'use strict'; /** * Module dependencies. */ var emailNotifications = require('../../libs/send-email-notifications'), constants = require('../../libs/constants'); /** * Globals */ var validFormFields = [ {fieldType:'textfield', title:'First Name', fieldValue: 'John Smith', deletePreserved: false, _id:'56340745f59a6fc9e22028e9'}, {fieldType:'link', title:'Your Website', fieldValue: 'https://johnsmith.me', deletePreserved: false, _id:'5c9e22028e907634f45f59a6'}, {fieldType:'number', title:'Your Age', fieldValue: 45, deletePreserved: false, _id:'56e90745f5934fc9e22028a6'} ]; var validFieldDict = { '56340745f59a6fc9e22028e9': 'John Smith', '5c9e22028e907634f45f59a6': 'https://johnsmith.me', '56e90745f5934fc9e22028a6': 45 }; var invalidFormFields = [ {fieldType:'textfield', title:'First Name', fieldValue: 'John Smith', deletePreserved: false}, {fieldType:'link', title:'Your Website', deletePreserved: false, _id:'5c9e22028e907634f45f59a6'}, {fieldType:'number', title:'Your Age'} ]; var htmlTemplate = '

First Name \
Your Website \
Your Age

'; var renderedTemplate = '

John Smith \
https://johnsmith.me \

'; /** * Unit tests */ describe('Send Email Notification Unit Tests', function() { describe('Method createFieldDict', function() { it('should be return a fieldDict from valid form fields', function() { var actualFieldDict = emailNotifications.createFieldDict(validFormFields); actualFieldDict.should.deepEqual(validFieldDict); }); it('should return empty object if form fields are invalid or empty ', function() { var actualFieldDict = emailNotifications.createFieldDict(invalidFormFields); actualFieldDict.should.be.empty(); }); }); describe('Method parseTemplate', function(){ it('should be properly render a template given a valid field dict', function() { var actualRenderedTemplate = emailNotifications.parseTemplate(htmlTemplate, validFieldDict, constants.varFormat).replace((/ |\r\n|\n|\r|\t/gm),''); actualRenderedTemplate.should.equal(renderedTemplate.replace((/ |\r\n|\n|\r|\t/gm),'')); }); }); describe('Method replaceTemplateVal', function() { it('should be properly replace a template var in a valid template', function() { var expectedHtml = '

John Smith \
Your Website \
Your Age

'; var actualRenderedTemplate = emailNotifications.replaceTemplateVal('56340745f59a6fc9e22028e9', validFieldDict['56340745f59a6fc9e22028e9'], htmlTemplate, constants.varFormat).replace((/ |\r\n|\n|\r|\t/gm),''); actualRenderedTemplate.should.equal(expectedHtml.replace((/ |\r\n|\n|\r|\t/gm),'')); }); }); describe('Method send', function() { }); });