'use strict'; angular.module('forms').directive('editSubmissionsFormDirective', ['$rootScope', '$http', 'Forms', '$stateParams', '$interval', function ($rootScope, $http, Forms, $stateParams, $interval) { return { templateUrl: 'modules/forms/admin/views/directiveViews/form/edit-submissions-form.client.view.html', restrict: 'E', scope: { user:'=', myform: '=' }, controller: function($scope){ $scope.table = { masterChecker: false, rows: [] }; $scope.deletionInProgress = false; $scope.waitingForDeletion = false; //Waits until deletionInProgress is false before running getSubmissions $scope.$watch("deletionInProgress",function(newVal, oldVal){ if(newVal === oldVal) return; if(newVal === false && $scope.waitingForDeletion) { $scope.getSubmissions(); $scope.waitingForDeletion = false; } }); $scope.handleSubmissionsRefresh = function(){ if(!$scope.deletionInProgress) { $scope.getSubmissions(); } else { $scope.waitingForDeletion = true; } }; $scope.getSubmissions = function(cb){ $http({ method: 'GET', url: '/forms/'+$scope.myform._id+'/submissions' }).then(function successCallback(response) { var defaultFormFields = _.cloneDeep($scope.myform.form_fields); var submissions = response.data || []; //Iterate through form's submissions for(var i = 0; i < submissions.length; i++){ for(var x = 0; x < submissions[i].form_fields.length; x++){ if(submissions[i].form_fields[x].fieldType === 'dropdown'){ submissions[i].form_fields[x].fieldValue = submissions[i].form_fields[x].fieldValue.option_value; } } submissions[i].selected = false; } $scope.table.rows = submissions; if(cb && typeof cb === 'function'){ cb(); } }, function errorCallback(err){ console.error(err); if(cb && typeof cb === 'function'){ cb(err); } }); }; $scope.getVisitors = function(){ $http({ method: 'GET', url: '/forms/'+$scope.myform._id+'/visitors' }).then(function successCallback(response) { var defaultFormFields = _.cloneDeep($scope.myform.form_fields); var visitors = response.data || []; $scope.visitors = visitors; }); }; $scope.handleSubmissionsRefresh(); $scope.getVisitors(); //Fetch submissions and visitor data every 1.67 min var updateSubmissions = $interval($scope.handleSubmissionsRefresh, 100000); var updateVisitors = $interval($scope.getVisitors, 1000000); //Prevent $intervals from running after directive is destroyed $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { if (updateSubmissions) { $interval.cancel($scope.updateSubmissions); } if (updateVisitors) { $interval.cancel($scope.updateVisitors); } }); /* ** Analytics Functions */ $scope.AverageTimeElapsed = (function(){ var totalTime = 0; var numSubmissions = $scope.table.rows.length; for(var i=0; i<$scope.table.rows.length; i++){ totalTime += $scope.table.rows[i].timeElapsed; } if(numSubmissions === 0) { return 0; } return (totalTime/numSubmissions).toFixed(0); })(); $scope.DeviceStatistics = (function(){ var newStatItem = function(){ return { visits: 0, responses: 0, completion: 0, average_time: 0, total_time: 0 }; }; var stats = { desktop: newStatItem(), tablet: newStatItem(), phone: newStatItem(), other: newStatItem() }; if($scope.myform.analytics && $scope.myform.analytics.visitors) { var visitors = $scope.myform.analytics.visitors; for (var i = 0; i < visitors.length; i++) { var visitor = visitors[i]; var deviceType = visitor.deviceType; stats[deviceType].visits++; if (visitor.isSubmitted) { stats[deviceType].total_time = stats[deviceType].total_time + visitor.timeElapsed; stats[deviceType].responses++; } if(stats[deviceType].visits) { stats[deviceType].completion = 100*(stats[deviceType].responses / stats[deviceType].visits).toFixed(2); } if(stats[deviceType].responses){ stats[deviceType].average_time = (stats[deviceType].total_time / stats[deviceType].responses).toFixed(0); } } } return stats; })(); /* ** Table Functions */ $scope.isAtLeastOneChecked = function(){ for(var i=0; i<$scope.table.rows.length; i++){ if($scope.table.rows[i].selected) return true; } return false; }; $scope.toggleAllCheckers = function(){ for(var i=0; i<$scope.table.rows.length; i++){ $scope.table.rows[i].selected = $scope.table.masterChecker; } }; $scope.toggleObjSelection = function($event) { $event.stopPropagation(); }; $scope.rowClicked = function(row_index) { $scope.table.rows[row_index].selected = !$scope.table.rows[row_index].selected; }; /* * Form Submission Methods */ //Delete selected submissions of Form $scope.deleteSelectedSubmissions = function(){ $scope.deletionInProgress = true; var delete_ids = _.chain($scope.table.rows).filter(function(row){ return !!row.selected; }).pluck('_id').value(); return $http({ url: '/forms/'+$scope.myform._id+'/submissions', method: 'DELETE', data: {deleted_submissions: delete_ids}, headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'} }).success(function(data, status){ $scope.deletionInProgress = true; //Remove deleted ids from table $scope.table.rows = $scope.table.rows.filter(function(field){ return !field.selected; }); }) .error(function(err){ $scope.deletionInProgress = true; console.error(err); }); }; //Export selected submissions of Form $scope.exportSubmissions = function(type){ angular.element('#table-submission-data').tableExport({type: type, escape:false, ignoreColumn: [0]}); }; } }; } ]);