'use strict'; angular.module('forms').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('en', { FORM_SUCCESS: 'Form entry successfully submitted!', REVIEW: 'Review', BACK_TO_FORM: 'Go back to Form', EDIT_FORM: 'Edit this TellForm', CREATE_FORM: 'Create this TellForm', ADVANCEMENT: '{{done}} out of {{total}} answered', CONTINUE_FORM: 'Continue to Form', REQUIRED: 'required', COMPLETING_NEEDED: '{{answers_not_completed}} answer(s) need completing', OPTIONAL: 'optional', ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID: 'Please enter a valid email address', ERROR_NOT_A_NUMBER: 'Please enter valid numbers only', ERROR_URL_INVALID: 'Please a valid url', OK: 'OK', ENTER: 'press ENTER', YES: 'Yes', NO: 'No', NEWLINE: 'press SHIFT+ENTER to create a newline', CONTINUE: 'Continue', LEGAL_ACCEPT: 'I accept', LEGAL_NO_ACCEPT: 'I don’t accept', DELETE: 'Delete', CANCEL: 'Cancel', SUBMIT: 'Submit', UPLOAD_FILE: 'Upload your File' }); }]);