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2015-12-12 20:08:48 +00:00
// 'use strict';
// var should = require('should'),
// _ = require('lodash'),
// app = require('../../server'),
// request = require('supertest'),
// Session = require('supertest-session')({
// app: app
// }),
// mongoose = require('mongoose'),
// User = mongoose.model('User'),
// Form = mongoose.model('Form'),
// Field = mongoose.model('Field'),
// FormSubmission = mongoose.model('FormSubmission'),
// agent = request.agent(app);
// /**
// * Globals
// */
// var credentials, user, userSession;
// /**
// * Form routes tests
// */
// describe('Form Routes Unit tests', function() {
// var FormObj, _Submission, submissionSession;
// beforeEach(function(done) {
// //Initialize Session
// userSession = new Session();
// // Create user credentials
// credentials = {
// username: '',
// password: 'password'
// };
// // Create a new user
// user = new User({
// firstName: 'Full',
// lastName: 'Name',
// email: '',
// username: credentials.username,
// password: credentials.password,
// provider: 'local'
// });
// // Save a user to the test db and create new Form
// {
// if(err) return done(err);
// FormObj = {
// title: 'Form Title',
// language: 'english',
// admin: user._id,
// form_fields: [
// new Field({'fieldType':'textfield', 'title':'First Name', 'fieldValue': ''}),
// new Field({'fieldType':'checkbox', 'title':'nascar', 'fieldValue': ''}),
// new Field({'fieldType':'checkbox', 'title':'hockey', 'fieldValue': ''})
// ]
// };
//, form) {
// if (err) done(err);
// _Submission = {
// form_fields: [
// {'fieldType':'textfield', 'title':'First Name', 'fieldValue': 'David'},
// {'fieldType':'checkbox', 'title':'nascar', 'fieldValue': true},
// {'fieldType':'checkbox', 'title':'hockey', 'fieldValue': false}
// ],
// form: form._id,
// admin: user._id,
// percentageComplete: 100,
// timeElapsed: 11.55
// };
// FormObj = form;
// //Setup test session
// submissionSession = new Session();
// done();
// });
// });
// });
// it(' > should be able to create a Form Submission without signing in', function(done) {
// //Create Submission
//'/forms/' + FormObj._id)
// .send(_Submission)
// .expect(200)
// .end(function(err, res) {
// should.not.exist(err);
// done();
// });
// });
// it(' > should be able to get Form Submissions if signed in', function(done) {
// .send(credentials)
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect(200)
// .end(function(signinErr, signinRes) {
// should.not.exist(signinErr);
// //Create Submission
//'/forms/' + FormObj._id)
// .send(_Submission)
// .expect(200)
// .end(function(err, res) {
// should.not.exist(err);
// submissionSession.get('/forms/' + FormObj._id + '/submissions')
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect(200)
// .end(function(err, res) {
// // Set assertion
// should.not.exist(err);
// // Call the assertion callback
// done();
// });
// });
// });
// });
// it(' > should not be able to get Form Submissions if not signed in', function(done) {
// // Attempt to fetch form submissions
// submissionSession.get('/forms/' + FormObj._id + '/submissions')
// .expect(401)
// .end(function(err, res) {
// // Set assertions
// (res.body.message).should.equal('User is not logged in');
// // Call the assertion callback
// done();
// });
// });
// it(' > should not be able to delete Form Submission if not signed in', function(done) {
// var SubmissionObj = new FormSubmission(_Submission);
// (err, submission) {
// should.not.exist(err);
// var submission_ids = _.pluck([submission], '_id');
// // Attempt to delete form submissions
// submissionSession.delete('/forms/' + FormObj._id + '/submissions')
// .send({deleted_submissions: submission_ids})
// .expect(401)
// .end(function(err, res) {
// // Set assertions
// should.not.exist(err);
// (res.body.message).should.equal('User is not logged in');
// // Call the assertion callback
// done();
// });
// });
// });
// it(' > should be able to delete Form Submission if signed in', function(done) {
// // Create new FormSubmission model instance
// var SubmissionObj = new FormSubmission(_Submission);
// (err, submission) {
// should.not.exist(err);
// // Signin as user
// .send(credentials)
// .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
// .expect(200)
// .end(function(signinErr, signinRes) {
// // Handle signin error
// if (signinErr) return done(signinErr);
// var submission_ids = _.pluck([submission], '_id');
// //Delete form submissions
// submissionSession.delete('/forms/' + FormObj._id + '/submissions')
// .send({deleted_submissions: submission_ids})
// .expect(200)
// .end(function(err, res) {
// // Set assertions
// should.not.exist(err);
// (res.text).should.equal('Form submissions successfully deleted');
// // Call the assertion callback
// done();
// });
// });
// });
// });
// afterEach(function(done) {//logout current user if there is one
// FormSubmission.remove().exec(function() {
// Form.remove().exec(function (err) {
// User.remove({}).exec(function() {
// submissionSession.destroy();
// done();
// });
// });
// });
// });
// });