# TellForm Configuration File ################################### # Common configuration variables ################################### # Set this to the path where Mailu data and configuration is stored # Mac users: Change to a Docker accessible folder ROOT=/opt/tellform_data # Set to what environment you will be running TellForm in (production or development) NODE_ENV=development # Set to a randomly generated 16 bytes string SECRET_KEY=ChangeMeChangeMe # URI of Mongo database that TellForm will connect to #DO NOT CHANGE MONGODB_URI=mongodb://mongo/tellform # URL Redis server that TellForm will connect to #DO NOT CHANGE REDIS_URL=redis://redis:6379 # Port that the TellForm Node app will listen on PORT=5000 # Domain that TellForm's admin panel will be hosted at BASE_URL=tellform.dev # Port that SocketIO server (for analytics) will listen on SOCKET_PORT=20523 #Choose what kind of TLS you want. #Can be either 'cert' (supply your certificates in ./cert/), 'notls' (no https at all) or 'letsencrypt' that autoconfigures your instance with letsencrypt TLS_FLAVOR=notls ################################### # Optional features ################################### # Set this to enable coveralls.io support COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN= # Disable signups for your TellForm instance SIGNUP_DISABLED=FALSE # Disable per-user custom subdomains SUBDOMAINS_DISABLED=FALSE # Url that subdomains will be hosted at (has to have domain name as ADMIN_URL) # Only used when SUBDOMAINS_DISABLED=FALSE SUBDOMAIN_URL=*.tellform.dev # Enable running TellForm in pm2's 'cluster' mode ENABLE_CLUSTER_MODE=FALSE ################################### # Mail settings # IMPORTANT: These settings need to be set # to be set in order for your instance to work ################################### # Set this to set the username credential of your SMTP service MAILER_EMAIL_ID= # Set this to set the password credential of your SMTP service MAILER_PASSWORD= # Set this to set the email address that all email should be sent from for signup/verification emails MAILER_FROM= # Set this to any services from https://nodemailer.com/smtp/well-known/ to use a 'well-known' email provider MAILER_SERVICE_PROVIDER= # Set these if you are not using a 'MAILER_SERVICE_PROVIDER' and want to specify your SMTP server's address and port MAILER_SMTP_HOST= MAILER_SMTP_PORT= # Set this if you are using a custom SMTP server that supports SSL MAILER_SMTP_SECURE ################################### # Automatic Admin Creation Settings ################################### # Set this to "TRUE" if you wish to automatically create an admin user on startup CREATE_ADMIN=FALSE # Set this to set the email used by your default admin account ADMIN_EMAIL=admin@admin.com # Set this to set the username of your default admin acconut ADMIN_USERNAME=root # Set this to set the password of your default admin account ADMIN_PASSWORD=root ################################### # Advanced settings ################################### # Set this to server your websockets server on a seperate URL SOCKETS_URL= # Set this to change the port that TellForm will listen on PORT=5000 # Set this to your Google Analytics ID to enable tracking with GA GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID= # Set this to your Sentry.io DSN code to enable front-end JS error tracking with Sentry.io RAVEN_DSN # Set this to set the 'name' meta property in the HTML APP_NAME= # Set this to set the 'keywords' meta property in the HTML APP_KEYWORDS= # Set this to set the 'description' meta property in the HTML head APP_DESC=