{ "name": "TellForm", "description": "Beautiful, opensource web forms", "repository": "https://github.com/tellform/tellform", "logo": "https://tellform.com/public/img/tellform_logo_black.png", "keywords": ["node", "express", "static", "mean"], "addons": ["mongolab", "sendgrid", "heroku-redis"], "env": { "SUBDOMAINS_DISABLED": { "description": "Disable support for running subdomains. (This should be true if you are not using your own custom domain.)", "value": "TRUE" }, "ENABLE_CLUSTER_MODE": { "description": "ENABLE support for running in cluster mode on pm2", "value": "FALSE" }, "NODE_ENV": { "description": "Choose whether to run app in development or production mode", "value": "production" }, "BASE_URL": { "description": "The url of your heroku app.", "required": false }, "SOCKET_URL": { "description": "Where you websockets will connect to (i.e. your heroku app url)" }, "MAILER_SERVICE_PROVIDER": { "description": "Which mail service/API you will be using (i.e. SparkPost, Mandrill, etc)", "value": "SendGrid" } }, "buildpacks": [ { "url": "https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-nodejs#v111" } ] }