'use strict'; angular.module('users').controller('AuthenticationController', ['$scope', '$location', '$state', '$rootScope', 'User', 'Auth', function($scope, $location, $state, $rootScope, User, Auth) { $scope = $rootScope; $scope.credentials = {}; $scope.error = null; // If user is signed in then redirect back home if ($scope.authentication.isAuthenticated()) $state.go('home'); $scope.signin = function() { Auth.currentUser = User.login($scope.credentials).then( function(response) { Auth.login(response); $scope.user = $rootScope.user = Auth.ensureHasCurrentUser(User); if($state.previous.name !== 'home' && $state.previous.name !== ''){ $state.go($state.previous.name); }else{ $state.go('home'); } }, function(error) { $rootScope.user = Auth.ensureHasCurrentUser(User); $scope.user = $rootScope.user; $scope.error = error; console.log('loginError: '+error); } ); }; $scope.signup = function() { User.signup($scope.credentials).then( function(response) { console.log('signup-success'); $state.go('signup-success'); }, function(error) { if(error) { $scope.error = error; }else { console.log('No response received'); } } ); }; // $scope.signup = function() { // Principal.signup($scope.credentials).then( // function(result){ // $state.go('home'); // }, // function(rejection_reason){ // $scope.error = rejection_reason; // } // ); // // $http.post('/auth/signup', $scope.credentials).success(function(response) { // // // If successful we assign the response to the global user model // // $scope.authentication.user = response; // // Principal.authenticate(response); // // // And redirect to the index page // // $location.path('/'); // // }).error(function(response) { // // $scope.error = response.message; // // }); // }; // $scope.signin = function() { // console.log('signin'); // Principal.signin($scope.credentials).then( // function(result){ // $state.go('home'); // }, // function(rejection_reason){ // $scope.error = rejection_reason; // } // ); // // var response_obj = Principal.signin($scope.credentials); // // if( angular.isDefined(response_obj.error) ){ // // $scope.error = response_obj.error; // // $location.path('/signin'); // // } else{ // // $location.path('/'); // // } // // $http.post('/auth/signin', $scope.credentials).success(function(response) { // // // If successful we assign the response to the global user model // // $scope.authentication.user = response; // // Principal.authenticate(response); // // // And redirect to the index page // // $location.path('/'); // // }).error(function(response) { // // Principal.authenticate(null); // // $scope.error = response.message; // // }); // }; // } } ]);