'use strict'; var should = require('should'), _ = require('lodash'), app = require('../../server'), request = require('supertest'), Session = require('supertest-session'), mongoose = require('mongoose'), User = mongoose.model('User'), Form = mongoose.model('Form'), Field = mongoose.model('Field'), FormSubmission = mongoose.model('FormSubmission'), agent = request.agent(app); /** * Globals */ var credentials, user; /** * Form routes tests */ describe('Form Submission Routes Unit tests', function() { var FormObj, _Submission, submissionSession, _SubmissionBody; beforeEach(function(done) { // Create user credentials credentials = { email: 'test423@test.com', username: 'test534', password: 'password' }; // Create a new user user = new User({ firstName: 'Full', lastName: 'Name', email: credentials.email, username: credentials.username, password: credentials.password, provider: 'local' }); // Save a user to the test db and create new Form user.save(function(err) { if(err) { return done(err); } FormObj = new Form({ title: 'Form Title', language: 'en', admin: user._id, form_fields: [ new Field({'fieldType':'textfield', 'title':'First Name', 'fieldValue': ''}), new Field({'fieldType':'checkbox', 'title':'nascar', 'fieldValue': ''}), new Field({'fieldType':'checkbox', 'title':'hockey', 'fieldValue': ''}) ], selfNotifications: { fromField: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(), toEmails: 'john@smith.com', subject: 'Hello there', htmlTemplate: '

A form was submitted

', enabled: true }, respondentNotifications: { toField: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(), fromEmails: 'john@smith.com', subject: 'Tellform: Thank you for filling out this TellForm', htmlTemplate:'Hello,

We’ve received your submission.

Thank you & have a nice day!', enabled: true } }); FormObj.save(function(formSaveErr, form) { if (formSaveErr) done(formSaveErr); _Submission = { form: form._id, form_fields: [ {'fieldType':'textfield', 'title':'First Name', 'fieldValue': 'David', _id: '', isSubmission: false, deletePreserved: false}, {'fieldType':'checkbox', 'title':'nascar', 'fieldValue': true, _id: '', isSubmission: false, deletePreserved: true}, {'fieldType':'checkbox', 'title':'hockey', 'fieldValue': false, _id: '', isSubmission: false, deletePreserved: false} ], percentageComplete: 100, timeElapsed: 11.55, ipAddr: '', geoLocation: { Country: 'Canada', City: 'Vancouver' }, device:{ type: 'Mobile', name: 'iPhone' } }; _SubmissionBody ={ _id: form._id, form_fields: [ {'fieldType':'textfield', 'title':'First Name', 'fieldValue': 'David', _id: '', isSubmission: false, deletePreserved: false}, {'fieldType':'checkbox', 'title':'nascar', 'fieldValue': true, _id: '', isSubmission: false, deletePreserved: true}, {'fieldType':'checkbox', 'title':'hockey', 'fieldValue': false, _id: '', isSubmission: false, deletePreserved: false} ], percentageComplete: 100, timeElapsed: 11.55, ipAddr: '', geoLocation: { Country: 'Canada', City: 'Vancouver' }, device:{ type: 'Mobile', name: 'iPhone' } }; FormObj = form; //Initialize Session submissionSession = Session(app); done(); }); }); }); it(' > should be able to create a Form Submission without signing in', function(done) { //Create Submission submissionSession.post('/forms/' + FormObj._id) .send(_SubmissionBody) .expect(200) .end(function(err, res) { should.not.exist(err); done(); }); }); it(' > should be able to get Form Submissions if signed in', function(done) { //Create Submission submissionSession.post('/forms/' + FormObj._id) .send(_SubmissionBody) .expect(200) .end(function(err, res) { should.not.exist(err); submissionSession.post('/auth/signin') .send(credentials) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200) .end(function(signinErr, signinRes) { should.not.exist(signinErr); submissionSession.get('/forms/' + FormObj._id + '/submissions') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200) .end(function(submissionErr, res) { // Set assertion should.not.exist(submissionErr); // Call the assertion callback done(); }); }); }); }); it(' > should be able to delete Form Submission if signed in', function(done) { // Create new FormSubmission model instance var SubmissionObj = new FormSubmission(_Submission); SubmissionObj.save(function (err, submission) { should.not.exist(err); // Sign n as user submissionSession.post('/auth/signin') .send(credentials) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200) .end(function(signinErr, signinRes) { // Handle signin error should.not.exist(signinErr); var submission_ids = _.map([submission], '_id'); //Delete form submissions submissionSession.delete('/forms/' + FormObj._id + '/submissions') .send({deleted_submissions: submission_ids}) .expect(200) .end(function(submissionErr, res) { // Set assertions should.not.exist(submissionErr); (res.text).should.equal('Form submissions successfully deleted'); // Call the assertion callback done(); }); }); }); }); it(' > should not be able to get Form Submissions if not signed in', function(done) { // Attempt to fetch form submissions submissionSession.get('/forms/' + FormObj._id + '/submissions') .expect(401) .end(function(err, res) { should.not.exist(err); // Call the assertion callback done(); }); }); it(' > should not be able to delete Form Submission if not signed in', function(done) { var SubmissionObj = new FormSubmission(_Submission); SubmissionObj.save(function (err, submission) { should.not.exist(err); var submission_ids = _.map([submission], '_id'); // Attempt to delete form submissions submissionSession.delete('/forms/' + FormObj._id + '/submissions') .send({deleted_submissions: submission_ids}) .expect(401) .end(function (submissionErr, res) { // Set assertions should.not.exist(submissionErr); // Call the assertion callback done(); }); }); }); afterEach(function(done) {//logout current user if there is one FormSubmission.remove().exec(function() { Form.remove().exec(function (err) { User.remove({}).exec(function() { submissionSession.destroy(); done(); }); }); }); }); });