.put("modules/users/views/password/reset-password.client.view.html", "

{{ 'RESET_PASSWORD' | translate }}

"); $templateCache.put("modules/users/views/settings/change-password.client.view.html", "

{{ 'CHANGE_PASSWORD' | translate }}

{{ 'PASSWORD_CHANGE_SUCCESS' | translate }}
"); $templateCache.put("modules/users/views/settings/edit-profile.client.view.html", "

{{ 'EDIT_PROFILE' | translate }}

{{ 'PROFILE_SAVE_SUCCESS' | translate }}
{{ 'PROFILE_SAVE_ERROR' | translate }}
{{ 'FIRST_NAME_LABEL' | translate }}
{{ 'LAST_NAME_LABEL' | translate }}

{{ 'LANGUAGE_LABEL' | translate }}
{{ 'USERNAME_LABEL' | translate }}
{{ 'EMAIL_LABEL' | translate }}
"); $templateCache.put("modules/users/views/settings/social-accounts.client.view.html", "

{{ 'CONNECTED_SOCIAL_ACCOUNTS' | translate }}:


"); $templateCache.put("modules/users/views/verify/resend-verify-email.client.view.html", "

{{ 'VERIFICATION_EMAIL_SENT' | translate }}

{{ 'VERIFICATION_EMAIL_SENT_TO' | translate }} {{username}}.
{{ 'NOT_ACTIVATED_YET' | translate }}

{{ 'CHECK_YOUR_EMAIL' | translate }} polydaic@gmail.com

"); $templateCache.put("modules/users/views/verify/verify-account.client.view.html", "

{{ 'VERIFY_SUCCESS' | translate }}

"); $templateCache.put("form_modules/forms/base/views/directiveViews/entryPage/startPage.html", "



"); $templateCache.put("form_modules/forms/base/views/directiveViews/field/date.html", "

{{index+1}} {{field.title}} {{ 'OPTIONAL' | translate }}


"); $templateCache.put("form_modules/forms/base/views/directiveViews/field/dropdown.html", "

{{index+1}} {{field.title}} {{ 'OPTIONAL' | translate }}


"); $templateCache.put("form_modules/forms/base/views/directiveViews/field/hidden.html", ""); $templateCache.put("form_modules/forms/base/views/directiveViews/field/legal.html", "

{{index+1}} {{field.title}} {{ 'OPTIONAL' | translate }}


"); $templateCache.put("form_modules/forms/base/views/directiveViews/field/radio.html", "

{{index+1}} {{field.title}} {{ 'OPTIONAL' | translate }}


"); $templateCache.put("form_modules/forms/base/views/directiveViews/field/rating.html", "

{{index+1}} {{field.title}} {{ 'OPTIONAL' | translate }}


"); $templateCache.put("form_modules/forms/base/views/directiveViews/field/statement.html", "




"); $templateCache.put("form_modules/forms/base/views/directiveViews/field/textarea.html", "

{{index+1}} {{field.title}} {{ 'OPTIONAL' | translate }}

{{ 'NEWLINE' | translate }}


Press SHIFT+ENTER to add a newline
{{ 'ENTER' | translate }}
"); $templateCache.put("form_modules/forms/base/views/directiveViews/field/textfield.html", "

{{index+1}} {{field.title}} ({{ 'OPTIONAL' | translate }})


{{ 'ENTER' | translate }}
"); $templateCache.put("form_modules/forms/base/views/directiveViews/field/yes_no.html", "

{{index+1}} {{field.title}} {{ 'OPTIONAL' | translate }}


"); $templateCache.put("form_modules/forms/base/views/directiveViews/form/submit-form.client.view.html", "



{{ 'COMPLETING_NEEDED' | translate:translateAdvancementData }}
{{ 'ENTER' | translate }}

{{ 'ADVANCEMENT' | translate:translateAdvancementData }}

{{ 'FORM_SUCCESS' | translate }}



"); $templateCache.put("form_modules/forms/base/views/form-not-found.client.view.html", "

404 - Form Does not Exist

The form you are trying to access does not exist. Sorry about that!
"); $templateCache.put("form_modules/forms/base/views/form-unauthorized.client.view.html", "

Not Authorized to Access Form

The form you are trying to access is currently private and not accesible publically.
If you are the owner of the form, you can set it to \"Public\" in the \"Configuration\" panel in the form admin.
"); $templateCache.put("form_modules/forms/base/views/submit-form.client.view.html", "
"); }]); 'use strict'; // Use Application configuration module to register a new module ApplicationConfiguration.registerModule('core', ['users']); 'use strict'; // Use Application configuration module to register a new module ApplicationConfiguration.registerModule('forms', [ 'ngFileUpload', 'ui.router.tabs', 'ui.date', 'ui.sortable', 'angular-input-stars', 'users', 'ngclipboard' ]);//, 'colorpicker.module' @TODO reactivate this module 'use strict'; // Use Application configuration module to register a new module ApplicationConfiguration.registerModule('users'); 'use strict'; // Setting up route angular.module('core').config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, Authorization) { // Redirect to home view when route not found $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/forms'); } ]); angular.module(ApplicationConfiguration.applicationModuleName).run(['$rootScope', 'Auth', '$state', '$stateParams', function($rootScope, Auth, $state, $stateParams) { $rootScope.$state = $state; $rootScope.$stateParams = $stateParams; // add previous state property $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function (event, toState, toParams, fromState) { $state.previous = fromState; var statesToIgnore = ['home', 'signin', 'resendVerifyEmail', 'verify', 'signup', 'signup-success', 'forgot', 'reset-invalid', 'reset', 'reset-success']; //Redirect to listForms if user is authenticated if(statesToIgnore.indexOf(toState.name) > 0){ if(Auth.isAuthenticated()){ event.preventDefault(); // stop current execution $state.go('listForms'); // go to listForms page } } //Redirect to 'signup' route if user is not authenticated else if(toState.name !== 'access_denied' && !Auth.isAuthenticated() && toState.name !== 'submitForm'){ event.preventDefault(); // stop current execution $state.go('listForms'); // go to listForms page } }); } ]); //Page access/authorization logic angular.module(ApplicationConfiguration.applicationModuleName).run(['$rootScope', 'Auth', 'User', 'Authorizer', '$state', '$stateParams', function($rootScope, Auth, User, Authorizer, $state, $stateParams) { $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, next) { var authenticator, permissions, user; permissions = next && next.data && next.data.permissions ? next.data.permissions : null; Auth.ensureHasCurrentUser(User); user = Auth.currentUser; if(user){ authenticator = new Authorizer(user); if( (permissions !== null) ){ if( !authenticator.canAccess(permissions) ){ event.preventDefault(); $state.go('access_denied'); } } } }); }]); 'use strict'; angular.module('core').controller('HeaderController', ['$rootScope', '$scope', 'Menus', '$state', 'Auth', 'User', '$window', '$translate', '$locale', function ($rootScope, $scope, Menus, $state, Auth, User, $window, $translate, $locale) { $rootScope.signupDisabled = $window.signupDisabled; $scope.user = $rootScope.user = Auth.ensureHasCurrentUser(User); $scope.authentication = $rootScope.authentication = Auth; $rootScope.languages = $scope.languages = ['en', 'fr', 'es', 'it', 'de']; //Set global app language if($scope.authentication.isAuthenticated()){ $rootScope.language = $scope.user.language; }else { $rootScope.language = $locale.id.substring(0,2); } $translate.use($rootScope.language); $scope.isCollapsed = false; $rootScope.hideNav = false; $scope.menu = Menus.getMenu('topbar'); $scope.signout = function() { var promise = User.logout(); promise.then(function() { Auth.logout(); Auth.ensureHasCurrentUser(User); $scope.user = $rootScope.user = null; $state.go('listForms'); //Refresh view $state.reload(); }, function(reason) { console.error('Logout Failed: ' + reason); }); }; $scope.toggleCollapsibleMenu = function() { $scope.isCollapsed = !$scope.isCollapsed; }; // Collapsing the menu after navigation $scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) { $scope.isCollapsed = false; $rootScope.hideNav = false; if ( angular.isDefined( toState.data ) ) { if ( angular.isDefined( toState.data.hideNav ) ) { $rootScope.hideNav = toState.data.hideNav; } } }); } ]); 'use strict'; //Menu service used for managing menus angular.module('core').service('Menus', [ function() { // Define a set of default roles this.defaultRoles = ['*']; // Define the menus object this.menus = {}; // A private function for rendering decision var shouldRender = function(user) { if (user) { if (~this.roles.indexOf('*')) { return true; } for (var userRoleIndex in user.roles) { for (var roleIndex in this.roles) { if (this.roles[roleIndex] === user.roles[userRoleIndex]) { return true; } } } return false; } return this.isPublic; }; // Validate menu existance this.validateMenuExistance = function(menuId) { if (menuId && menuId.length) { if (this.menus[menuId]) { return true; } else { throw new Error('Menu does not exists'); } } else { throw new Error('MenuId was not provided'); } }; // Get the menu object by menu id this.getMenu = function(menuId) { // Validate that the menu exists this.validateMenuExistance(menuId); // Return the menu object return this.menus[menuId]; }; // Add new menu object by menu id this.addMenu = function(menuId, isPublic, roles) { // Create the new menu this.menus[menuId] = { isPublic: isPublic || false, roles: roles || this.defaultRoles, items: [], shouldRender: shouldRender }; // Return the menu object return this.menus[menuId]; }; // Remove existing menu object by menu id this.removeMenu = function(menuId) { // Validate that the menu exists this.validateMenuExistance(menuId); // Return the menu object delete this.menus[menuId]; }; // Add menu item object this.addMenuItem = function(menuId, menuItemTitle, menuItemURL, menuItemType, menuItemUIRoute, isPublic, roles, position) { // Validate that the menu exists this.validateMenuExistance(menuId); // Push new menu item this.menus[menuId].items.push({ title: menuItemTitle, link: menuItemURL, menuItemType: menuItemType || 'item', menuItemClass: menuItemType, uiRoute: menuItemUIRoute || ('/' + menuItemURL), isPublic: ((isPublic === null || typeof isPublic === 'undefined') ? this.menus[menuId].isPublic : isPublic), roles: ((roles === null || typeof roles === 'undefined') ? this.menus[menuId].roles : roles), position: position || 0, items: [], shouldRender: shouldRender }); // Return the menu object return this.menus[menuId]; }; // Add submenu item object this.addSubMenuItem = function(menuId, rootMenuItemURL, menuItemTitle, menuItemURL, menuItemUIRoute, isPublic, roles, position) { // Validate that the menu exists this.validateMenuExistance(menuId); // Search for menu item for (var itemIndex in this.menus[menuId].items) { if (this.menus[menuId].items[itemIndex].link === rootMenuItemURL) { // Push new submenu item this.menus[menuId].items[itemIndex].items.push({ title: menuItemTitle, link: menuItemURL, uiRoute: menuItemUIRoute || ('/' + menuItemURL), isPublic: ((isPublic === null || typeof isPublic === 'undefined') ? this.menus[menuId].items[itemIndex].isPublic : isPublic), roles: ((roles === null || typeof roles === 'undefined') ? this.menus[menuId].items[itemIndex].roles : roles), position: position || 0, shouldRender: shouldRender }); } } // Return the menu object return this.menus[menuId]; }; // Remove existing menu object by menu id this.removeMenuItem = function(menuId, menuItemURL) { // Validate that the menu exists this.validateMenuExistance(menuId); // Search for menu item to remove for (var itemIndex in this.menus[menuId].items) { if (this.menus[menuId].items[itemIndex].link === menuItemURL) { this.menus[menuId].items.splice(itemIndex, 1); } } // Return the menu object return this.menus[menuId]; }; // Remove existing menu object by menu id this.removeSubMenuItem = function(menuId, submenuItemURL) { // Validate that the menu exists this.validateMenuExistance(menuId); // Search for menu item to remove for (var itemIndex in this.menus[menuId].items) { for (var subitemIndex in this.menus[menuId].items[itemIndex].items) { if (this.menus[menuId].items[itemIndex].items[subitemIndex].link === submenuItemURL) { this.menus[menuId].items[itemIndex].items.splice(subitemIndex, 1); } } } // Return the menu object return this.menus[menuId]; }; //Adding the topbar menu this.addMenu('topbar', false, ['*']); //Adding the bottombar menu for the Form-Footer view this.addMenu('bottombar', false, ['*']); } ]); 'use strict'; angular.module('core').factory('subdomain', ['$location', function ($location) { var host = $location.host(); if (host.indexOf('.') < 0) { return null; } return host.split('.')[0]; }]); 'use strict'; // Configuring the Forms drop-down menus angular.module('forms').run(['Menus', function(Menus) { // Set top bar menu items Menus.addMenuItem('topbar', 'My Forms', 'forms', '', '/forms', false); } ]).filter('secondsToDateTime', [function() { return function(seconds) { return new Date(1970, 0, 1).setSeconds(seconds); }; }]).filter('formValidity', [function(){ return function(formObj){ if(formObj && formObj.form_fields && formObj.visible_form_fields){ //get keys var formKeys = Object.keys(formObj); //we only care about things that don't start with $ var fieldKeys = formKeys.filter(function(key){ return key[0] !== '$'; }); var fields = formObj.form_fields; var valid_count = fields.filter(function(field){ if(typeof field === 'object' && field.fieldType !== 'statement' && field.fieldType !== 'rating'){ return !!(field.fieldValue); } else if(field.fieldType === 'rating'){ return true; } }).length; return valid_count - (formObj.form_fields.length - formObj.visible_form_fields.length); } return 0; }; }]).filter('trustSrc', ['$sce', function($sce){ return function(formUrl){ return $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(formUrl); }; }]).config(['$provide', function ($provide){ $provide.decorator('accordionDirective', ["$delegate", function($delegate) { var directive = $delegate[0]; directive.replace = true; return $delegate; }]); }]); 'use strict'; // Setting up route angular.module('forms').config(['$stateProvider', function($stateProvider) { // Forms state routing $stateProvider. state('listForms', { url: '/forms', templateUrl: 'modules/forms/admin/views/list-forms.client.view.html' }).state('submitForm', { url: '/forms/:formId', templateUrl: '/static/form_modules/forms/base/views/submit-form.client.view.html', data: { hideNav: true }, resolve: { Forms: 'GetForms', myForm: ["GetForms", "$stateParams", "$q", function (GetForms, $stateParams, $q) { var deferred = $q.defer(); GetForms.get({formId: $stateParams.formId}, function(resolvedForm){ deferred.resolve(resolvedForm); }); return deferred.promise; }] }, controller: 'SubmitFormController', controllerAs: 'ctrl' }).state('viewForm', { url: '/forms/:formId/admin', templateUrl: 'modules/forms/admin/views/admin-form.client.view.html', data: { permissions: [ 'editForm' ] }, resolve: { GetForms: 'GetForms', myForm: ["GetForms", "$stateParams", "$q", function (GetForms, $stateParams, $q) { var deferred = $q.defer(); GetForms.get({formId: $stateParams.formId}, function(resolvedForm){ deferred.resolve(resolvedForm); }); return deferred.promise; }] }, controller: 'AdminFormController' }).state('viewForm.configure', { url: '/configure', templateUrl: 'modules/forms/admin/views/adminTabs/configure.html' }).state('viewForm.design', { url: '/design', templateUrl: 'modules/forms/admin/views/adminTabs/design.html' }).state('viewForm.analyze', { url: '/analyze', templateUrl: 'modules/forms/admin/views/adminTabs/analyze.html' }).state('viewForm.create', { url: '/create', templateUrl: 'modules/forms/admin/views/adminTabs/create.html' }); } ]); 'use strict'; //Forms service used for communicating with the forms REST endpoints angular.module('forms').factory('GetForms', ['$resource', 'FORM_URL', function($resource, FORM_URL) { return $resource(FORM_URL, { formId: '@_id' }, { 'query' : { method: 'GET', isArray: true }, 'get' : { method: 'GET', transformResponse: function(data, header) { var form = angular.fromJson(data); form.visible_form_fields = _.filter(form.form_fields, function(field){ return (field.deletePreserved === false); }); return form; } }, 'update': { method: 'PUT' }, 'save': { method: 'POST' } }); } ]); 'use strict'; // Config HTTP Error Handling angular.module('users').config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) { $httpProvider.interceptors.push(["$q", "$location", function($q, $location) { return { responseError: function(response) { if( $location.path() !== '/users/me' && response.config){ if(response.config.url !== '/users/me'){ if (response.status === 401) { // save the current location so that login can redirect back $location.nextAfterLogin = $location.path(); $location.path('/signin'); }else if(response.status === 403){ $location.path('/access_denied'); } } } return $q.reject(response); } }; }]); }]); 'use strict'; // Setting up route angular.module('users').config(['$stateProvider', function($stateProvider) { var checkLoggedin = function($q, $timeout, $state, User, Auth) { var deferred = $q.defer(); if (Auth.currentUser && Auth.currentUser.email) { $timeout(deferred.resolve); } else { Auth.currentUser = User.getCurrent( function() { Auth.login(); $timeout(deferred.resolve()); }, function() { Auth.logout(); $timeout(deferred.reject()); $state.go('signin', {reload: true}); }); } return deferred.promise; }; checkLoggedin.$inject = ["$q", "$timeout", "$state", "User", "Auth"]; var checkSignupDisabled = function($window, $timeout, $q) { var deferred = $q.defer(); if($window.signupDisabled) { $timeout(deferred.reject()); } else { $timeout(deferred.resolve()); } return deferred.promise; }; checkSignupDisabled.$inject = ["$window", "$timeout", "$q"]; // Users state routing $stateProvider. state('profile', { resolve: { loggedin: checkLoggedin }, url: '/settings/profile', templateUrl: 'modules/users/views/settings/edit-profile.client.view.html' }). state('password', { resolve: { loggedin: checkLoggedin }, url: '/settings/password', templateUrl: 'modules/users/views/settings/change-password.client.view.html' }). state('accounts', { resolve: { loggedin: checkLoggedin }, url: '/settings/accounts', templateUrl: 'modules/users/views/settings/social-accounts.client.view.html' }). state('signup', { resolve: { isDisabled: checkSignupDisabled }, url: '/signup', templateUrl: 'modules/users/views/authentication/signup.client.view.html' }). state('signup-success', { resolve: { isDisabled: checkSignupDisabled }, url: '/signup-success', templateUrl: 'modules/users/views/authentication/signup-success.client.view.html' }). state('signin', { url: '/signin', templateUrl: 'modules/users/views/authentication/signin.client.view.html' }). state('access_denied', { url: '/access_denied', templateUrl: 'modules/users/views/authentication/access-denied.client.view.html' }). state('verify', { resolve: { isDisabled: checkSignupDisabled }, url: '/verify/:token', templateUrl: 'modules/users/views/verify/verify-account.client.view.html' }). state('resendVerifyEmail', { resolve: { isDisabled: checkSignupDisabled }, url: '/verify', templateUrl: 'modules/users/views/verify/resend-verify-email.client.view.html' }). state('forgot', { url: '/password/forgot', templateUrl: 'modules/users/views/password/forgot-password.client.view.html' }). state('reset-invalid', { url: '/password/reset/invalid', templateUrl: 'modules/users/views/password/reset-password-invalid.client.view.html' }). state('reset-success', { url: '/password/reset/success', templateUrl: 'modules/users/views/password/reset-password-success.client.view.html' }). state('reset', { url: '/password/reset/:token', templateUrl: 'modules/users/views/password/reset-password.client.view.html' }); } ]); 'use strict'; angular.module('users').controller('AuthenticationController', ['$scope', '$location', '$state', '$rootScope', 'User', 'Auth', function($scope, $location, $state, $rootScope, User, Auth) { $scope = $rootScope; $scope.credentials = {}; $scope.error = ''; $scope.signin = function() { User.login($scope.credentials).then( function(response) { Auth.login(response); $scope.user = $rootScope.user = Auth.ensureHasCurrentUser(User); if($state.previous.name !== 'home' && $state.previous.name !== 'verify' && $state.previous.name !== '') { $state.go($state.previous.name); } else { $state.go('listForms'); } }, function(error) { $rootScope.user = Auth.ensureHasCurrentUser(User); $scope.user = $rootScope.user; $scope.error = error; console.error('loginError: '+error); } ); }; $scope.signup = function() { if($scope.credentials === 'admin'){ $scope.error = 'Username cannot be \'admin\'. Please pick another username.'; return; } User.signup($scope.credentials).then( function(response) { $state.go('signup-success'); }, function(error) { console.error(error); if(error) { $scope.error = error; console.error(error); } else { console.error('No response received'); } } ); }; } ]); 'use strict'; angular.module('users').controller('PasswordController', ['$scope', '$stateParams', '$state', 'User', function($scope, $stateParams, $state, User) { $scope.error = ''; // Submit forgotten password account id $scope.askForPasswordReset = function() { User.askForPasswordReset($scope.credentials).then( function(response){ $scope.success = response.message; $scope.credentials = null; }, function(error){ $scope.error = error; $scope.credentials = null; } ); }; // Change user password $scope.resetUserPassword = function() { $scope.success = $scope.error = null; User.resetPassword($scope.passwordDetails, $stateParams.token).then( function(response){ // If successful show success message and clear form $scope.success = response.message; $scope.passwordDetails = null; // And redirect to the index page $state.go('reset-success'); }, function(error){ $scope.error = error.message || error; $scope.passwordDetails = null; } ); }; } ]); 'use strict'; angular.module('users').controller('SettingsController', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$http', '$state', 'Users', 'Auth', function($scope, $rootScope, $http, $state, Users, Auth) { $scope.user = Auth.currentUser; // Check if there are additional accounts $scope.hasConnectedAdditionalSocialAccounts = function(provider) { for (var i in $scope.user.additionalProvidersData) { return true; } return false; }; $scope.cancel = function(){ $scope.user = Auth.currentUser; }; // Check if provider is already in use with current user $scope.isConnectedSocialAccount = function(provider) { return $scope.user.provider === provider || ($scope.user.additionalProvidersData && $scope.user.additionalProvidersData[provider]); }; // Remove a user social account $scope.removeUserSocialAccount = function(provider) { $scope.success = $scope.error = null; $http.delete('/users/accounts', { params: { provider: provider } }).success(function(response) { // If successful show success message and clear form $scope.success = true; $scope.user = response; }).error(function(response) { $scope.error = response.message; }); }; // Update a user profile $scope.updateUserProfile = function(isValid) { if (isValid) { $scope.success = $scope.error = null; var user = new Users($scope.user); user.$update(function(response) { $scope.success = true; $scope.user = response; }, function(response) { $scope.error = response.data.message; }); } else { $scope.submitted = true; } }; // Change user password $scope.changeUserPassword = function() { $scope.success = $scope.error = null; $http.post('/users/password', $scope.passwordDetails).success(function(response) { // If successful show success message and clear form $scope.success = true; $scope.passwordDetails = null; }).error(function(response) { $scope.error = response.message; }); }; } ]); 'use strict'; angular.module('users').controller('VerifyController', ['$scope', '$state', '$rootScope', 'User', 'Auth', '$stateParams', function($scope, $state, $rootScope, User, Auth, $stateParams) { $scope.isResetSent = false; $scope.credentials = {}; $scope.error = ''; // Submit forgotten password account id $scope.resendVerifyEmail = function() { User.resendVerifyEmail($scope.credentials.email).then( function(response){ $scope.success = response.message; $scope.credentials = null; $scope.isResetSent = true; }, function(error){ $scope.error = error; $scope.credentials.email = null; $scope.isResetSent = false; } ); }; //Validate Verification Token $scope.validateVerifyToken = function() { if($stateParams.token){ console.log($stateParams.token); User.validateVerifyToken($stateParams.token).then( function(response){ $scope.success = response.message; $scope.isResetSent = true; $scope.credentials.email = null; }, function(error){ $scope.isResetSent = false; $scope.error = error; $scope.credentials.email = null; } ); } }; } ]); 'use strict'; angular.module('users').factory('Auth', ['$window', function($window) { var userState = { isLoggedIn: false }; var service = { _currentUser: null, get currentUser(){ return this._currentUser; }, // Note: we can't make the User a dependency of Auth // because that would create a circular dependency // Auth <- $http <- $resource <- LoopBackResource <- User <- Auth ensureHasCurrentUser: function(User) { if (service._currentUser && service._currentUser.username) { return service._currentUser; } else if ($window.user){ service._currentUser = $window.user; return service._currentUser; } else{ User.getCurrent().then(function(user) { // success service._currentUser = user; userState.isLoggedIn = true; $window.user = service._currentUser; return service._currentUser; }, function(response) { userState.isLoggedIn = false; service._currentUser = null; $window.user = null; return null; }); } }, isAuthenticated: function() { return !!service._currentUser; }, getUserState: function() { return userState; }, login: function(new_user) { userState.isLoggedIn = true; service._currentUser = new_user; }, logout: function() { $window.user = null; userState.isLoggedIn = false; service._currentUser = null; } }; return service; } ]); 'use strict'; angular.module('users').service('Authorizer', ["APP_PERMISSIONS", "USER_ROLES", function(APP_PERMISSIONS, USER_ROLES) { return function(user) { return { canAccess: function(permissions) { var i, len, permission; if (!angular.isArray(permissions)) { permissions = [permissions]; } for (i = 0, len = permissions.length; i < len; i++) { permission = permissions[i]; if (APP_PERMISSIONS[permission] === null) { throw 'Bad permission value'; } if (user && user.roles) { switch (permission) { case APP_PERMISSIONS.viewAdminSettings: case APP_PERMISSIONS.editAdminSettings: return user.roles.indexOf(USER_ROLES.admin) > -1; case APP_PERMISSIONS.viewPrivateForm: case APP_PERMISSIONS.editForm: return user.roles.indexOf(USER_ROLES.admin) > -1 || user.roles.indexOf(USER_ROLES.normal) > -1; } } else { return false; } } return false; } }; }; }]); 'use strict'; angular.module('users').factory('User', ['$window', '$q', '$timeout', '$http', '$state', function($window, $q, $timeout, $http, $state) { var userService = { getCurrent: function() { var deferred = $q.defer(); $http.get('/users/me') .success(function(response) { deferred.resolve(response); }) .error(function() { deferred.reject('User\'s session has expired'); }); return deferred.promise; }, login: function(credentials) { var deferred = $q.defer(); $http.post('/auth/signin', credentials).then(function(response) { deferred.resolve(response.data); }, function(error) { deferred.reject(error.data.message || error.data); }); return deferred.promise; }, logout: function() { var deferred = $q.defer(); $http.get('/auth/signout').then(function(response) { deferred.resolve(null); }, function(error) { deferred.reject(error.data.message || error.data); }); return deferred.promise; }, signup: function(credentials) { var deferred = $q.defer(); $http.post('/auth/signup', credentials).then(function(response) { // If successful we assign the response to the global user model deferred.resolve(response.data); }, function(error) { deferred.reject(error.data.message || error.data); }); return deferred.promise; }, resendVerifyEmail: function(_email) { var deferred = $q.defer(); $http.post('/auth/verify', {email: _email}).then(function(response) { deferred.resolve(response.data); }, function(error) { deferred.reject(error.data.message || error.data); }); return deferred.promise; }, validateVerifyToken: function(token) { //DAVID: TODO: The valid length of a token should somehow be linked to server config values //DAVID: TODO: SEMI-URGENT: Should we even be doing this? var validTokenRe = /^([A-Za-z0-9]{48})$/g; if( !validTokenRe.test(token) ) throw new Error('Error token: '+token+' is not a valid verification token'); var deferred = $q.defer(); $http.get('/auth/verify/'+token).then(function(response) { deferred.resolve(response.data); }, function(error) { deferred.reject(error.data); }); return deferred.promise; }, resetPassword: function(passwordDetails, token) { var deferred = $q.defer(); $http.post('/auth/reset/'+token, passwordDetails).then(function(response) { deferred.resolve(response); }, function(error) { deferred.reject(error.data.message || error.data); }); return deferred.promise; }, // Submit forgotten password account id askForPasswordReset: function(credentials) { var deferred = $q.defer(); $http.post('/auth/forgot', credentials).then(function(response) { // Show user success message and clear form deferred.resolve(response.data); }, function(error) { // Show user error message deferred.reject(error.data.message || error.data); }); return deferred.promise; } }; return userService; } ]); 'use strict'; // Users service used for communicating with the users REST endpoint angular.module('users').factory('Users', ['$resource', function($resource) { return $resource('users', {}, { update: { method: 'PUT' } }); } ]); 'use strict'; angular.module('core').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('en', { MENU: 'MENU', SIGNUP_TAB: 'Sign Up', SIGNIN_TAB: 'Sign In', SIGNOUT_TAB: 'Signout', EDIT_PROFILE: 'Edit Profile', MY_FORMS: 'My Forms', MY_SETTINGS: 'My Settings', CHANGE_PASSWORD: 'Change Password' }); $translateProvider.preferredLanguage('en') .fallbackLanguage('en') .useSanitizeValueStrategy('escape'); }]); 'use strict'; angular.module('core').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('fr', { MENU: 'MENU', SIGNUP_TAB: 'Créer un Compte', SIGNIN_TAB: 'Connexion', SIGNOUT_TAB: 'Créer un compte', EDIT_PROFILE: 'Modifier Mon Profil', MY_FORMS: 'Mes Formulaires', MY_SETTINGS: 'Mes Paramètres', CHANGE_PASSWORD: 'Changer mon Mot de Pass' }); }]); 'use strict'; angular.module('core').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('es', { MENU: 'MENU', SIGNUP_TAB: 'Registrarse', SIGNIN_TAB: 'Entrar', SIGNOUT_TAB: 'Salir', EDIT_PROFILE: 'Editar Perfil', MY_FORMS: 'Mis formularios', MY_SETTINGS: 'Mis configuraciones', CHANGE_PASSWORD: 'Cambiar contraseña' }); }]); 'use strict'; // Forms controller angular.module('forms').controller('AdminFormController', ['$rootScope', '$window', '$scope', '$stateParams', '$state', 'Forms', 'CurrentForm', '$http', '$uibModal', 'myForm', '$filter', function($rootScope, $window, $scope, $stateParams, $state, Forms, CurrentForm, $http, $uibModal, myForm, $filter) { //Set active tab to Create $scope.activePill = 0; $scope.copied = false; $scope.onCopySuccess = function (e) { $scope.copied = true; }; $scope = $rootScope; $scope.animationsEnabled = true; $scope.myform = myForm; $rootScope.saveInProgress = false; $scope.oldForm = _.cloneDeep($scope.myform); CurrentForm.setForm($scope.myform); $scope.formURL = '/#!/forms/' + $scope.myform._id; if ($scope.myform.isLive) { if ($window.subdomainsDisabled === true) { $scope.actualFormURL = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + '/view' + $scope.formURL; } else { if (window.location.host.split('.').length < 3) { $scope.actualFormURL = window.location.protocol + '//' + $scope.myform.admin.username + '.' + window.location.host + $scope.formURL; } else { $scope.actualFormURL = window.location.protocol + '//' + $scope.myform.admin.username + '.' + window.location.host.split('.').slice(1, 3).join('.') + $scope.formURL; } } } else { $scope.actualFormURL = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + $scope.formURL; } var refreshFrame = $scope.refreshFrame = function(){ if(document.getElementById('iframe')) { document.getElementById('iframe').contentWindow.location.reload(); } }; $scope.tabData = [ { heading: $filter('translate')('CONFIGURE_TAB'), templateName: 'configure' } ]; $scope.designTabActive = false $scope.deactivateDesignTab = function(){ $scope.designTabActive = false } $scope.activateDesignTab = function(){ $scope.designTabActive = true } $scope.setForm = function(form){ $scope.myform = form; }; $rootScope.resetForm = function(){ $scope.myform = Forms.get({ formId: $stateParams.formId }); }; /* ** DeleteModal Functions */ $scope.openDeleteModal = function(){ $scope.deleteModal = $uibModal.open({ animation: $scope.animationsEnabled, templateUrl: 'formDeleteModal.html', controller: 'AdminFormController', resolve: { myForm: function(){ return $scope.myform; } } }); $scope.deleteModal.result.then(function (selectedItem) { $scope.selected = selectedItem; }); }; $scope.cancelDeleteModal = function(){ if($scope.deleteModal){ $scope.deleteModal.dismiss('cancel'); } }; // Remove existing Form $scope.removeCurrentForm = function() { if($scope.deleteModal && $scope.deleteModal.opened){ $scope.deleteModal.close(); var form_id = $scope.myform._id; if(!form_id) throw new Error('Error - removeCurrentForm(): $scope.myform._id does not exist'); $http.delete('/forms/'+form_id) .then(function(response){ $state.go('listForms', {}, {reload: true}) }, function(error){ console.error(error); }); } }; $scope.updateDesign = function(updateImmediately, data, shouldDiff, refreshAfterUpdate){ $scope.update(updateImmediately, data, shouldDiff, refreshAfterUpdate, function(){ refreshFrame(); }); } // Update existing Form $scope.update = $rootScope.update = function(updateImmediately, data, shouldDiff, refreshAfterUpdate, cb){ var continueUpdate = true; if(!updateImmediately){ continueUpdate = !$rootScope.saveInProgress; } //Update form **if we are not in the middle of an update** or if **shouldUpdateNow flag is set** if(continueUpdate) { var err = null; if (!updateImmediately) { $rootScope.saveInProgress = true; } if (shouldDiff) { //Do this so we can create duplicate fields var checkForValidId = new RegExp('^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$'); for(var i=0; i < $scope.myform.form_fields.length; i++){ var field = $scope.myform.form_fields[i]; if(!checkForValidId.exec(field._id+'')){ delete $scope.myform.form_fields[i]._id; delete $scope.myform.form_fields[i].id; } } var data = DeepDiff.diff($scope.oldForm, $scope.myform); $scope.updatePromise = $http.put('/forms/' + $scope.myform._id, {changes: data}) .then(function (response) { if (refreshAfterUpdate) { $rootScope.myform = $scope.myform = response.data; $scope.oldForm = _.cloneDeep($scope.myform); } }).catch(function (response) { err = response.data; console.error(err); }).finally(function () { if (!updateImmediately) { $rootScope.saveInProgress = false; } if ((typeof cb) === 'function') { return cb(err); } }); } else { var dataToSend = data; if(dataToSend.analytics && dataToSend.analytics.visitors){ delete dataToSend.analytics.visitors; } if(dataToSend.submissions){ delete dataToSend.submissions; } if(dataToSend.visible_form_fields){ delete dataToSend.visible_form_fields; } if(dataToSend.analytics){ delete dataToSend.analytics.visitors; delete dataToSend.analytics.fields; delete dataToSend.analytics.submissions; delete dataToSend.analytics.views; delete dataToSend.analytics.conversionRate; } delete dataToSend.created; delete dataToSend.lastModified; delete dataToSend.__v; $scope.updatePromise = $http.put('/forms/' + $scope.myform._id, {form: dataToSend}) .then(function (response) { if (refreshAfterUpdate) { $rootScope.myform = $scope.myform = response.data; } }).catch(function (response) { err = response.data; console.error(err); }).finally(function () { if (!updateImmediately) { $rootScope.saveInProgress = false; } if ((typeof cb) === 'function') { return cb(err); } }); } } }; } ]); 'use strict'; // Forms controller angular.module('forms').controller('ListFormsController', ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$stateParams', '$state', 'GetForms', 'CurrentForm', '$http', '$uibModal', function($rootScope, $scope, $stateParams, $state, GetForms, CurrentForm, $http, $uibModal) { $scope = $rootScope; $scope.forms = {}; $scope.showCreateModal = false; $rootScope.languageRegExp = { regExp: /[@!#$%^&*()\-+={}\[\]|\\/'";:`.,~№?<>]+/i, test: function(val) { return !this.regExp.test(val); } }; /* ** DeleteModal Functions */ $scope.openDeleteModal = function(index){ $scope.deleteModal = $uibModal.open({ animation: $scope.animationsEnabled, templateUrl: 'deleteModalListForms.html', controller: ["$uibModalInstance", "items", "$scope", function($uibModalInstance, items, $scope) { $scope.content = items; $scope.cancel = $scope.cancelDeleteModal; $scope.deleteForm = function() { $scope.$parent.removeForm(items.formIndex); }; }], resolve: { items: function() { return { currFormTitle: $scope.myforms[index].title, formIndex: index }; } } }); }; $scope.cancelDeleteModal = function(){ if($scope.deleteModal){ $scope.deleteModal.dismiss('cancel'); } }; // Return all user's Forms $scope.findAll = function() { GetForms.query(function(_forms){ $scope.myforms = _forms; }); }; //Modal functions $scope.openCreateModal = function(){ if(!$scope.showCreateModal){ $scope.showCreateModal = true; } }; $scope.closeCreateModal = function(){ if($scope.showCreateModal){ $scope.showCreateModal = false; } }; $scope.setForm = function (form) { $scope.myform = form; }; $scope.goToWithId = function(route, id) { $state.go(route, {'formId': id}, {reload: true}); }; $scope.duplicateForm = function(form_index){ var form = _.cloneDeep($scope.myforms[form_index]); delete form._id; $http.post('/forms', {form: form}) .success(function(data, status, headers){ $scope.myforms.splice(form_index+1, 0, data); }).error(function(errorResponse){ console.error(errorResponse); if(errorResponse === null){ $scope.error = errorResponse.data.message; } }); }; // Create new Form $scope.createNewForm = function(){ var form = {}; form.title = $scope.forms.createForm.title.$modelValue; form.language = $scope.forms.createForm.language.$modelValue; if($scope.forms.createForm.$valid && $scope.forms.createForm.$dirty){ $http.post('/forms', {form: form}) .success(function(data, status, headers){ // Redirect after save $scope.goToWithId('viewForm.create', data._id+''); }).error(function(errorResponse){ console.error(errorResponse); $scope.error = errorResponse.data.message; }); } }; $scope.removeForm = function(form_index) { if(form_index >= $scope.myforms.length || form_index < 0){ throw new Error('Error: form_index in removeForm() must be between 0 and '+$scope.myforms.length-1); } $http.delete('/forms/'+$scope.myforms[form_index]._id) .success(function(data, status, headers){ $scope.myforms.splice(form_index, 1); $scope.cancelDeleteModal(); }).error(function(error){ console.error(error); }); }; } ]); 'use strict'; angular.module('forms').directive('configureFormDirective', ['$rootScope', '$http', 'Upload', 'CurrentForm', function ($rootScope, $http, Upload, CurrentForm) { return { templateUrl: 'modules/forms/admin/views/directiveViews/form/configure-form.client.view.html', restrict: 'E', scope: { myform:'=', user:'=', pdfFields:'@', formFields:'@' }, controller: ["$scope", function($scope){ $scope.log = ''; $scope.languages = $rootScope.languages; $scope.resetForm = $rootScope.resetForm; $scope.update = $rootScope.update; }] }; } ]); 'use strict'; angular.module('forms').directive('editFormDirective', ['$rootScope', 'FormFields', '$uibModal', function ($rootScope, FormFields, $uibModal) { return { templateUrl: 'modules/forms/admin/views/directiveViews/form/edit-form.client.view.html', restrict: 'E', transclude: true, scope: { myform:'=' }, controller: ["$scope", function($scope){ /* ** Initialize scope with variables */ var newField; //Setup UI-Sortable $scope.sortableOptions = { appendTo: '.dropzone', //helper: 'clone', forceHelperSize: true, forcePlaceholderSize: true, update: function(e, ui) { $scope.update(false, $scope.myform, true, false, function(err){ }); }, }; /* ** EditModal Functions */ $scope.openEditModal = function(curr_field){ $scope.editFieldModal = $uibModal.open({ animation: true, templateUrl: 'editFieldModal.html', windowClass: 'edit-modal-window', controller: ["$uibModalInstance", "$scope", function($uibModalInstance, $scope) { $scope.field = curr_field; $scope.showLogicJump = false; // decides whether field options block will be shown (true for dropdown and radio fields) $scope.showAddOptions = function (field){ if(field.fieldType === 'dropdown' || field.fieldType === 'checkbox' || field.fieldType === 'radio'){ return true; } else { return false; } }; $scope.validShapes = [ 'Heart', 'Star', 'thumbs-up', 'thumbs-down', 'Circle', 'Square', 'Check Circle', 'Smile Outlined', 'Hourglass', 'bell', 'Paper Plane', 'Comment', 'Trash' ]; // add new option to the field $scope.addOption = function(currField){ if(currField.fieldType === 'checkbox' || currField.fieldType === 'dropdown' || currField.fieldType === 'radio'){ if(!currField.fieldOptions){ currField.fieldOptions = []; } var lastOptionID = currField.fieldOptions.length+1; // new option's id var newOption = { 'option_id' : Math.floor(100000*Math.random()), 'option_title' : 'Option '+lastOptionID, 'option_value' : 'Option ' +lastOptionID }; // put new option into fieldOptions array currField.fieldOptions.push(newOption); } }; // delete particular option $scope.deleteOption = function (currField, option){ if(currField.fieldType === 'checkbox' || currField.fieldType === 'dropdown' || currField.fieldType === 'radio'){ for(var i = 0; i < currField.fieldOptions.length; i++){ if(currField.fieldOptions[i].option_id === option.option_id){ currField.fieldOptions.splice(i, 1); break; } } } }; //Populate Name to Font-awesomeName Conversion Map $scope.select2FA = { 'Heart': 'Heart', 'Star': 'Star', 'thumbs-up': 'Thumbs Up', 'thumbs-down':'Thumbs Down', 'Circle': 'Circle', 'Square':'Square', 'Check Circle': 'Checkmark', 'Smile Outlined': 'Smile', 'Hourglass': 'Hourglass', 'bell': 'Bell', 'Paper Plane': 'Paper Plane', 'Comment': 'Chat Bubble', 'Trash': 'Trash Can' }; // decides whether field options block will be shown (true for dropdown and radio fields) $scope.showRatingOptions = function (field){ if(field.fieldType === 'rating'){ return true; } else { return false; } }; $scope.saveField = function(){ $scope.myform.form_fields.push(curr_field); $scope.$parent.update(false, $scope.$parent.myform, true, true, function(){ $uibModalInstance.close(); }); }; $scope.cancel = function(){ $uibModalInstance.close(); }; }] }); }; /* ** EditStartPageModal Functions */ $scope.openEditStartPageModal = function(){ $scope.editStartPageModal = $uibModal.open({ animation: true, templateUrl: 'editStartPageModal.html', windowClass: 'edit-modal-window', controller: ["$uibModalInstance", "$scope", function($uibModalInstance, $scope) { /* ** startPage Button Methods */ $scope.showButtons = false; $scope.lastButtonID = 0; // add new Button to the startPage $scope.addButton = function(){ var newButton = {}; newButton.bgColor = '#ddd'; newButton.color = '#ffffff'; newButton.text = 'Button'; newButton._id = Math.floor(100000*Math.random()); $scope.myform.startPage.buttons.push(newButton); }; // delete particular Button from startPage $scope.deleteButton = function(button){ var currID; for(var i = 0; i < $scope.myform.startPage.buttons.length; i++){ currID = $scope.myform.startPage.buttons[i]._id; if(currID === button._id){ $scope.myform.startPage.buttons.splice(i, 1); break; } } }; $scope.saveStartPage = function(){ $scope.$parent.update(false, $scope.$parent.myform, true, true, function(){ $uibModalInstance.close(); }); }; $scope.cancel = function(){ $uibModalInstance.close(); }; }] }); }; /* ** EditEndPageModal Functions */ $scope.openEditEndPageModal = function(){ $scope.editEndPageModal = $uibModal.open({ animation: true, templateUrl: 'editEndPageModal.html', windowClass: 'edit-modal-window', controller: ["$uibModalInstance", "$scope", function($uibModalInstance, $scope) { /* ** startPage Button Methods */ $scope.showButtons = false; $scope.lastButtonID = 0; // add new Button to the startPage $scope.addButton = function(){ var newButton = {}; newButton.bgColor = '#ddd'; newButton.color = '#ffffff'; newButton.text = 'Button'; newButton._id = Math.floor(100000*Math.random()); $scope.myform.endPage.buttons.push(newButton); }; // delete particular Button from startPage $scope.deleteButton = function(button){ var currID; for(var i = 0; i < $scope.myform.endPage.buttons.length; i++){ currID = $scope.myform.endPage.buttons[i]._id; if(currID === button._id){ $scope.myform.endPage.buttons.splice(i, 1); break; } } }; $scope.saveEndPage = function(){ $scope.$parent.update(false, $scope.$parent.myform, true, true, function(){ $uibModalInstance.close(); }); }; $scope.cancel = function(){ $uibModalInstance.close(); }; }] }); }; //Populate local scope with rootScope methods/variables $scope.update = $rootScope.update; /* ** FormFields (ui-sortable) drag-and-drop configuration */ $scope.dropzone = { handle: '.handle', containment: '.dropzoneContainer', cursor: 'grabbing' }; /* ** Field CRUD Methods */ // Add a new field $scope.addNewField = function(modifyForm, fieldType){ // increment lastAddedID counter $scope.addField.lastAddedID++; var fieldTitle = fieldType; for(var i = 0; i < $scope.addField.types.length; i++){ if($scope.addField.types[i].name === fieldType){ $scope.addField.types[i].lastAddedID++; fieldTitle = $scope.addField.types[i].value+$scope.addField.types[i].lastAddedID; break; } } newField = { title: fieldTitle, fieldType: fieldType, fieldValue: '', required: true, disabled: false, deletePreserved: false, logicJump: {} }; if(fieldType === 'rating'){ newField.ratingOptions = { steps: 5, shape: 'Heart' }; newField.fieldValue = 0; } if($scope.showAddOptions(newField)){ newField.fieldOptions = []; newField.fieldOptions.push({ 'option_id' : Math.floor(100000*Math.random()), //Generate pseudo-random option id 'option_title' : 'Option 0', 'option_value' : 'Option 0' }); } if(modifyForm){ //Add newField to form_fields array $scope.myform.form_fields.push(newField); } $scope.openEditModal(newField); }; // decides whether field options block will be shown (true for dropdown and radio fields) $scope.showAddOptions = function (field){ if(field.fieldType === 'dropdown' || field.fieldType === 'checkbox' || field.fieldType === 'radio'){ return true; } else { return false; } }; // decides whether field options block will be shown (true for dropdown and radio fields) $scope.showRatingOptions = function (field){ if(field.fieldType === 'rating'){ return true; } else { return false; } }; // Delete particular field on button click $scope.deleteField = function (field_index) { $scope.myform.form_fields.splice(field_index, 1); $scope.update(false, $scope.myform, false, true, null); }; $scope.duplicateField = function(field_index){ var currField = angular.copy($scope.myform.form_fields[field_index]); currField._id = 'cloned'+_.uniqueId(); currField.title += ' copy'; //Insert field at selected index $scope.myform.form_fields.push(currField); $scope.update(false, $scope.myform, false, true, null); }; //Populate AddField with all available form field types $scope.addField = {}; $scope.addField.types = FormFields.types; $scope.addField.types.forEach(function(type){ type.lastAddedID = 1; return type; }); }] }; } ]); 'use strict'; angular.module('forms').directive('editSubmissionsFormDirective', ['$rootScope', '$http', 'Forms', '$stateParams', '$interval', function ($rootScope, $http, Forms, $stateParams, $interval) { return { templateUrl: 'modules/forms/admin/views/directiveViews/form/edit-submissions-form.client.view.html', restrict: 'E', scope: { user:'=', myform: '=' }, controller: ["$scope", function($scope){ $scope.table = { masterChecker: false, rows: [] }; var submissions = $scope.myform.submissions || []; //Iterate through form's submissions for(var i = 0; i < submissions.length; i++){ for(var x = 0; x < submissions[i].form_fields.length; x++){ if(submissions[i].form_fields[x].fieldType === 'dropdown'){ submissions[i].form_fields[x].fieldValue = submissions[i].form_fields[x].fieldValue.option_value; } //var oldValue = submissions[i].form_fields[x].fieldValue || ''; //submissions[i].form_fields[x] = _.merge(defaultFormFields, submissions[i].form_fields); //submissions[i].form_fields[x].fieldValue = oldValue; } submissions[i].selected = false; } $scope.table.rows = submissions; var initController = function(){ $http({ method: 'GET', url: '/someUrl' }).then(function successCallback(response) { var defaultFormFields = _.cloneDeep($scope.myform.form_fields); var submissions = response.data || []; //Iterate through form's submissions for(var i = 0; i < submissions.length; i++){ for(var x = 0; x < submissions[i].form_fields.length; x++){ if(submissions[i].form_fields[x].fieldType === 'dropdown'){ submissions[i].form_fields[x].fieldValue = submissions[i].form_fields[x].fieldValue.option_value; } //var oldValue = submissions[i].form_fields[x].fieldValue || ''; //submissions[i].form_fields[x] = _.merge(defaultFormFields, submissions[i].form_fields); //submissions[i].form_fields[x].fieldValue = oldValue; } submissions[i].selected = false; } $scope.table.rows = submissions; }); }; /* ** Analytics Functions */ $scope.AverageTimeElapsed = (function(){ var totalTime = 0; var numSubmissions = $scope.table.rows.length; for(var i=0; i<$scope.table.rows.length; i++){ totalTime += $scope.table.rows[i].timeElapsed; } if(numSubmissions === 0) { return 0; } return (totalTime/numSubmissions).toFixed(0); })(); $scope.DeviceStatistics = (function(){ var newStatItem = function(){ return { visits: 0, responses: 0, completion: 0, average_time: 0, total_time: 0 }; }; var stats = { desktop: newStatItem(), tablet: newStatItem(), phone: newStatItem(), other: newStatItem() }; if($scope.myform.analytics && $scope.myform.analytics.visitors) { var visitors = $scope.myform.analytics.visitors; for (var i = 0; i < visitors.length; i++) { var visitor = visitors[i]; var deviceType = visitor.deviceType; stats[deviceType].visits++; if (visitor.isSubmitted) { stats[deviceType].total_time = stats[deviceType].total_time + visitor.timeElapsed; stats[deviceType].responses++; } if(stats[deviceType].visits) { stats[deviceType].completion = 100*(stats[deviceType].responses / stats[deviceType].visits).toFixed(2); } if(stats[deviceType].responses){ stats[deviceType].average_time = (stats[deviceType].total_time / stats[deviceType].responses).toFixed(0); } } } return stats; })(); var updateFields = $interval(initController, 1000000); $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { if (updateFields) { $interval.cancel($scope.updateFields); } }); /* ** Table Functions */ $scope.isAtLeastOneChecked = function(){ for(var i=0; i<$scope.table.rows.length; i++){ if($scope.table.rows[i].selected) return true; } return false; }; $scope.toggleAllCheckers = function(){ for(var i=0; i<$scope.table.rows.length; i++){ $scope.table.rows[i].selected = $scope.table.masterChecker; } }; $scope.toggleObjSelection = function($event) { $event.stopPropagation(); }; $scope.rowClicked = function(row_index) { $scope.table.rows[row_index].selected = !$scope.table.rows[row_index].selected; }; /* * Form Submission Methods */ //Delete selected submissions of Form $scope.deleteSelectedSubmissions = function(){ var delete_ids = _.chain($scope.table.rows).filter(function(row){ return !!row.selected; }).pluck('_id').value(); $http({ url: '/forms/'+$scope.myform._id+'/submissions', method: 'DELETE', data: {deleted_submissions: delete_ids}, headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'} }).success(function(data, status){ //Remove deleted ids from table var tmpArray = []; for(var i=0; i<$scope.table.rows.length; i++){ if(!$scope.table.rows[i].selected){ tmpArray.push($scope.table.rows[i]); } } $scope.table.rows = tmpArray; }) .error(function(err){ console.error(err); }); }; //Export selected submissions of Form $scope.exportSubmissions = function(type){ angular.element('#table-submission-data').tableExport({type: type, escape:false, ignoreColumn: [0]}); }; }] }; } ]); 'use strict'; //TODO: DAVID: URGENT: Make this a $resource that fetches valid field types from server angular.module('forms').service('FormFields', [ '$filter', function($filter) { this.types = [ { name : 'textfield', value : $filter('translate')('SHORT_TEXT'), }, { name : 'email', value : $filter('translate')('EMAIL'), }, { name : 'radio', value : $filter('translate')('MULTIPLE_CHOICE'), }, { name : 'dropdown', value : $filter('translate')('DROPDOWN'), }, { name : 'date', value : $filter('translate')('DATE'), }, { name : 'textarea', value : $filter('translate')('PARAGRAPH'), }, { name : 'yes_no', value : $filter('translate')('YES_NO'), }, { name : 'legal', value : $filter('translate')('LEGAL'), }, // { // name : 'sig', // value : $filter('translate')('SIGNATURE'), // }, // { // name : 'file', // value : $filter('translate')('FILE_UPLOAD'), // }, { name : 'rating', value : $filter('translate')('RATING'), }, { name : 'link', value : $filter('translate')('LINK'), }, { name : 'number', value : $filter('translate')('NUMBERS'), }, // { // name : 'scale', // value : $filter('translate')('OPINION SCALE'), // }, // { // name : 'stripe', // value : $filter('translate')('PAYMENT'), // }, { name : 'statement', value : $filter('translate')('STATEMENT') } ]; } ]); 'use strict'; //Submissions service used for communicating with the forms REST endpoints angular.module('forms').factory('Submissions', ['$resource', function($resource) { return $resource('forms/:formID/submissions/:submissionId', { submissionId: '@_id', formId: '@_id' }, { 'query' : { method: 'GET', isArray: true, }, 'update': { method: 'PUT' }, 'save': { method: 'POST' } }); } ]); 'use strict'; angular.module('users').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('en', { ACCESS_DENIED_TEXT: 'You need to be logged in to access this page', USERNAME_OR_EMAIL_LABEL: 'Username or Email', USERNAME_LABEL: 'Username', PASSWORD_LABEL: 'Password', CURRENT_PASSWORD_LABEL: 'Current Password', NEW_PASSWORD_LABEL: 'New Password', VERIFY_PASSWORD_LABEL: 'Verify Password', UPDATE_PASSWORD_LABEL: 'Update Password', FIRST_NAME_LABEL: 'First Name', LAST_NAME_LABEL: 'Last Name', LANGUAGE_LABEL: 'Language', EMAIL_LABEL: 'Email', SIGNUP_ACCOUNT_LINK: 'Don\'t have an account? Sign up here', SIGN_IN_ACCOUNT_LINK: 'Already have an account? Sign in here', SIGNUP_HEADER_TEXT: 'Sign up', SIGNIN_HEADER_TEXT: 'Sign in', SIGNUP_ERROR_TEXT: 'Couldn\'t complete registration due to errors', ENTER_ACCOUNT_EMAIL: 'Enter your account email.', RESEND_VERIFICATION_EMAIL: 'Resend Verification Email', SAVE_CHANGES: 'Save Changes', CANCEL_BTN: 'Cancel', EDIT_PROFILE: 'Edit your profile', UPDATE_PROFILE_BTN: 'Update Profile', PROFILE_SAVE_SUCCESS: 'Profile saved successfully', PROFILE_SAVE_ERROR: 'Could\'t Save Your Profile.', CONNECTED_SOCIAL_ACCOUNTS: 'Connected social accounts', CONNECT_OTHER_SOCIAL_ACCOUNTS: 'Connect other social accounts', FORGOT_PASSWORD_LINK: 'Forgot your password?', REVERIFY_ACCOUNT_LINK: 'Resend your verification email', SIGNIN_BTN: 'Sign in', SIGNUP_BTN: 'Sign up', SAVE_PASSWORD_BTN: 'Save Password', SUCCESS_HEADER: 'Signup Successful', SUCCESS_TEXT: 'You’ve successfully registered an account at TellForm.', VERIFICATION_EMAIL_SENT: 'Verification Email has been Sent', VERIFICATION_EMAIL_SENT_TO: 'A verification email has been sent to', NOT_ACTIVATED_YET: 'But your account is not activated yet', BEFORE_YOU_CONTINUE: 'Before you continue, make sure to check your email for our verification. If you don’t receive it within 24h drop us a line at ', CHECK_YOUR_EMAIL: 'Check your email and click on the activation link to activate your account. If you have any questions drop us a line at', CONTINUE: 'Continue', PASSWORD_RESTORE_HEADER: 'Restore your password', ENTER_YOUR_EMAIL: 'Enter your account email.', SUBMIT_BTN: 'Submit', ASK_FOR_NEW_PASSWORD: 'Ask for new password reset', PASSWORD_RESET_INVALID: 'Password reset is invalid', PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESS: 'Passport successfully reset', PASSWORD_CHANGE_SUCCESS: 'Passport successfully changed', RESET_PASSWORD: 'Reset your password', CHANGE_PASSWORD: 'Change your password', CONTINUE_TO_LOGIN: 'Continue to login page', VERIFY_SUCCESS: 'Account successfully activated', VERIFY_ERROR: 'Verification link is invalid or has expired' }); $translateProvider.preferredLanguage('en') .fallbackLanguage('en') .useSanitizeValueStrategy('escape'); }]); 'use strict'; angular.module('users').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('fr', { ACCESS_DENIED_TEXT: 'Vouz n’êtes pas autorisé à accéder à cette page.', USERNAME_LABEL: 'Nom d’utilisateur', PASSWORD_LABEL: 'Mot de Passe', CURRENT_PASSWORD_LABEL: 'Mot de passe actuel', NEW_PASSWORD_LABEL: 'Nouveau Mot de Passe', VERIFY_PASSWORD_LABEL: 'Vérifier le mot de passe', UPDATE_PASSWORD_LABEL: 'Mettre à jour le mot de passe', FIRST_NAME_LABEL: 'Prénom', LAST_NAME_LABEL: 'Nom', LANGUAGE_LABEL: 'Langue', EMAIL_LABEL: 'Email', UPDATE_PROFILE_BTN: 'Modifier le Profil', PROFILE_SAVE_SUCCESS: 'Profil enregistré avec succès', PROFILE_SAVE_ERROR: 'Erreur: impossible d’enregistrer votre Profile.', FORGOT_PASSWORD_LINK: 'Mot de passe oublié ?', REVERIFY_ACCOUNT_LINK: 'Re-envoyez un email de vérification', SIGNIN_BTN: 'Connexion', SIGNUP_BTN: 'Créer un compte', SAVE_PASSWORD_BTN: 'Enregistrer votre nouveau Mot de Passe', SUCCESS_HEADER: 'Votre Compte a été enregistré !', SUCCESS_TEXT: 'Votre compte Tellform a été crée avec succès.', VERIFICATION_EMAIL_SENT: 'Un email de verification a été envoyer à', NOT_ACTIVATED_YET: 'Mais votre compte n\'est pas activé', BEFORE_YOU_CONTINUE: 'Avant de continuer, vous devez valider votre adresse mail. Merci de vérifier votre boite mail. Si vous ne l’avez pas reçu dans les prochaines 24h, contactez-nous a ', CHECK_YOUR_EMAIL: 'Vérifiez vos emails, et cliquez sur le lien de validation pour activer votre compte. Si vous avez une question contactez-nous à', PASSWORD_RESTORE_HEADER: 'Mot de passe perdu', ENTER_YOUR_EMAIL: 'Entrer votre email', SUBMIT_BTN: 'Enregistrer', ASK_FOR_NEW_PASSWORD: 'Demander un nouveau mot de pass ', PASSWORD_RESET_INVALID: 'Le nouveau mot de passe est invalid', PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESS: 'Mot de passe réinitialisé avec succès', PASSWORD_CHANGE_SUCCESS: 'Mot de passe enregistré avec succès', CONTINUE_TO_LOGIN: 'Allez à la page de connexion', VERIFY_SUCCESS: 'Votre compte est activé !', VERIFY_ERROR: 'Le lien de vérification est invalide ou à expiré' }); }]); 'use strict'; angular.module('users').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('es', { ACCESS_DENIED_TEXT: 'Tenés que estar logueado para acceder a esta página', USERNAME_OR_EMAIL_LABEL: 'Usuario o Email', USERNAME_LABEL: 'Usuario', PASSWORD_LABEL: 'Contraseña', CURRENT_PASSWORD_LABEL: 'Contraseña actual', NEW_PASSWORD_LABEL: 'Nueva contraseña', VERIFY_PASSWORD_LABEL: 'Verificar contraseña', UPDATE_PASSWORD_LABEL: 'Actualizar contraseña', FIRST_NAME_LABEL: 'Nombre', LAST_NAME_LABEL: 'Apellido', LANGUAGE_LABEL: 'Idioma', EMAIL_LABEL: 'Email', SIGNUP_ACCOUNT_LINK: '¿No tenés cuenta? Resgistrate acá', SIGN_IN_ACCOUNT_LINK: '¿Ya tenés cuenta? Entra acá', SIGNUP_HEADER_TEXT: 'Registrar', SIGNIN_HEADER_TEXT: 'Entrar', SIGNUP_ERROR_TEXT: 'No se pudo terminar la registración por errores', ENTER_ACCOUNT_EMAIL: 'Ingresá tu correo electrónico.', RESEND_VERIFICATION_EMAIL: 'Reenviar email de verificación', SAVE_CHANGES: 'Grabar cambios', CANCEL_BTN: 'Cancelar', EDIT_PROFILE: 'Editar perfil', UPDATE_PROFILE_BTN: 'Actualizar perfil', PROFILE_SAVE_SUCCESS: 'Perfil actualizado satisfactoriamente', PROFILE_SAVE_ERROR: 'No se pudo grabar el perfil.', CONNECTED_SOCIAL_ACCOUNTS: 'Redes sociales conectadas', CONNECT_OTHER_SOCIAL_ACCOUNTS: 'Conectar otras redes sociales', FORGOT_PASSWORD_LINK: '¿Olvidaste la contraseña?', REVERIFY_ACCOUNT_LINK: 'Reenviar email de verificación', SIGNIN_BTN: 'Entrar', SIGNUP_BTN: 'Registrarse', SAVE_PASSWORD_BTN: 'Grabar contraseña', SUCCESS_HEADER: 'Ingresaste exitosamente', SUCCESS_TEXT: 'Registraste exitosamente una cuenta en TellForm.', VERIFICATION_EMAIL_SENT: 'El email de verificación fue enviado exitosamente', VERIFICATION_EMAIL_SENT_TO: 'Un email de verificación fue enviado a', NOT_ACTIVATED_YET: 'Tu cuenta aún no está activa', BEFORE_YOU_CONTINUE: 'Antes de continuar asegurate de leer el email de verificación que te enviamos. Si no lo recibís en 24hs escribinos a ', CHECK_YOUR_EMAIL: 'Leé el email y hacé click en el link de activación para activar la cuenta. Si tenés alguna pregunta escribinos a ', CONTINUE: 'Continuar', PASSWORD_RESTORE_HEADER: 'Restaurar la contraseña', ENTER_YOUR_EMAIL: 'Ingresá el email de tu cuenta.', SUBMIT_BTN: 'Enviar', ASK_FOR_NEW_PASSWORD: 'Pedir reseteo de contraseña', PASSWORD_RESET_INVALID: 'El reseteo de la contraseña es inválido', PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESS: 'Contraseña exitosamente reseteada', PASSWORD_CHANGE_SUCCESS: 'Contraseña exitosamente cambiada', RESET_PASSWORD: 'Resetear contraseña', CHANGE_PASSWORD: 'Cambiar contraseña', CONTINUE_TO_LOGIN: 'Ir a la página de ingreso', VERIFY_SUCCESS: 'Cuenta activada exitosamente', VERIFY_ERROR: 'El link de verificación es inválido o inexistente' }); }]); 'use strict'; angular.module('forms').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('en', { //Configure Form Tab View ADVANCED_SETTINGS: 'Advanced Settings', FORM_NAME: 'Form Name', FORM_STATUS: 'Form Status', PUBLIC: 'Public', PRIVATE: 'Private', GA_TRACKING_CODE: 'Google Analytics Tracking Code', DISPLAY_FOOTER: 'Display Form Footer?', SAVE_CHANGES: 'Save Changes', CANCEL: 'Cancel', DISPLAY_START_PAGE: 'Display Start Page?', DISPLAY_END_PAGE: 'Display Custom End Page?', //List Forms View CREATE_A_NEW_FORM: 'Create a new form', CREATE_FORM: 'Create form', CREATED_ON: 'Created on', MY_FORMS: 'My forms', NAME: 'Name', LANGUAGE: 'Language', FORM_PAUSED: 'Form paused', //Edit Field Modal EDIT_FIELD: 'Edit this Field', SAVE_FIELD: 'Save', ON: 'ON', OFF: 'OFF', REQUIRED_FIELD: 'Required', LOGIC_JUMP: 'Logic Jump', SHOW_BUTTONS: 'Additional Buttons', SAVE_START_PAGE: 'Save', //Admin Form View ARE_YOU_SURE: 'Are you ABSOLUTELY sure?', READ_WARNING: 'Unexpected bad things will happen if you don’t read this!', DELETE_WARNING1: 'This action CANNOT be undone. This will permanently delete the "', DELETE_WARNING2: '" form and remove all associated form submissions.', DELETE_CONFIRM: 'Please type in the name of the form to confirm.', I_UNDERSTAND: 'I understand the consequences, delete this form.', DELETE_FORM_SM: 'Delete', DELETE_FORM_MD: 'Delete Form', DELETE: 'Delete', FORM: 'Form', VIEW: 'View', LIVE: 'Live', PREVIEW: 'Preview', COPY: 'Copy', COPY_AND_PASTE: 'Copy and Paste this to add your TellForm to your website', CHANGE_WIDTH_AND_HEIGHT: 'Change the width and height values to suit you best', POWERED_BY: 'Powered by', TELLFORM_URL: 'Your TellForm is permanently at this URL', //Edit Form View DISABLED: 'Disabled', YES: 'YES', NO: 'NO', ADD_LOGIC_JUMP: 'Add Logic Jump', ADD_FIELD_LG: 'Click to Add New Field', ADD_FIELD_MD: 'Add New Field', ADD_FIELD_SM: 'Add Field', EDIT_START_PAGE: 'Edit Start Page', EDIT_END_PAGE: 'Edit End Page', WELCOME_SCREEN: 'Start Page', END_SCREEN: 'End Page', INTRO_TITLE: 'Title', INTRO_PARAGRAPH: 'Paragraph', INTRO_BTN: 'Start Button', TITLE: 'Title', PARAGRAPH: 'Paragraph', BTN_TEXT: 'Go Back Button', BUTTONS: 'Buttons', BUTTON_TEXT: 'Text', BUTTON_LINK: 'Link', ADD_BUTTON: 'Add Button', PREVIEW_FIELD: 'Preview Question', QUESTION_TITLE: 'Title', QUESTION_DESCRIPTION: 'Description', OPTIONS: 'Options', ADD_OPTION: 'Add Option', NUM_OF_STEPS: 'Number of Steps', CLICK_FIELDS_FOOTER: 'Click on fields to add them here', SHAPE: 'Shape', IF_THIS_FIELD: 'If this field', IS_EQUAL_TO: 'is equal to', IS_NOT_EQUAL_TO: 'is not equal to', IS_GREATER_THAN: 'is greater than', IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL_THAN: 'is greater or equal than', IS_SMALLER_THAN: 'is_smaller_than', IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL_THAN: 'is smaller or equal than', CONTAINS: 'contains', DOES_NOT_CONTAINS: 'does not contain', ENDS_WITH: 'ends with', DOES_NOT_END_WITH: 'does not end with', STARTS_WITH: 'starts with', DOES_NOT_START_WITH: 'does not start with', THEN_JUMP_TO: 'then jump to', //Edit Submissions View TOTAL_VIEWS: 'total unique visits', RESPONSES: 'responses', COMPLETION_RATE: 'completion rate', AVERAGE_TIME_TO_COMPLETE: 'avg. completion time', DESKTOP_AND_LAPTOP: 'Desktops', TABLETS: 'Tablets', PHONES: 'Phones', OTHER: 'Other', UNIQUE_VISITS: 'Unique Visits', FIELD_TITLE: 'Field Title', FIELD_VIEWS: 'Field Views', FIELD_DROPOFF: 'Field Completion', FIELD_RESPONSES: 'Field Responses', DELETE_SELECTED: 'Delete Selected', EXPORT_TO_EXCEL: 'Export to Excel', EXPORT_TO_CSV: 'Export to CSV', EXPORT_TO_JSON: 'Export to JSON', PERCENTAGE_COMPLETE: 'Percentage Complete', TIME_ELAPSED: 'Time Elapsed', DEVICE: 'Device', LOCATION: 'Location', IP_ADDRESS: 'IP Address', DATE_SUBMITTED: 'Date Submitted', GENERATED_PDF: 'Generated PDF', //Design View BACKGROUND_COLOR: 'Background Color', DESIGN_HEADER: 'Change how your Form Looks', QUESTION_TEXT_COLOR: 'Question Text Color', ANSWER_TEXT_COLOR: 'Answer Text Color', BTN_BACKGROUND_COLOR: 'Button Background Color', BTN_TEXT_COLOR: 'Button Text Color', //Share View EMBED_YOUR_FORM: 'Embed your form', SHARE_YOUR_FORM: 'Share your form', //Admin Tabs CREATE_TAB: 'Create', DESIGN_TAB: 'Design', CONFIGURE_TAB: 'Configure', ANALYZE_TAB: 'Analyze', SHARE_TAB: 'Share', //Field Types SHORT_TEXT: 'Short Text', EMAIL: 'Email', MULTIPLE_CHOICE: 'Multiple Choice', DROPDOWN: 'Dropdown', DATE: 'Date', PARAGRAPH_T: 'Paragraph', YES_NO: 'Yes/No', LEGAL: 'Legal', RATING: 'Rating', NUMBERS: 'Numbers', SIGNATURE: 'Signature', FILE_UPLOAD: 'File upload', OPTION_SCALE: 'Option Scale', PAYMENT: 'Payment', STATEMENT: 'Statement', LINK: 'Link', //Form Preview FORM_SUCCESS: 'Form entry successfully submitted!', REVIEW: 'Review', BACK_TO_FORM: 'Go back to Form', EDIT_FORM: 'Edit this TellForm', ADVANCEMENT: '{{done}} out of {{total}} answered', CONTINUE_FORM: 'Continue to Form', REQUIRED: 'required', COMPLETING_NEEDED: '{{answers_not_completed}} answer(s) need completing', OPTIONAL: 'optional', ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID: 'Please enter a valid email address', ERROR_NOT_A_NUMBER: 'Please enter valid numbers only', ERROR_URL_INVALID: 'Please a valid url', OK: 'OK', ENTER: 'press ENTER', NEWLINE: 'press SHIFT+ENTER to create a newline', CONTINUE: 'Continue', LEGAL_ACCEPT: 'I accept', LEGAL_NO_ACCEPT: 'I don’t accept', SUBMIT: 'Submit', UPLOAD_FILE: 'Upload your File' }); }]); 'use strict'; angular.module('forms').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('french', { FORM_SUCCESS: 'Votre formulaire a été enregistré!', REVIEW: 'Incomplet', BACK_TO_FORM: 'Retourner au formulaire', EDIT_FORM: 'Éditer le Tellform', CREATE_FORM: 'Créer un TellForm', ADVANCEMENT: '{{done}} complétés sur {{total}}', CONTINUE_FORM: 'Aller au formulaire', REQUIRED: 'obligatoire', COMPLETING_NEEDED: '{{answers_not_completed}} réponse(s) doive(nt) être complétée(s)', OPTIONAL: 'facultatif', ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID: 'Merci de rentrer une adresse mail valide', ERROR_NOT_A_NUMBER: 'Merce de ne rentrer que des nombres', ERROR_URL_INVALID: 'Merci de rentrer une url valide', OK: 'OK', ENTER: 'presser ENTRÉE', YES: 'Oui', NO: 'Non', NEWLINE: 'presser SHIFT+ENTER pour créer une nouvelle ligne', CONTINUE: 'Continuer', LEGAL_ACCEPT: 'J’accepte', LEGAL_NO_ACCEPT: 'Je n’accepte pas', DELETE: 'Supprimer', CANCEL: 'Réinitialiser', SUBMIT: 'Enregistrer', UPLOAD_FILE: 'Envoyer un fichier', Y: 'O', N: 'N', }); }]); 'use strict'; angular.module('forms').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('german', { FORM_SUCCESS: 'Ihre Angaben wurden gespeichert.', REVIEW: 'Unvollständig', BACK_TO_FORM: 'Zurück zum Formular', EDIT_FORM: '', CREATE_FORM: '', ADVANCEMENT: '{{done}} von {{total}} beantwortet', CONTINUE_FORM: 'Zum Formular', REQUIRED: 'verpflichtend', COMPLETING_NEEDED: 'Es fehlen/fehtl noch {{answers_not_completed}} Antwort(en)', OPTIONAL: 'fakultativ', ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID: 'Bitte gültige Mailadresse eingeben', ERROR_NOT_A_NUMBER: 'Bitte nur Zahlen eingeben', ERROR_URL_INVALID: 'Bitte eine gültige URL eingeben', OK: 'Okay', ENTER: 'Eingabetaste drücken', YES: 'Ja', NO: 'Nein', NEWLINE: 'Für eine neue Zeile SHIFT+ENTER drücken', CONTINUE: 'Weiter', LEGAL_ACCEPT: 'I accept', LEGAL_NO_ACCEPT: 'I don’t accept', DELETE: 'Entfernen', CANCEL: 'Canceln', SUBMIT: 'Speichern', UPLOAD_FILE: 'Datei versenden', Y: 'J', N: 'N', }); }]); 'use strict'; angular.module('forms').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('italian', { FORM_SUCCESS: 'Il formulario è stato inviato con successo!', REVIEW: 'Incompleto', BACK_TO_FORM: 'Ritorna al formulario', EDIT_FORM: '', CREATE_FORM: '', ADVANCEMENT: '{{done}} su {{total}} completate', CONTINUE_FORM: 'Vai al formulario', REQUIRED: 'obbligatorio', COMPLETING_NEEDED: '{{answers_not_completed}} risposta/e deve/ono essere completata/e', OPTIONAL: 'opzionale', ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID: 'Si prega di inserire un indirizzo email valido', ERROR_NOT_A_NUMBER: 'Si prega di inserire solo numeri', ERROR_URL_INVALID: 'Grazie per inserire un URL valido', OK: 'OK', ENTER: 'premere INVIO', YES: 'Sì', NO: 'No', NEWLINE: 'premere SHIFT+INVIO per creare una nuova linea', CONTINUE: 'Continua', LEGAL_ACCEPT: 'I accept', LEGAL_NO_ACCEPT: 'I don’t accept', DELETE: 'Cancella', CANCEL: 'Reset', SUBMIT: 'Registra', UPLOAD_FILE: 'Invia un file', Y: 'S', N: 'N', }); }]); 'use strict'; angular.module('forms').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('es', { //Configure Form Tab View ADVANCED_SETTINGS: 'Configuraciones avanzadas', FORM_NAME: 'Nombre del formulario', FORM_STATUS: 'Estado del formulario', PUBLIC: 'Público', PRIVATE: 'Privado', GA_TRACKING_CODE: 'Código de Google Analytics', DISPLAY_FOOTER: '¿Mostrar pie de página?', SAVE_CHANGES: 'Grabar', CANCEL: 'Cancelar', DISPLAY_START_PAGE: '¿Mostrar página de inicio?', DISPLAY_END_PAGE: '¿Mostrar paǵina de fin?', //List Forms View CREATE_A_NEW_FORM: 'Crear formulario', CREATE_FORM: 'Crear formulario', CREATED_ON: 'Creado en', MY_FORMS: 'Mis formularios', NAME: 'Nombre', LANGUAGE: 'Idioma', FORM_PAUSED: 'Formulario pausado', //Edit Field Modal EDIT_FIELD: 'Editar este campo', SAVE_FIELD: 'Grabar', ON: 'ON', OFF: 'OFF', REQUIRED_FIELD: 'Requerido', LOGIC_JUMP: 'Salto lógico', SHOW_BUTTONS: 'Botones adicionales', SAVE_START_PAGE: 'Grabar', //Admin Form View ARE_YOU_SURE: '¿Estás absolutamente seguro?', READ_WARNING: '¡Algo malo ocurrirá si no lees esto!', DELETE_WARNING1: 'Esta acción no tiene vuelta atrás. Esto borrará permanentemente el "', DELETE_WARNING2: '" formulario y todos los datos asociados.', DELETE_CONFIRM: 'Por favor escribí el nombre del formulario para confirmar.', I_UNDERSTAND: 'Entiendo las consecuencias y quiero borrarlo.', DELETE_FORM_SM: 'Borrar', DELETE_FORM_MD: 'Borrar formulario', DELETE: 'Borrar', FORM: 'Formulario', VIEW: 'Vista', LIVE: 'Online', PREVIEW: 'Vista previa', COPY: 'Copiar', COPY_AND_PASTE: 'Copiar y pegar esto para agregar su TellForm a su sitio web', CHANGE_WIDTH_AND_HEIGHT: 'Cambie los valores de ancho y altura para adaptar el formulario a sus necesidades', POWERED_BY: 'Con la tecnlogía de', TELLFORM_URL: 'Tu TellForm está en esta URL permanente', //Edit Form View DISABLED: 'Deshabilitado', YES: 'SI', NO: 'NO', ADD_LOGIC_JUMP: 'Agregar salto lógico', ADD_FIELD_LG: 'Click para agregar campo', ADD_FIELD_MD: 'Agregar nuevo campo', ADD_FIELD_SM: 'Agregar campo', EDIT_START_PAGE: 'Editar paǵina de inicio', EDIT_END_PAGE: 'Editar página de finalización', WELCOME_SCREEN: 'Comienzo', END_SCREEN: 'Fin', INTRO_TITLE: 'Título', INTRO_PARAGRAPH: 'Parágrafo', INTRO_BTN: 'Botón de comienzo', TITLE: 'Título', PARAGRAPH: 'Paragrafo', BTN_TEXT: 'Botón para volver atrás', BUTTONS: 'Botones', BUTTON_TEXT: 'Texto', BUTTON_LINK: 'Link', ADD_BUTTON: 'Agregar Botón', PREVIEW_FIELD: 'Vista previa Pregunta', QUESTION_TITLE: 'Título', QUESTION_DESCRIPTION: 'Descripción', OPTIONS: 'Opciones', ADD_OPTION: 'Agregar Opciones', NUM_OF_STEPS: 'Cantidad de pasos', CLICK_FIELDS_FOOTER: 'Click en los campos para agregar', SHAPE: 'Forma', IF_THIS_FIELD: 'Si este campo', IS_EQUAL_TO: 'es igual a', IS_NOT_EQUAL_TO: 'no es igual a', IS_GREATER_THAN: 'es mayor que', IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL_THAN: 'es mayor o igual que', IS_SMALLER_THAN: 'es menor que', IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL_THAN: 'is menor o igual que', CONTAINS: 'contiene', DOES_NOT_CONTAINS: 'no contiene', ENDS_WITH: 'termina con', DOES_NOT_END_WITH: 'no termina con', STARTS_WITH: 'comienza con', DOES_NOT_START_WITH: 'no comienza con', THEN_JUMP_TO: 'luego salta a', //Edit Submissions View TOTAL_VIEWS: 'Total de visitas únicas', RESPONSES: 'respuestas', COMPLETION_RATE: 'Taza de terminación', AVERAGE_TIME_TO_COMPLETE: 'Promedio de tiempo de rellenado', DESKTOP_AND_LAPTOP: 'Computadora', TABLETS: 'Tablets', PHONES: 'Móviles', OTHER: 'Otros', UNIQUE_VISITS: 'Visitas únicas', FIELD_TITLE: 'Título de campo', FIELD_VIEWS: 'Vistas de campo', FIELD_DROPOFF: 'Finalización de campo', FIELD_RESPONSES: 'Respuestas de campo', DELETE_SELECTED: 'Borrar selección', EXPORT_TO_EXCEL: 'Exportar a Excel', EXPORT_TO_CSV: 'Exportar a CSV', EXPORT_TO_JSON: 'Exportar a JSON', PERCENTAGE_COMPLETE: 'Porcentaje de completitud', TIME_ELAPSED: 'Tiempo usado', DEVICE: 'Dispositivo', LOCATION: 'Lugar', IP_ADDRESS: 'Dirección IP', DATE_SUBMITTED: 'Fecha de envío', GENERATED_PDF: 'PDF generado', //Design View BACKGROUND_COLOR: 'Color de fondo', DESIGN_HEADER: 'Cambiar diseño de formulario', QUESTION_TEXT_COLOR: 'Color de la pregunta', ANSWER_TEXT_COLOR: 'Color de la respuesta', BTN_BACKGROUND_COLOR: 'Color de fondo del botón', BTN_TEXT_COLOR: 'Color del texto del botón', //Share View EMBED_YOUR_FORM: 'Pone tu formulario', SHARE_YOUR_FORM: 'Compartí tu formulario', //Admin Tabs CREATE_TAB: 'Crear', DESIGN_TAB: 'Diseño', CONFIGURE_TAB: 'Configuración', ANALYZE_TAB: 'Análisis', SHARE_TAB: 'Compartir', //Field Types SHORT_TEXT: 'Texto corto', EMAIL: 'Email', MULTIPLE_CHOICE: 'Opciones múltiples', DROPDOWN: 'Desplegable', DATE: 'Fecha', PARAGRAPH_T: 'Párrafo', YES_NO: 'Si/No', LEGAL: 'Legal', RATING: 'Puntaje', NUMBERS: 'Números', SIGNATURE: 'Firma', FILE_UPLOAD: 'Subir archivo', OPTION_SCALE: 'Escala', PAYMENT: 'Pago', STATEMENT: 'Declaración', LINK: 'Enlace', FORM_SUCCESS: '¡El formulario ha sido enviado con éxito!', REVIEW: 'Revisar', BACK_TO_FORM: 'Regresar al formulario', ADVANCEMENT: '{{done}} de {{total}} contestadas', CONTINUE_FORM: 'Continuar al formulario', REQUIRED: 'Información requerida', COMPLETING_NEEDED: '{{answers_not_completed}} respuesta(s) necesita(n) ser completada(s)', OPTIONAL: 'Opcional', ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID: 'Favor de proporcionar un correo electrónico válido', ERROR_NOT_A_NUMBER: 'Por favor, introduzca sólo números válidos', ERROR_URL_INVALID: 'Favor de proporcionar un url válido', OK: 'OK', ENTER: 'pulse INTRO', NEWLINE: 'presione SHIFT+INTRO para crear una nueva línea', CONTINUE: 'Continuar', LEGAL_ACCEPT: 'Yo acepto', LEGAL_NO_ACCEPT: 'Yo no acepto', SUBMIT: 'Registrar', UPLOAD_FILE: 'Cargar el archivo', Y: 'S', N: 'N' }); }]); 'use strict'; // Use Application configuration module to register a new module ApplicationConfiguration.registerModule('view-form', [ 'ngFileUpload', 'ui.date', 'angular-input-stars' ]); (function () { 'use strict'; // Create the SendVisitorData service angular .module('view-form') .factory('SendVisitorData', SendVisitorData); SendVisitorData.$inject = ['Socket', '$state']; function SendVisitorData(Socket, $state) { // Create a controller method for sending visitor data function send(form, lastActiveIndex, timeElapsed) { var lang = window.navigator.userLanguage || window.navigator.language; lang = lang.slice(0,2); var userAgentString = navigator.userAgent; var md = new MobileDetect(userAgentString); var deviceType = 'other'; if (md.tablet()){ deviceType = 'tablet'; } else if (md.mobile()) { deviceType = 'mobile'; } else if (!md.is('bot')) { deviceType = 'desktop'; } // Create a new message object var visitorData = { referrer: document.referrer, isSubmitted: form.submitted, formId: form._id, lastActiveField: form.form_fields[lastActiveIndex]._id, timeElapsed: timeElapsed, language: lang, deviceType: deviceType, ipAddr: null, geoLocation: null }; Socket.emit('form-visitor-data', visitorData); } function init(){ // Make sure the Socket is connected if (!Socket.socket) { Socket.connect(); } Socket.on('disconnect', function(){ Socket.connect(); }); } var service = { send: send }; init(); return service; } }()); 'use strict'; angular.module('view-form').directive('keyToOption', function(){ return { restrict: 'A', scope: { field: '=' }, link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, $select) { $element.bind('keydown keypress', function(event) { var keyCode = event.which || event.keyCode; var index = parseInt(String.fromCharCode(keyCode))-1; if (index < $scope.field.fieldOptions.length) { event.preventDefault(); $scope.$apply(function () { $scope.field.fieldValue = $scope.field.fieldOptions[index].option_value; }); } }); } }; }); 'use strict'; angular.module('view-form').directive('keyToTruthy', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope){ return { restrict: 'A', scope: { field: '=', nextField: '&' }, link: function($scope, $element, $attrs) { $element.bind('keydown keypress', function(event) { var keyCode = event.which || event.keyCode; var truthyKeyCode = $attrs.keyCharTruthy.charCodeAt(0) - 32; var falseyKeyCode = $attrs.keyCharFalsey.charCodeAt(0) - 32; if(keyCode === truthyKeyCode ) { event.preventDefault(); $scope.$apply(function() { $scope.field.fieldValue = 'true'; if($attrs.onValidKey){ $scope.$root.$eval($attrs.onValidKey); } }); }else if(keyCode === falseyKeyCode){ event.preventDefault(); $scope.$apply(function() { $scope.field.fieldValue = 'false'; if($attrs.onValidKey){ $scope.$root.$eval($attrs.onValidKey); } }); } }); } }; }]); 'use strict'; // Configuring the Forms drop-down menus angular.module('view-form') .filter('formValidity', function(){ return function(formObj){ if(formObj && formObj.form_fields && formObj.visible_form_fields){ //get keys var formKeys = Object.keys(formObj); //we only care about things that don't start with $ var fieldKeys = formKeys.filter(function(key){ return key[0] !== '$'; }); var fields = formObj.form_fields; var valid_count = fields.filter(function(field){ if(typeof field === 'object' && field.fieldType !== 'rating' && field.fieldType !== 'statement'){ return !!(field.fieldValue); } else if (field.fieldType === 'rating'){ return true; } }).length; return valid_count - (formObj.form_fields.length - formObj.visible_form_fields.length); } return 0; }; }); angular.module('view-form').value('supportedFields', [ 'textfield', 'textarea', 'date', 'dropdown', 'hidden', 'password', 'radio', 'legal', 'statement', 'rating', 'yes_no', 'number', 'natural' ]); angular.module('view-form').constant('VIEW_FORM_URL', '/forms/:formId/render'); 'use strict'; angular.module('view-form').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('english', { FORM_SUCCESS: 'Form entry successfully submitted!', REVIEW: 'Review', BACK_TO_FORM: 'Go back to Form', EDIT_FORM: 'Edit this TellForm', CREATE_FORM: 'Create this TellForm', ADVANCEMENT: '{{done}} out of {{total}} answered', CONTINUE_FORM: 'Continue to Form', REQUIRED: 'required', COMPLETING_NEEDED: '{{answers_not_completed}} answer(s) need completing', OPTIONAL: 'optional', ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID: 'Please enter a valid email address', ERROR_NOT_A_NUMBER: 'Please enter valid numbers only', ERROR_URL_INVALID: 'Please a valid url', OK: 'OK', ENTER: 'press ENTER', YES: 'Yes', NO: 'No', NEWLINE: 'press SHIFT+ENTER to create a newline', CONTINUE: 'Continue', LEGAL_ACCEPT: 'I accept', LEGAL_NO_ACCEPT: 'I don’t accept', DELETE: 'Delete', CANCEL: 'Cancel', SUBMIT: 'Submit', UPLOAD_FILE: 'Upload your File', }); $translateProvider.preferredLanguage('english') .fallbackLanguage('english') .useSanitizeValueStrategy('escape'); }]); 'use strict'; angular.module('view-form').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('french', { FORM_SUCCESS: 'Votre formulaire a été enregistré!', REVIEW: 'Incomplet', BACK_TO_FORM: 'Retourner au formulaire', EDIT_FORM: 'Éditer le Tellform', CREATE_FORM: 'Créer un TellForm', ADVANCEMENT: '{{done}} complétés sur {{total}}', CONTINUE_FORM: 'Aller au formulaire', REQUIRED: 'obligatoire', COMPLETING_NEEDED: '{{answers_not_completed}} réponse(s) doive(nt) être complétée(s)', OPTIONAL: 'facultatif', ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID: 'Merci de rentrer une adresse mail valide', ERROR_NOT_A_NUMBER: 'Merce de ne rentrer que des nombres', ERROR_URL_INVALID: 'Merci de rentrer une url valide', OK: 'OK', ENTER: 'presser ENTRÉE', YES: 'Oui', NO: 'Non', NEWLINE: 'presser SHIFT+ENTER pour créer une nouvelle ligne', CONTINUE: 'Continuer', LEGAL_ACCEPT: 'J’accepte', LEGAL_NO_ACCEPT: 'Je n’accepte pas', DELETE: 'Supprimer', CANCEL: 'Réinitialiser', SUBMIT: 'Enregistrer', UPLOAD_FILE: 'Envoyer un fichier', Y: 'O', N: 'N', }); }]); 'use strict'; angular.module('view-form').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('german', { FORM_SUCCESS: 'Ihre Angaben wurden gespeichert.', REVIEW: 'Unvollständig', BACK_TO_FORM: 'Zurück zum Formular', EDIT_FORM: '', CREATE_FORM: '', ADVANCEMENT: '{{done}} von {{total}} beantwortet', CONTINUE_FORM: 'Zum Formular', REQUIRED: 'verpflichtend', COMPLETING_NEEDED: 'Es fehlen/fehtl noch {{answers_not_completed}} Antwort(en)', OPTIONAL: 'fakultativ', ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID: 'Bitte gültige Mailadresse eingeben', ERROR_NOT_A_NUMBER: 'Bitte nur Zahlen eingeben', ERROR_URL_INVALID: 'Bitte eine gültige URL eingeben', OK: 'Okay', ENTER: 'Eingabetaste drücken', YES: 'Ja', NO: 'Nein', NEWLINE: 'Für eine neue Zeile SHIFT+ENTER drücken', CONTINUE: 'Weiter', LEGAL_ACCEPT: 'I accept', LEGAL_NO_ACCEPT: 'I don’t accept', DELETE: 'Entfernen', CANCEL: 'Canceln', SUBMIT: 'Speichern', UPLOAD_FILE: 'Datei versenden', Y: 'J', N: 'N', }); }]); 'use strict'; angular.module('view-form').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('italian', { FORM_SUCCESS: 'Il formulario è stato inviato con successo!', REVIEW: 'Incompleto', BACK_TO_FORM: 'Ritorna al formulario', EDIT_FORM: '', CREATE_FORM: '', ADVANCEMENT: '{{done}} su {{total}} completate', CONTINUE_FORM: 'Vai al formulario', REQUIRED: 'obbligatorio', COMPLETING_NEEDED: '{{answers_not_completed}} risposta/e deve/ono essere completata/e', OPTIONAL: 'opzionale', ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID: 'Si prega di inserire un indirizzo email valido', ERROR_NOT_A_NUMBER: 'Si prega di inserire solo numeri', ERROR_URL_INVALID: 'Grazie per inserire un URL valido', OK: 'OK', ENTER: 'premere INVIO', YES: 'Sì', NO: 'No', NEWLINE: 'premere SHIFT+INVIO per creare una nuova linea', CONTINUE: 'Continua', LEGAL_ACCEPT: 'I accept', LEGAL_NO_ACCEPT: 'I don’t accept', DELETE: 'Cancella', CANCEL: 'Reset', SUBMIT: 'Registra', UPLOAD_FILE: 'Invia un file', Y: 'S', N: 'N', }); }]); 'use strict'; angular.module('view-form').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('spanish', { FORM_SUCCESS: '¡El formulario ha sido enviado con éxito!', REVIEW: 'Revisar', BACK_TO_FORM: 'Regresar al formulario', EDIT_FORM: '', CREATE_FORM: '', ADVANCEMENT: '{{done}} de {{total}} contestadas', CONTINUE_FORM: 'Continuar al formulario', REQUIRED: 'Información requerida', COMPLETING_NEEDED: '{{answers_not_completed}} respuesta(s) necesita(n) ser completada(s)', OPTIONAL: 'Opcional', ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID: 'Favor de proporcionar un correo electrónico válido', ERROR_NOT_A_NUMBER: 'Por favor, introduzca sólo números válidos', ERROR_URL_INVALID: 'Favor de proporcionar un url válido', OK: 'OK', ENTER: 'pulse INTRO', YES: 'Si', NO: 'No', NEWLINE: 'presione SHIFT+INTRO para crear una nueva línea', CONTINUE: 'Continuar', LEGAL_ACCEPT: 'Yo acepto', LEGAL_NO_ACCEPT: 'Yo no acepto', DELETE: 'Eliminar', CANCEL: 'Cancelar', SUBMIT: 'Registrar', UPLOAD_FILE: 'Cargar el archivo', Y: 'S', N: 'N' }); }]); 'use strict'; // SubmitForm controller angular.module('view-form').controller('SubmitFormController', [ '$scope', '$rootScope', '$state', '$translate', 'myForm', function($scope, $rootScope, $state, $translate, myForm) { $scope.myform = myForm; $(".loader").fadeOut("slow"); document.body.style.background = myForm.design.colors.backgroundColor; $translate.use(myForm.language); } ]); 'use strict'; angular.module('view-form').directive('fieldIconDirective', function() { return { template: '', restrict: 'E', scope: { typeName: '@' }, controller: ["$scope", function($scope){ var iconTypeMap = { 'textfield': 'fa fa-pencil-square-o', 'dropdown': 'fa fa-th-list', 'date': 'fa fa-calendar', 'checkbox': 'fa fa-check-square-o', 'radio': 'fa fa-dot-circle-o', 'email': 'fa fa-envelope-o', 'textarea': 'fa fa-pencil-square', 'legal': 'fa fa-legal', 'file': 'fa fa-cloud-upload', 'rating': 'fa fa-star-half-o', 'link': 'fa fa-link', 'scale': 'fa fa-sliders', 'stripe': 'fa fa-credit-card', 'statement': 'fa fa-quote-left', 'yes_no': 'fa fa-toggle-on', 'number': 'fa fa-slack' }; $scope.typeIcon = iconTypeMap[$scope.typeName]; }] }; }); 'use strict'; // coffeescript's for in loop var __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }; angular.module('view-form').directive('fieldDirective', ['$http', '$compile', '$rootScope', '$templateCache', 'supportedFields', function($http, $compile, $rootScope, $templateCache, supportedFields) { var getTemplateHtml = function(fieldType) { var type = fieldType; var supported_fields = [ 'textfield', 'textarea', 'date', 'dropdown', 'hidden', 'password', 'radio', 'legal', 'statement', 'rating', 'yes_no', 'number', 'natural' ]; var templateUrl = 'form_modules/forms/base/views/directiveViews/field/'; if (__indexOf.call(supportedFields, type) >= 0) { templateUrl = templateUrl+type+'.html'; } return $templateCache.get(templateUrl); }; return { template: '
', restrict: 'E', scope: { field: '=', required: '&', design: '=', index: '=', forms: '=' }, link: function(scope, element) { $rootScope.chooseDefaultOption = scope.chooseDefaultOption = function(type) { if(type === 'yes_no'){ scope.field.fieldValue = 'true'; }else if(type === 'rating'){ scope.field.fieldValue = 0; }else if(scope.field.fieldType === 'radio'){ scope.field.fieldValue = scope.field.fieldOptions[0].option_value; }else if(type === 'legal'){ scope.field.fieldValue = 'true'; $rootScope.nextField(); } }; scope.nextField = $rootScope.nextField; scope.setActiveField = $rootScope.setActiveField; //Set format only if field is a date if(scope.field.fieldType === 'date'){ scope.dateOptions = { changeYear: true, changeMonth: true, altFormat: 'mm/dd/yyyy', yearRange: '1900:-0', defaultDate: 0 }; } var fieldType = scope.field.fieldType; if(scope.field.fieldType === 'number' || scope.field.fieldType === 'textfield' || scope.field.fieldType === 'email' || scope.field.fieldType === 'link'){ switch(scope.field.fieldType){ case 'textfield': scope.input_type = 'text'; break; case 'email': scope.input_type = 'email'; scope.placeholder = 'joesmith@example.com'; break; case 'number': scope.input_type = 'text'; scope.validateRegex = /^-?\d+$/; break; default: scope.input_type = 'url'; scope.placeholder = 'http://example.com'; break; } fieldType = 'textfield'; } var template = getTemplateHtml(fieldType); element.html(template).show(); var output = $compile(element.contents())(scope); } }; }]); 'use strict'; //TODO: DAVID: Need to refactor this angular.module('view-form').directive('onEnterKey', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope){ return { restrict: 'A', link: function($scope, $element, $attrs) { $element.bind('keydown keypress', function(event) { var keyCode = event.which || event.keyCode; var onEnterKeyDisabled = false; if($attrs.onEnterKeyDisabled !== null) onEnterKeyDisabled = $attrs.onEnterKeyDisabled; if(keyCode === 13 && !event.shiftKey && !onEnterKeyDisabled) { event.preventDefault(); $rootScope.$apply(function() { $rootScope.$eval($attrs.onEnterKey); }); } }); } }; }]).directive('onTabKey', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope){ return { restrict: 'A', link: function($scope, $element, $attrs) { $element.bind('keyup keypress', function(event) { var keyCode = event.which || event.keyCode; if(keyCode === 9 && !event.shiftKey) { event.preventDefault(); $rootScope.$apply(function() { $rootScope.$eval($attrs.onTabKey); }); } }); } }; }]).directive('onEnterOrTabKey', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope){ return { restrict: 'A', link: function($scope, $element, $attrs) { $element.bind('keydown keypress', function(event) { var keyCode = event.which || event.keyCode; if((keyCode === 13 || keyCode === 9) && !event.shiftKey) { event.preventDefault(); $rootScope.$apply(function() { $rootScope.$eval($attrs.onEnterOrTabKey); }); } }); } }; }]).directive('onTabAndShiftKey', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope){ return { restrict: 'A', link: function($scope, $element, $attrs) { $element.bind('keydown keypress', function(event) { var keyCode = event.which || event.keyCode; if(keyCode === 9 && event.shiftKey) { console.log('onTabAndShiftKey'); event.preventDefault(); $rootScope.$apply(function() { $rootScope.$eval($attrs.onTabAndShiftKey); }); } }); } }; }]); 'use strict'; angular.module('view-form').directive('onFinishRender', ["$rootScope", "$timeout", function ($rootScope, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, element, attrs) { //Don't do anything if we don't have a ng-repeat on the current element if(!element.attr('ng-repeat') && !element.attr('data-ng-repeat')){ return; } var broadcastMessage = attrs.onFinishRender || 'ngRepeat'; if(scope.$first && !scope.$last) { scope.$evalAsync(function () { $rootScope.$broadcast(broadcastMessage+' Started'); }); }else if(scope.$last) { scope.$evalAsync(function () { $rootScope.$broadcast(broadcastMessage+' Finished'); }); } } }; }]); 'use strict'; //FIXME: Should find an appropriate place for this //Setting up jsep jsep.addBinaryOp('contains', 10); jsep.addBinaryOp('!contains', 10); jsep.addBinaryOp('begins', 10); jsep.addBinaryOp('!begins', 10); jsep.addBinaryOp('ends', 10); jsep.addBinaryOp('!ends', 10); angular.module('view-form').directive('submitFormDirective', ['$http', 'TimeCounter', '$filter', '$rootScope', 'SendVisitorData', '$translate', '$timeout', function ($http, TimeCounter, $filter, $rootScope, SendVisitorData, $translate, $timeout) { return { templateUrl: 'form_modules/forms/base/views/directiveViews/form/submit-form.client.view.html', restrict: 'E', scope: { myform:'=', ispreview: '=' }, controller: ["$document", "$window", "$scope", function($document, $window, $scope){ var NOSCROLL = false; var FORM_ACTION_ID = 'submit_field'; $scope.forms = {}; //Don't start timer if we are looking at a design preview if($scope.ispreview){ TimeCounter.restartClock(); } var form_fields_count = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.filter(function(field){ return field.fieldType !== 'statement'; }).length; var nb_valid = $filter('formValidity')($scope.myform); $scope.translateAdvancementData = { done: nb_valid, total: form_fields_count, answers_not_completed: form_fields_count - nb_valid }; $scope.reloadForm = function(){ //Reset Form $scope.myform.submitted = false; $scope.myform.form_fields = _.chain($scope.myform.visible_form_fields).map(function(field){ field.fieldValue = ''; return field; }).value(); $scope.loading = false; $scope.error = ''; $scope.selected = { _id: '', index: 0 }; $scope.setActiveField($scope.myform.visible_form_fields[0]._id, 0, false); //Reset Timer TimeCounter.restartClock(); }; /* ** Field Controls */ var evaluateLogicJump = function(field){ var logicJump = field.logicJump; if (logicJump.expressionString && logicJump.valueB && field.fieldValue) { var parse_tree = jsep(logicJump.expressionString); var left, right; if(parse_tree.left.name === 'field'){ left = field.fieldValue; right = logicJump.valueB; } else { left = logicJump.valueB; right = field.fieldValue; } if(field.fieldType === 'number' || field.fieldType === 'scale' || field.fieldType === 'rating'){ switch(parse_tree.operator) { case '==': return (parseInt(left) === parseInt(right)); case '!==': return (parseInt(left) !== parseInt(right)); case '>': return (parseInt(left) > parseInt(right)); case '>=': return (parseInt(left) > parseInt(right)); case '<': return (parseInt(left) < parseInt(right)); case '<=': return (parseInt(left) <= parseInt(right)); default: return false; } } else { switch(parse_tree.operator) { case '==': return (left === right); case '!==': return (left !== right); case 'contains': return (left.indexOf(right) > -1); case '!contains': /* jshint -W018 */ return !(left.indexOf(right) > -1); case 'begins': return left.startsWith(right); case '!begins': return !left.startsWith(right); case 'ends': return left.endsWith(right); case '!ends': return left.endsWith(right); default: return false; } } } }; var getActiveField = function(){ if($scope.selected === null){ console.error('current active field is null'); throw new Error('current active field is null'); } if($scope.selected._id === FORM_ACTION_ID) { return $scope.myform.form_fields.length - 1; } return $scope.selected.index; }; $scope.isActiveField = function(field){ if($scope.selected._id === field._id) { return true } return false; }; $scope.setActiveField = $rootScope.setActiveField = function(field_id, field_index, animateScroll) { if($scope.selected === null || (!field_id && field_index === null) ) { return; } if(!field_id){ field_id = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[field_index]._id; } else if(field_index === null){ field_index = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length for(var i=0; i < $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length; i++){ var currField = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[i]; if(currField['_id'] == field_id){ field_index = i; break; } } } if($scope.selected._id === field_id){ return; } $scope.selected._id = field_id; $scope.selected.index = field_index; var nb_valid = $filter('formValidity')($scope.myform); $scope.translateAdvancementData = { done: nb_valid, total: form_fields_count, answers_not_completed: form_fields_count - nb_valid }; if(animateScroll){ NOSCROLL=true; setTimeout(function() { $document.scrollToElement(angular.element('.activeField'), -10, 200).then(function() { NOSCROLL = false; setTimeout(function() { if (document.querySelectorAll('.activeField .focusOn').length) { //Handle default case document.querySelectorAll('.activeField .focusOn')[0].focus(); } else if(document.querySelectorAll('.activeField input').length) { //Handle case for rating input document.querySelectorAll('.activeField input')[0].focus(); } else { //Handle case for dropdown input document.querySelectorAll('.activeField .selectize-input')[0].focus(); } }); }); }); } }; $scope.$watch('selected.index', function(oldValue, newValue){ if(oldValue !== newValue && newValue < $scope.myform.form_fields.length){ //Only send analytics data if form has not been submitted if(!$scope.myform.submitted){ console.log('SendVisitorData.send()'); SendVisitorData.send($scope.myform, newValue, TimeCounter.getTimeElapsed()); } } }); //Fire event when window is scrolled $window.onscroll = function(){ if(!NOSCROLL){ var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var elemBox = document.getElementsByClassName('activeField')[0].getBoundingClientRect(); var fieldTop = elemBox.top; var fieldBottom = elemBox.bottom; var field_id, field_index; var elemHeight = $('.activeField').height(); var submitSectionHeight = $('.form-actions').height(); var maxScrollTop = $(document).height() - $(window).height(); var fieldWrapperHeight = $('form_fields').height(); var selector = 'form > .field-directive:nth-of-type(' + String($scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length - 1)+ ')' var fieldDirectiveHeight = $(selector).height() var scrollPosition = maxScrollTop - submitSectionHeight - fieldDirectiveHeight*1.2; var fractionToJump = 0.9; //Focus on field above submit form button if($scope.selected.index === $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length){ if(scrollTop < scrollPosition){ field_index = $scope.selected.index-1; $scope.setActiveField(null, field_index, false); } } //Focus on submit form button else if($scope.selected.index === $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length-1 && scrollTop > scrollPosition){ field_index = $scope.selected.index+1; $scope.setActiveField(FORM_ACTION_ID, field_index, false); } //If we scrolled bellow the current field, move to next field else if(fieldBottom < elemHeight * fractionToJump && $scope.selected.index < $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length-1 ){ field_index = $scope.selected.index+1; $scope.setActiveField(null, field_index, false); } //If we scrolled above the current field, move to prev field else if ( $scope.selected.index !== 0 && fieldTop > elemHeight * fractionToJump) { field_index = $scope.selected.index-1; $scope.setActiveField(null, field_index, false); } } $scope.$apply(); }; $rootScope.nextField = $scope.nextField = function(){ if($scope.selected && $scope.selected.index > -1){ if($scope.selected._id !== FORM_ACTION_ID){ var currField = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[$scope.selected.index]; //Jump to logicJump's destination if it is true if(currField.logicJump && currField.logicJump.jumpTo && evaluateLogicJump(currField)){ $scope.setActiveField(currField.logicJump.jumpTo, null, true); } else if($scope.selected.index < $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length-1){ $scope.setActiveField(null, $scope.selected.index+1, true); } else { $scope.setActiveField(FORM_ACTION_ID, null, true); } } else { //If we are at the submit actions page, go to the first field $rootScope.setActiveField(null, 0, true); } } else { //If selected is not defined go to the first field $rootScope.setActiveField(null, 0, true); } }; $rootScope.prevField = $scope.prevField = function(){ console.log('prevField'); console.log($scope.selected); var selected_index = $scope.selected.index - 1; if($scope.selected.index > 0){ $scope.setActiveField(null, selected_index, true); } }; $rootScope.goToInvalid = $scope.goToInvalid = function() { var field_id = $('.row.field-directive .ng-invalid.focusOn, .row.field-directive .ng-untouched.focusOn:not(.ng-valid)').first().parents('.row.field-directive').first().attr('data-id'); $scope.setActiveField(field_id, null, true); }; /* ** Form Display Functions */ $scope.exitStartPage = function(){ $scope.myform.startPage.showStart = false; if($scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length > 0){ $scope.selected._id = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[0]._id; } }; var getDeviceData = function(){ var md = new MobileDetect(window.navigator.userAgent); var deviceType = 'other'; if (md.tablet()){ deviceType = 'tablet'; } else if (md.mobile()) { deviceType = 'mobile'; } else if (!md.is('bot')) { deviceType = 'desktop'; } return { type: deviceType, name: window.navigator.platform }; }; var getIpAndGeo = function(){ //Get Ip Address and GeoLocation Data $.ajaxSetup( { 'async': false } ); var geoData = $.getJSON('https://freegeoip.net/json/').responseJSON; $.ajaxSetup( { 'async': true } ); if(!geoData || !geoData.ip){ geoData = { ip: 'Adblocker' }; } return { ipAddr: geoData.ip, geoLocation: { City: geoData.city, Country: geoData.country_name } }; }; $rootScope.submitForm = $scope.submitForm = function() { if($scope.forms.myForm.$invalid){ $scope.goToInvalid(); return; } var _timeElapsed = TimeCounter.stopClock(); $scope.loading = true; var form = _.cloneDeep($scope.myform); var deviceData = getDeviceData(); form.device = deviceData; var geoData = getIpAndGeo(); form.ipAddr = geoData.ipAddr; form.geoLocation = geoData.geoLocation; form.timeElapsed = _timeElapsed; form.percentageComplete = $filter('formValidity')($scope.myform) / $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length * 100; delete form.endPage delete form.isLive delete form.provider delete form.startPage delete form.visible_form_fields; delete form.analytics; delete form.design; delete form.submissions; delete form.submitted; for(var i=0; i < $scope.myform.form_fields.length; i++){ if($scope.myform.form_fields[i].fieldType === 'dropdown' && !$scope.myform.form_fields[i].deletePreserved){ $scope.myform.form_fields[i].fieldValue = $scope.myform.form_fields[i].fieldValue.option_value; } //Get rid of unnessecary attributes for each form field delete form.form_fields[i].submissionId; delete form.form_fields[i].disabled; delete form.form_fields[i].ratingOptions; delete form.form_fields[i].fieldOptions; delete form.form_fields[i].logicJump; delete form.form_fields[i].description; delete form.form_fields[i].validFieldTypes; delete form.form_fields[i].fieldType; } setTimeout(function () { $scope.submitPromise = $http.post('/forms/' + $scope.myform._id, form) .success(function (data, status) { $scope.myform.submitted = true; $scope.loading = false; SendVisitorData.send(form, getActiveField(), _timeElapsed); }) .error(function (error) { $scope.loading = false; console.error(error); $scope.error = error.message; }); }, 500); }; //Reload our form $scope.reloadForm(); }] }; } ]); 'use strict'; //Forms service used for communicating with the forms REST endpoints angular.module('view-form').service('CurrentForm', function(){ //Private variables var _form = {}; //Public Methods this.getForm = function() { return _form; }; this.setForm = function(form) { _form = form; }; } ); 'use strict'; //Forms service used for communicating with the forms REST endpoints angular.module('view-form').factory('Forms', ['$resource', 'VIEW_FORM_URL', function($resource, VIEW_FORM_URL) { return $resource(VIEW_FORM_URL, { formId: '@_id' }, { 'get' : { method: 'GET', transformResponse: function(data, header) { var form = angular.fromJson(data); form.visible_form_fields = _.filter(form.form_fields, function(field){ return (field.deletePreserved === false); }); return form; } }, 'update': { method: 'PUT' }, 'save': { method: 'POST' } }); } ]); (function () { 'use strict'; // Create the Socket.io wrapper service function Socket($timeout, $window) { var service = { socket: null }; // Connect to TellForm Socket.io server function connect() { var url = ''; if($window.socketUrl && $window.socketPort){ url = window.location.protocol + '//' + $window.socketUrl + ':' + $window.socketPort; } else if ($window.socketUrl){ url = window.location.protocol + '//' + $window.socketUrl; } else if ($window.socketPort){ url = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + ':' + $window.socketPort; } else { url = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname; } service.socket = io(url, {'transports': ['websocket', 'polling']}); } // Wrap the Socket.io 'emit' method function emit(eventName, data) { if (service.socket) { service.socket.emit(eventName, data); } } // Wrap the Socket.io 'on' method function on(eventName, callback) { if (service.socket) { service.socket.on(eventName, function (data) { $timeout(function () { callback(data); }); }); } } // Wrap the Socket.io 'removeListener' method function removeListener(eventName) { if (service.socket) { service.socket.removeListener(eventName); } } connect(); service = { connect: connect, emit: emit, on: on, removeListener: removeListener, socket: null }; return service; } angular .module('view-form') .factory('Socket', Socket); Socket.$inject = ['$timeout', '$window']; }()); 'use strict'; angular.module('view-form').service('TimeCounter', [ function(){ var _startTime, _endTime = null; this.timeSpent = 0; this.restartClock = function(){ _startTime = Date.now(); _endTime = null; }; this.getTimeElapsed = function(){ if(_startTime) { return Math.abs(Date.now().valueOf() - _startTime.valueOf()) / 1000; } }; this.stopClock = function(){ if(_startTime && _endTime === null){ _endTime = Date.now(); this.timeSpent = Math.abs(_endTime.valueOf() - _startTime.valueOf())/1000; this._startTime = this._endTime = null; return this.timeSpent; } return new Error('Clock has not been started'); }; this.clockStarted = function(){ return !!this._startTime; }; } ]);