Introduction =========== TellForm is a powerful, open-source form/survey tool that allows you to get data from your users quickly and easily while collecting powerful analytics to improve your surveys. TellForm offers a field by field analytics, custom subdomains per-user, an extendable API, logic-based field jumping, per-device visitor analytics and 11 types of form fields. By default, TellForm is setup to serve custom subdomains, but you can also configure it to work on a single domain, for those using it in more restricted environments. Exporters—both the official ones that the Prometheus team maintains as well as the community-contributed ones—provide information about everything from infrastructure, databases, and web servers to messaging systems, APIs, and more. In this tutorial, you'll install, configure, and secure TellForm to selfhost forms that will make it easy for you and your users to use. Prerequisites Before following this tutorial make sure you have: One Ubuntu 16.x or 14.x Droplet, set up by following the [Initial Server Setup with Ubuntu 16.04 tutorial](, including a sudo non-root user and a firewall. Nginx installed by following the first two steps of the [How To Install Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04 tutorial]( Docker installed by following the steps of the [How To Install and Use Docker on Ubuntu 16.04 tutorial]( ## Step 1 - Fetch Docker-Compose Files ``` $ curl -L $ curl -L ``` ### Prepare .env file: Create `.env` file at project root folder. Fill in `MAILER_SERVICE_PROVIDER`, `MAILER_EMAIL_ID`, `MAILER_PASSWORD` and `MAILER_FROM`. ``` APP_NAME=TellForm BASE_URL=localhost:3000 PORT=3000 DB_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR=tellform-mongo REDIS_DB_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR=tellform-redis MAILER_SERVICE_PROVIDER= MAILER_EMAIL_ID= MAILER_PASSWORD= MAILER_FROM= SIGNUP_DISABLED=false SUBDOMAINS_DISABLED=true DISABLE_CLUSTER_MODE=true ``` ### Build docker image ``` $ docker-compose build ``` ### Run docker containers with docker-compose Create and start mongo & redis docker container: ``` $ docker-compose up -d ``` Your application should run at the BASE_URL you specified on port 443.