'use strict'; //FIXME: Should find an appropriate place for this //Setting up jsep jsep.addBinaryOp('contains', 10); jsep.addBinaryOp('!contains', 10); jsep.addBinaryOp('begins', 10); jsep.addBinaryOp('!begins', 10); jsep.addBinaryOp('ends', 10); jsep.addBinaryOp('!ends', 10); angular.module('view-form').directive('submitFormDirective', ['$http', 'TimeCounter', '$filter', '$rootScope', 'SendVisitorData', '$translate', function ($http, TimeCounter, $filter, $rootScope, SendVisitorData, $translate) { return { templateUrl: 'form_modules/forms/base/views/directiveViews/form/submit-form.client.view.html', restrict: 'E', scope: { myform:'=', ispreview: '=' }, controller: function($document, $window, $scope){ $scope.noscroll = false; $scope.forms = {}; //Don't start timer if we are looking at a design preview if($scope.ispreview){ TimeCounter.restartClock(); } var form_fields_count = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.filter(function(field){ return field.fieldType !== 'statement'; }).length; var nb_valid = $filter('formValidity')($scope.myform); $scope.translateAdvancementData = { done: nb_valid, total: form_fields_count, answers_not_completed: form_fields_count - nb_valid }; $scope.reloadForm = function(){ //Reset Form $scope.myform.submitted = false; $scope.myform.form_fields = _.chain($scope.myform.visible_form_fields).map(function(field){ field.fieldValue = ''; return field; }).value(); $scope.loading = false; $scope.error = ''; $scope.selected = { _id: '', index: 0 }; $scope.setActiveField($scope.myform.visible_form_fields[0]._id, 0, false); //Reset Timer TimeCounter.restartClock(); }; //Fire event when window is scrolled $window.onscroll = function(){ $scope.scrollPos = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop || 0; var elemBox = document.getElementsByClassName('activeField')[0].getBoundingClientRect(); $scope.fieldTop = elemBox.top; $scope.fieldBottom = elemBox.bottom; var field_id; var field_index; if(!$scope.noscroll){ //Focus on submit button if( $scope.selected.index === $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length-1 && $scope.fieldBottom < 200){ field_index = $scope.selected.index+1; field_id = 'submit_field'; $scope.setActiveField(field_id, field_index, false); } //Focus on field above submit button else if($scope.selected.index === $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length){ if($scope.fieldTop > 200){ field_index = $scope.selected.index-1; field_id = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[field_index]._id; $scope.setActiveField(field_id, field_index, false); } } else if( $scope.fieldBottom < 0){ field_index = $scope.selected.index+1; field_id = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[field_index]._id; $scope.setActiveField(field_id, field_index, false); } else if ( $scope.selected.index !== 0 && $scope.fieldTop > 0) { field_index = $scope.selected.index-1; field_id = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[field_index]._id; $scope.setActiveField(field_id, field_index, false); } $scope.$apply(); } }; /* ** Field Controls */ var evaluateLogicJump = function(field){ var logicJump = field.logicJump; if (logicJump.expressionString && logicJump.valueB && field.fieldValue) { var parse_tree = jsep(logicJump.expressionString); var left, right; if(parse_tree.left.name === 'field'){ left = field.fieldValue; right = logicJump.valueB; } else { left = logicJump.valueB; right = field.fieldValue; } if(field.fieldType === 'number' || field.fieldType === 'scale' || field.fieldType === 'rating'){ switch(parse_tree.operator) { case '==': return (parseInt(left) === parseInt(right)); case '!==': return (parseInt(left) !== parseInt(right)); case '>': return (parseInt(left) > parseInt(right)); case '>=': return (parseInt(left) > parseInt(right)); case '<': return (parseInt(left) < parseInt(right)); case '<=': return (parseInt(left) <= parseInt(right)); default: return false; } } else { switch(parse_tree.operator) { case '==': return (left === right); case '!==': return (left !== right); case 'contains': return (left.indexOf(right) > -1); case '!contains': /* jshint -W018 */ return !(left.indexOf(right) > -1); case 'begins': return left.startsWith(right); case '!begins': return !left.startsWith(right); case 'ends': return left.endsWith(right); case '!ends': return left.endsWith(right); default: return false; } } } }; var getActiveField = function(){ if($scope.selected === null){ console.error('current active field is null'); throw new Error('current active field is null'); } if($scope.selected._id === 'submit_field') { return $scope.myform.form_fields.length - 1; } return $scope.selected.index; }; $scope.setActiveField = $rootScope.setActiveField = function(field_id, field_index, animateScroll) { if($scope.selected === null || $scope.selected._id === field_id){ //console.log('not scrolling'); //console.log($scope.selected); return; } //console.log('field_id: '+field_id); //console.log('field_index: '+field_index); //console.log($scope.selected); $scope.selected._id = field_id; $scope.selected.index = field_index; if(!field_index){ for(var i=0; i<$scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length; i++){ var currField = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[i]; if(field_id === currField._id){ $scope.selected.index = i; break; } } } var nb_valid = $filter('formValidity')($scope.myform); $scope.translateAdvancementData = { done: nb_valid, total: form_fields_count, answers_not_completed: form_fields_count - nb_valid }; if(animateScroll){ $scope.noscroll=true; setTimeout(function() { $document.scrollToElement(angular.element('.activeField'), -10, 200).then(function() { $scope.noscroll = false; setTimeout(function() { if (document.querySelectorAll('.activeField .focusOn').length) { //Handle default case document.querySelectorAll('.activeField .focusOn')[0].focus(); } else if(document.querySelectorAll('.activeField input').length) { //Handle case for rating input document.querySelectorAll('.activeField input')[0].focus(); } else { //Handle case for dropdown input document.querySelectorAll('.activeField .selectize-input')[0].focus(); } }); }); }); } else { setTimeout(function() { if (document.querySelectorAll('.activeField .focusOn')[0]) { //FIXME: DAVID: Figure out how to set focus without scroll movement in HTML Dom document.querySelectorAll('.activeField .focusOn')[0].focus(); } else if (document.querySelectorAll('.activeField input')[0]){ document.querySelectorAll('.activeField input')[0].focus(); } }); } //Only send analytics data if form has not been submitted if(!$scope.myform.submitted){ SendVisitorData.send($scope.myform, getActiveField(), TimeCounter.getTimeElapsed()); } }; $rootScope.nextField = $scope.nextField = function(){ var currField = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[$scope.selected.index]; if($scope.selected && $scope.selected.index > -1){ //Jump to logicJump's destination if it is true if(currField.logicJump && evaluateLogicJump(currField)){ $rootScope.setActiveField(currField.logicJump.jumpTo, null, true); } else { var selected_index, selected_id; if($scope.selected.index < $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length-1){ selected_index = $scope.selected.index+1; selected_id = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[selected_index]._id; $rootScope.setActiveField(selected_id, selected_index, true); } else if($scope.selected.index === $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length-1) { selected_index = $scope.selected.index+1; selected_id = 'submit_field'; $rootScope.setActiveField(selected_id, selected_index, true); } } } }; $rootScope.prevField = $scope.prevField = function(){ if($scope.selected.index > 0){ var selected_index = $scope.selected.index - 1; var selected_id = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[selected_index]._id; $scope.setActiveField(selected_id, selected_index, true); } }; /* ** Form Display Functions */ $scope.exitStartPage = function(){ $scope.myform.startPage.showStart = false; if($scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length > 0){ $scope.selected._id = $scope.myform.visible_form_fields[0]._id; } }; $rootScope.goToInvalid = $scope.goToInvalid = function() { document.querySelectorAll('.ng-invalid.focusOn')[0].focus(); }; var getDeviceData = function(){ var md = new MobileDetect(window.navigator.userAgent); var deviceType = 'other'; if (md.tablet()){ deviceType = 'tablet'; } else if (md.mobile()) { deviceType = 'mobile'; } else if (!md.is('bot')) { deviceType = 'desktop'; } return { type: deviceType, name: window.navigator.platform }; }; var getIpAndGeo = function(){ //Get Ip Address and GeoLocation Data $.ajaxSetup( { 'async': false } ); var geoData = $.getJSON('https://freegeoip.net/json/').responseJSON; $.ajaxSetup( { 'async': true } ); if(!geoData || !geoData.ip){ geoData = { ip: 'Adblocker' }; } return { ipAddr: geoData.ip, geoLocation: { City: geoData.city, Country: geoData.country_name } }; }; $rootScope.submitForm = $scope.submitForm = function() { var _timeElapsed = TimeCounter.stopClock(); $scope.loading = true; var form = _.cloneDeep($scope.myform); var deviceData = getDeviceData(); form.device = deviceData; var geoData = getIpAndGeo(); form.ipAddr = geoData.ipAddr; form.geoLocation = geoData.geoLocation; form.timeElapsed = _timeElapsed; form.percentageComplete = $filter('formValidity')($scope.myform) / $scope.myform.visible_form_fields.length * 100; delete form.endPage delete form.isLive delete form.provider delete form.startPage delete form.visible_form_fields; delete form.analytics; delete form.design; delete form.submissions; delete form.submitted; for(var i=0; i < $scope.myform.form_fields.length; i++){ if($scope.myform.form_fields[i].fieldType === 'dropdown' && !$scope.myform.form_fields[i].deletePreserved){ $scope.myform.form_fields[i].fieldValue = $scope.myform.form_fields[i].fieldValue.option_value; } //Get rid of unnessecary attributes for each form field delete form.form_fields[i].submissionId; delete form.form_fields[i].disabled; delete form.form_fields[i].ratingOptions; delete form.form_fields[i].fieldOptions; delete form.form_fields[i].logicJump; delete form.form_fields[i].description; delete form.form_fields[i].validFieldTypes; delete form.form_fields[i].fieldType; } setTimeout(function () { $scope.submitPromise = $http.post('/forms/' + $scope.myform._id, form) .success(function (data, status) { $scope.myform.submitted = true; $scope.loading = false; SendVisitorData.send(form, getActiveField(), _timeElapsed); }) .error(function (error) { $scope.loading = false; console.error(error); $scope.error = error.message; }); }, 500); }; //Reload our form $scope.reloadForm(); } }; } ]);