'use strict'; angular.module('forms').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('en', { //Configure Form Tab View PDF_GENERATION_EMR: 'PDF Generation/EMR', SAVE_PDF_SUBMISSIONS: 'Save Submissions as PDFs?', UPLOAD_YOUR_PDF: 'Upload Your PDF Template', ADVANCED_SETTINGS: 'Advanced Settings', FORM_NAME: 'Form Name', FORM_STATUS: 'Form Status', PUBLIC: 'Public', PRIVATE: 'Private', GA_TRACKING_CODE: 'Google Analytics Tracking Code', DISPLAY_FOOTER: 'Display Form Footer?', SAVE_CHANGES: 'Save Changes', CANCEL: 'Cancel', //List Forms View CREATE_A_NEW_FORM: 'Create a new form', CREATE_FORM: 'Create form', CREATED_ON: 'Created on', //Admin Form View ARE_YOU_SURE: 'Are you ABSOLUTELY sure?', READ_WARNING: 'Unexpected bad things will happen if you don’t read this!', DELETE_WARNING1: 'This action CANNOT be undone.This will permanently delete the', DELETE_WARNING2: 'form, form submissions and remove all associated pdfs.', DELETE_CONFIRM: 'Please type in the name of the form to confirm', I_UNDERSTAND: 'I understand the consequences, delete this form', DELETE_FORM_SM: 'Delete', DELETE_FORM_MD: 'Delete Form', DELETE: 'Delete', FORM: 'Form', VIEW: 'View', LIVE: 'Live', PREVIEW: 'Preview', //Edit Form View ADD_FIELD_LG: 'Click to Add New Field', ADD_FIELD_MD: 'Add New Field', ADD_FIELD_SM: 'Add Field', PREVIEW_START_PAGE: 'Preview Start Page', EDIT_START_PAGE: 'Edit Start Page', INTRO_TTILE: 'Intro Title', INTRO_PARAGRAPH: 'Intro Paragraph', INTRO_BTN: 'Intro Button', BUTTONS: 'Buttons', BUTTON_TEXT: 'Text', BUTTON_LINK: 'Link', ADD_BUTTON: 'Add Button', PREVIEW_FIELD: 'Preview Field', EDIT_FIELD: 'Edit Field', QUESTION_TITLE: 'Question Title', QUESTION_DESCRIPTION: 'Question Description', OPTIONS: 'Options', ADD_OPTION: 'Add Option', NUM_OF_STEPS: 'Number of Steps', CLICK_FIELDS_FOOTER: 'Click on fields to add them here', //Edit Submissions View TOTAL_VIEWS: 'Total Views', SUBMISSIONS: 'Submissions', CONVERSION_RATE: 'Conversion Rate', FIELD_TITLE: 'Field Title', FIELD_VIEWS: 'Field Views', FIELD_DROPOFF: 'User dropoff rate at this field', DELETE_SELECTED: 'Delete Selected', EXPORT_TO_EXCEL: 'Export to Excel', EXPORT_TO_CSV: 'Export to CSV', EXPORT_TO_JSON: 'Export to JSON', PERCENTAGE_COMPLETE: 'Percentage Complete', TIME_ELAPSED: 'Time Elapsed', DEVICE: 'Device', LOCATION: 'Location', IP_ADDRESS: 'IP Address', DATE_SUBMITTED: 'Date Submitted', GENERATED_PDF: 'Generated PDF', //Design View BACKGROUND_COLOR: 'Background Color', DESIGN_HEADER: 'Change how your Form Looks', QUESTION_TEXT_COLOR: 'Question Text Color', ANSWER_TEXT_COLOR: 'Answer Text Color', BTN_BACKGROUND_COLOR: 'Button Background Color', BTN_TEXT_COLOR: 'Button Text Color', //Admin Tabs CREATE_TAB: 'Create', DESIGN_TAB: 'Design', CONFIGURE_TAB: 'Configure', ANALYZE_TAB: 'Analyze' }); }]);