// 'use strict'; // (function() { // // Principal controller Spec for E2E Tests // describe('AuthenticationController E2E Tests', function() { // describe('/signup should work for a unique username', function() { // beforeEach(function() { // var ptor = protractor.getInstance(); // ptor.get('http://localhost:3000/#!/signup'); // }); // it('should show the signup panel on page load', function() { // expect($('section > section.row.auth > .col-md-12.text-center')).toEqual('Signup with your email'); // }); // //Jasmine it statement : What "it" will do. // it('Verify that the user is logged in', function() { // //Delete all cookies // browser.driver.manage().deleteAllCookies(); // //Enter UserName // element.all(by.model('username')).get(0).sendKeys('abc@wingify.com'); // //Enter Password // element(by.model('password')).sendKeys('test'); // //Click Submit button // element(by.css('.login-form button[type="submit"]')).click(); // //Wait for the current URL to change to welcome // browser.driver.wait(function() { // return browser.driver.getCurrentUrl().then(function(url) { // return (/welcome/).test(url); // }); // }); // var firstname = element(by.model('credentials.firstname')), // lastname = element(by.model('credentials.lastname')), // email = element(by.model('credentials.email')), // password = element(by.model('credentials.password')), // username = element(by.model('credentials.username')); // email.sendKeys('admin@app.com'); // username.sendKeys('admin'); // firstname.sendKeys('admin_first'); // firstname.sendKeys('admin_last'); // password.sendKeys('1234'); // //Click signup button // element(by.css('.btn.btn-large.btn-primary')).click().then(function () { // expect(browser.getCurrentUrl()).toEqual('http://localhost:3000/#!/signup-success'); // }); // }); // }); // }); // // Principal controller Spec // describe('AuthenticationController Unit Tests', function() { // // Initialize global variables // var AuthenticationController, // scope, // $httpBackend, // $stateParams, // $location; // beforeEach(function() { // jasmine.addMatchers({ // toEqualData: function(util, customEqualityTesters) { // return { // compare: function(actual, expected) { // return { // pass: angular.equals(actual, expected) // }; // } // }; // } // }); // }); // // Load the main application module // beforeEach(module(ApplicationConfiguration.applicationModuleName)); // // The injector ignores leading and trailing underscores here (i.e. _$httpBackend_). // // This allows us to inject a service but then attach it to a variable // // with the same name as the service. // beforeEach(inject(function($controller, $rootScope, _$location_, _$stateParams_, _$httpBackend_) { // // Set a new global scope // scope = $rootScope.$new(); // // Point global variables to injected services // $stateParams = _$stateParams_; // $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_; // $location = _$location_; // // Initialize the Principal controller // AuthenticationController = $controller('AuthenticationController', { // $scope: scope // }); // })); // it('$scope.signin() should login with a correct user and password', function() { // // Test expected GET request // $httpBackend.when('POST', '/auth/signin').respond(200, 'Fred'); // scope.signin(); // $httpBackend.flush(); // // Test scope value // expect(scope.authentication.user).toEqual('Fred'); // expect($location.url()).toEqual('/'); // }); // it('$scope.signin() should fail to log in with nothing', function() { // // Test expected POST request // $httpBackend.expectPOST('/auth/signin').respond(400, { // 'message': 'Missing credentials' // }); // scope.signin(); // $httpBackend.flush(); // // Test scope value // expect(scope.error).toEqual('Missing credentials'); // }); // it('$scope.signin() should fail to log in with wrong credentials', function() { // // Foo/Bar combo assumed to not exist // scope.authentication.user = 'Foo'; // scope.credentials = 'Bar'; // // Test expected POST request // $httpBackend.expectPOST('/auth/signin').respond(400, { // 'message': 'Unknown user' // }); // scope.signin(); // $httpBackend.flush(); // // Test scope value // expect(scope.error).toEqual('Unknown user'); // }); // it('$scope.signup() should register with correct data', function() { // // Test expected GET request // scope.authentication.user = 'Fred'; // $httpBackend.when('POST', '/auth/signup').respond(200, 'Fred'); // scope.signup(); // $httpBackend.flush(); // // test scope value // expect(scope.authentication.user).toBe('Fred'); // expect(scope.error).toEqual(undefined); // expect($location.url()).toBe('/'); // }); // it('$scope.signup() should fail to register with duplicate Username', function() { // // Test expected POST request // $httpBackend.when('POST', '/auth/signup').respond(400, { // 'message': 'Username already exists' // }); // scope.signup(); // $httpBackend.flush(); // // Test scope value // expect(scope.error).toBe('Username already exists'); // }); // }); // }());