'use strict'; var _ = require('lodash'), config = require('./config'), chalk = require('chalk'), fs = require('fs'), winston = require('winston'); // list of valid formats for the logging var validFormats = ['combined', 'common', 'dev', 'short', 'tiny']; // Instantiating the default winston application logger with the Console // transport var logger = new winston.Logger({ transports: [ new winston.transports.Console({ level: 'info', colorize: true, showLevel: true, handleExceptions: true, humanReadableUnhandledException: true }) ], exitOnError: false }); // A stream object with a write function that will call the built-in winston // logger.info() function. // Useful for integrating with stream-related mechanism like Morgan's stream // option to log all HTTP requests to a file logger.stream = { write: function(msg) { logger.info(msg); } }; /** * Instantiate a winston's File transport for disk file logging * */ logger.setupFileLogger = function setupFileLogger() { var fileLoggerTransport = this.getLogOptions(); if (!fileLoggerTransport) { return false; } try { // Check first if the configured path is writable and only then // instantiate the file logging transport if (fs.openSync(fileLoggerTransport.filename, 'a+')) { logger.add(winston.transports.File, fileLoggerTransport); } return true; } catch (err) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') { console.log(); console.log(chalk.red('An error has occured during the creation of the File transport logger.')); console.log(chalk.red(err)); console.log(); } return false; } }; /** * The options to use with winston logger * * Returns a Winston object for logging with the File transport */ logger.getLogOptions = function getLogOptions() { var _config = _.clone(config, true); var configFileLogger = _config.log.fileLogger; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test' && !_.has(_config, 'log.fileLogger.directoryPath') || !_.has(_config, 'log.fileLogger.fileName')) { console.log('unable to find logging file configuration'); return false; } var logPath = configFileLogger.directoryPath + '/' + configFileLogger.fileName; return { level: 'debug', colorize: false, filename: logPath, timestamp: true, maxsize: configFileLogger.maxsize ? configFileLogger.maxsize : 10485760, maxFiles: configFileLogger.maxFiles ? configFileLogger.maxFiles : 2, json: (_.has(configFileLogger, 'json')) ? configFileLogger.json : false, eol: '\n', tailable: true, showLevel: true, handleExceptions: true, humanReadableUnhandledException: true }; }; /** * The options to use with morgan logger * * Returns a log.options object with a writable stream based on winston * file logging transport (if available) */ logger.getMorganOptions = function getMorganOptions() { return { stream: logger.stream }; }; /** * The format to use with the logger * * Returns the log.format option set in the current environment configuration */ logger.getLogFormat = function getLogFormat() { var format = config.log && config.log.format ? config.log.format.toString() : 'combined'; if (!_.includes(validFormats, format)) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') { console.log(); console.log(chalk.yellow('Warning: An invalid format was provided. The logger will use the default format of "' + format + '"')); console.log(); } } return format; }; logger.setupFileLogger(); module.exports = logger;