'use strict'; // Setting up route angular.module('core').config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, Authorization) { // Redirect to home view when route not found $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/forms'); } ]); angular.module(ApplicationConfiguration.applicationModuleName).run(['$rootScope', 'Auth', '$state', '$stateParams', function($rootScope, Auth, $state, $stateParams) { $rootScope.$state = $state; $rootScope.$stateParams = $stateParams; // add previous state property $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function (event, toState, toParams, fromState) { $state.previous = fromState; var statesToIgnore = ['home', 'signin', 'resendVerifyEmail', 'verify', 'signup', 'signup-success', 'forgot', 'reset-invalid', 'reset', 'reset-success']; //Redirect to listForms if user is authenticated if(statesToIgnore.indexOf(toState.name) > 0){ if(Auth.isAuthenticated()){ event.preventDefault(); // stop current execution $state.go('listForms'); // go to listForms page } } //Redirect to 'signup' route if user is not authenticated else if(toState.name !== 'access_denied' && !Auth.isAuthenticated() && toState.name !== 'submitForm'){ event.preventDefault(); // stop current execution $state.go('listForms'); // go to listForms page } }); } ]); //Page access/authorization logic angular.module(ApplicationConfiguration.applicationModuleName).run(['$rootScope', 'Auth', 'User', 'Authorizer', '$state', '$stateParams', function($rootScope, Auth, User, Authorizer, $state, $stateParams) { $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, next) { var authenticator, permissions, user; permissions = next && next.data && next.data.permissions ? next.data.permissions : null; Auth.ensureHasCurrentUser(User); user = Auth.currentUser; if(user){ authenticator = new Authorizer(user); if( (permissions !== null) ){ if( !authenticator.canAccess(permissions) ){ event.preventDefault(); $state.go('access_denied'); } } } }); }]);