'use strict'; /** * Module dependencies. */ var _ = require('lodash'), gruntFile = require('grunt').file, bowerFiles = require('main-bower-files'), path = require('path'), fs = require('fs'); var exists = require('path-exists').sync; var minBowerFiles = function(type){ return bowerFiles(type).map( function(path, index, arr) { var newPath = path.replace(/.([^.]+)$/g, '.min.$1'); return exists( newPath ) ? newPath : path; }); }; /** * Load app configurations */ var exports = _.extend( require('./env/all'), require('./env/' + process.env.NODE_ENV) || {} ); //Load keys from api_keys.js if file exists if( fs.existsSync('./config/env/api_keys.js') ){ module.exports = _.extend( exports, require('./env/api_keys') ); } else { module.exports = exports; } /** * Get files by glob patterns */ module.exports.getGlobbedFiles = function(globPatterns, removeRoot, addRoot) { var files = gruntFile.expand(globPatterns); if (removeRoot) { files = files.map(function(file) { if(addRoot) return file.replace(removeRoot, addRoot); return file.replace(removeRoot, ''); }); } return files; }; module.exports.removeRootDir = function(files, removeRoot, addRoot) { return files.map(function(file) { if (addRoot) return file.replace(path.join(process.cwd(), removeRoot), addRoot); return file.replace(path.join(process.cwd(), removeRoot), ''); }); }; /** * Get the app's bower dependencies */ module.exports.getBowerJSAssets = function() { return this.removeRootDir(minBowerFiles('**/**.js'), 'public/', 'static/'); }; module.exports.getBowerCSSAssets = function() { return this.removeRootDir(minBowerFiles('**/**.css'), 'public/', 'static/'); }; module.exports.getBowerOtherAssets = function() { return this.removeRootDir(minBowerFiles('**/!(*.js|*.css|*.less)'), 'public/', 'static/'); }; /** * Helper Function for getJavascriptAssets and getFormJavaScriptAssets */ var getAssets = function(includeTests, isFormJS){ var unit_tests, js_assets; if(isFormJS) { js_assets = this.assets.form_js; unit_tests = this.assets.form_unit_tests; } else { js_assets = this.assets.js; unit_tests = this.assets.unit_tests; } var output = this.getGlobbedFiles(js_assets, 'public/', 'static/'); // To include tests if (includeTests) { output = _.union(output, this.getGlobbedFiles(unit_tests)); } return output; } /** * Get the modules JavaScript files */ module.exports.getJavaScriptAssets = function(includeTests) { return getAssets(includeTests, false); }; /** * Get the modules CSS files */ module.exports.getCSSAssets = function() { var output = this.getGlobbedFiles(this.assets.css, 'public/', 'static/'); return output; }; /** * Get the modules Form JavaScript files */ module.exports.getFormJavaScriptAssets = function(includeTests) { return getAssets(includeTests, true); };