'use strict'; var should = require('should'), _ = require('lodash'), app = require('../../server'), request = require('supertest'), Session = require('supertest-session'), mongoose = require('mongoose'), User = mongoose.model('User'), config = require('../../config/config'), tmpUser = mongoose.model(config.tempUserCollection), url = require('url'); /** * Globals */ var credentials, _User; var _tmpUser, activateToken; var username, userSession; username = 'testActiveAccount1.be1e58fb@mailosaur.in'; /** * Form routes tests */ describe('User CRUD tests', function() { this.timeout(30000); beforeEach(function() { // Create user credentials credentials = { username: 'test7@test.com', password: 'password' }; //Create a new user _User = { firstName: 'Full', lastName: 'Name', email: credentials.username, username: credentials.username, password: credentials.password, provider: 'local' }; //Initialize Session userSession = Session(app); }); describe(' > Create, Verify and Activate a User > ', function() { //this.timeout(15000); it('should be able to create a temporary (non-activated) User', function(done) { userSession.post('/auth/signup') .send(_User) .expect(200) .end(function(FormSaveErr, FormSaveRes) { // Handle error should.not.exist(FormSaveErr); tmpUser.findOne({username: _User.username}, function (err, user) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(user); _tmpUser = user; _User.username.should.equal(user.username); _User.firstName.should.equal(user.firstName); _User.lastName.should.equal(user.lastName); activateToken = user.GENERATED_VERIFYING_URL; console.log('activateToken: '+activateToken); userSession.get('/auth/verify/'+activateToken) .expect(200) .end(function(VerifyErr, VerifyRes) { // Handle error if (VerifyErr) return done(VerifyErr); (VerifyRes.text).should.equal('User successfully verified'); userSession.post('/auth/signin') .send(credentials) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200) .end(function(signinErr, signinRes) { // Handle signin error if (signinErr) return done(signinErr); var user = signinRes.body; (user.username).should.equal(credentials.username); userSession.get('/auth/signout') .expect(200) .end(function(signoutErr, signoutRes) { // Handle signout error if (signoutErr) return done(signoutErr); (signoutRes.text).should.equal('You have successfully logged out.'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); it(' > should be able to reset a User\'s password'); it(' > should be able to delete a User account without any problems'); afterEach(function(done) { User.remove().exec(function () { tmpUser.remove().exec(function(){ userSession.destroy(); done(); }); }); }); });