'use strict'; module.exports = { app: { google_analytics_id: process.env.GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID || '', title: process.env.APP_NAME || 'TellForm', description: process.env.APP_DESC || 'Opensource form builder alternative to TypeForm', keywords: process.env.APP_KEYWORDS || 'typeform, pdfs, forms, opensource, formbuilder, google forms, nodejs' }, db: { uri: 'mongodb://'+ (process.env.DB_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR || process.env.DB_HOST || 'localhost')+'/mean', options: { user: '', pass: '' } }, aws: { 'accessKeyId': process.env.AWS_ACCESS_ID, 'secretAccessKey': process.env.AWS_SECRET_KEY, 'region': process.env.AWS_REGION }, port: process.env.PORT || 3000, socketPort: process.env.SOCKET_PORT || 20523, templateEngine: 'swig', reCAPTCHA_Key: process.env.reCAPTCHA_KEY || '', signupDisabled: (process.env.SIGNUP_DISABLED === 'TRUE'), enableClusterMode: (process.env.ENABLE_CLUSTER_MODE === 'TRUE'), baseUrl: '', tempUserCollection: 'temporary_users', mailosaur: { key: process.env.MAILOSAUR_KEY || '', mailbox_id: process.env.MAILOSAUR_MAILBOX || '' }, subdomainsDisabled: (process.env.SUBDOMAINS_DISABLED === 'TRUE'), //Sentry DSN Client Key DSN: process.env.RAVEN_DSN || '', // The secret should be set to a non-guessable string that // is used to compute a session hash sessionSecret: 'MEAN', // The name of the MongoDB collection to store sessions in sessionCollection: 'sessions', // The session cookie settings sessionCookie: { path: '/', httpOnly: true, // If secure is set to true then it will cause the cookie to be set // only when SSL-enabled (HTTPS) is used, and otherwise it won't // set a cookie. 'true' is recommended yet it requires the above // mentioned pre-requisite. secure: false, // Only set the maxAge to null if the cookie shouldn't be expired // at all. The cookie will expunge when the browser is closed. maxAge: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // 24 hours // To set the cookie in a specific domain uncomment the following // setting: //domain: process.env.COOKIE_SESSION_URL || process.env.BASE_URL || '.tellform.com' }, /* * Upload Configuration */ //Global upload path uploadPath : 'uploads/', //PDF storage path pdfUploadPath: 'uploads/pdfs/', //Temp files storage path tmpUploadPath: 'uploads/tmp/', // The session cookie name sessionName: 'connect.sid', log: { // Can specify one of 'combined', 'common', 'dev', 'short', 'tiny' format: 'combined', // Stream defaults to process.stdout // Uncomment to enable logging to a log on the file system fileLogger: { directoryPath: process.cwd(), fileName: 'app.log', maxsize: 10485760, maxFiles: 2, json: false } }, assets: { css: [ 'public/modules/**/css/*.css', '!public/modules/**/demo/**/*.css', '!public/modules/**/dist/**/*.css', '!public/modules/**/node_modules/**/*.css' ], js: [ 'public/config.js', 'public/application.js', 'public/dist/populate_template_cache.js', 'public/form_modules/forms/*.js', 'public/form_modules/forms/base/**/*.js', '!public/modules/forms/base/**/*.js', 'public/modules/*/*.js', 'public/modules/*/*/*.js', 'public/modules/*/*/*/*.js', 'public/modules/*/*/*/*/*.js', '!public/modules/**/tests/**/*.js' ], form_js: [ 'public/form-config.js', 'public/form-application.js', 'public/dist/form_populate_template_cache.js', 'public/form_modules/forms/*.js', 'public/form_modules/forms/*/*.js', 'public/form_modules/forms/*/*/*.js', 'public/form_modules/forms/*/*/*/*.js', 'public/form_modules/forms/**.js', '!public/form_modules/**/tests/**/*.js' ], views: [ 'public/modules/**/*.html', 'public/form_modules/forms/base/**/*.html', '!public/modules/forms/base/**/*.html', '!public/modules/**/dist/**/*.html', '!public/modules/**/tests/**/*.html' ], unit_tests: [ 'public/lib/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js', 'public/modules/*/tests/unit/**/*.js', '!public/modules/**/demo/**/*.js', '!public/modules/**/node_modules/**/*.js' ], e2e_tests: [ 'public/modules/*/tests/e2e/**.js', '!public/modules/**/demo/**/*.js', '!public/modules/**/node_modules/**/*.js' ], form_unit_tests: [ 'public/lib/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js', 'public/form_modules/*/tests/unit/**/*.js', '!public/form_modules/**/demo/**/*.js', '!public/form_modules/**/node_modules/**/*.js' ], form_e2e_tests: [ 'public/form_modules/*/tests/e2e/**.js', '!public/form_modules/**/demo/**/*.js', '!public/form_modules/**/node_modules/**/*.js' ] } };