var sindex = 0; var cycle = false; var sengine = ""; // Default search engine function start() { var query = getParameterByName('q'); if (query) search(query.replaceAll("+", "%2B")); document.getElementById('keywords').focus(); window.setInterval(function () { updatetime(); }, 200); } function handleKeyPress(e) { var key = e.keyCode || e.which; var text = document.getElementById("keywords").value.replaceAll("+", "%2B"); var option = text.substr(1, text.indexOf(' ') - 1) || text.substr(1); var subtext = text.substr(2 + option.length); if (key == 13) { // Search functions search(text); } if (key == 9) { // Tab Completion Functions e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (text[0] === ';') { switch (option) { case 't': var streamers = ['admiralbahroo', 'moonmoon_ow', 'witwix']; if (!subtext || cycle) { cycle = true; if (sindex > streamers.length - 1) sindex = 0; document.getElementById("keywords").value = ';t ' + streamers[sindex++]; return; } for (var streamer of streamers) { if (subtext === streamer.substr(0, subtext.length)) { document.getElementById("keywords").value = ';t ' + streamer; return; } } break; } } } if(key == 32){ //Space to go to search document.getElementById("keywords").focus(); } sindex = 0; cycle = false; } function search(text) { var option = text.substr(1, text.indexOf(' ') - 1) || text.substr(1); var subtext = text.substr(2 + option.length); if (text[0] === '/') { if (text.indexOf(' ') > -1) { switch (option) { case "am": window.location = "" + subtext; break; case "d": window.location = "" + subtext; break; case "di": window.location = "" + subtext; break; case "i": window.location = "" + subtext; break; case "m": window.location = "" + subtext; break; case "r": window.location = "" + subtext; break; case "q": window.location = "" + subtext; break; case "so": window.location = "" + subtext; break; case "s": window.location = "" + subtext; break; case "t": window.location = "" + subtext; break; case "tv": window.location = "" + subtext; break; case "y": window.location = "" + subtext; break; case "g": window.location = "" + subtext; break; } } else { var option = text.substr(1); switch (option) { case "d": window.location = ""; break; case "y": window.location = ""; break; case "r": window.location = ""; break; case "s": window.location = ""; break; } } } else if (validURL(text)) { if (containsProtocol(text)) window.location = text; else window.location = "https://" + text; } else { window.location = sengine + text; } } // Source: function validURL(str) { var pattern = new RegExp('^(https?:\\/\\/)?' + // protocol '((([a-z\\d]([a-z\\d-]*[a-z\\d])*)\\.)+[a-z]{2,}|' + // domain name '((\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}))' + // OR ip (v4) address '(\\:\\d+)?(\\/[-a-z\\d%_.~+]*)*' + // port and path '(\\?[;&a-z\\d%_.~+=-]*)?' + // query string '(\\#[-a-z\\d_]*)?$', 'i'); // fragment locator return !!pattern.test(str); } function containsProtocol(str) { var pattern = new RegExp('^(https?:\\/\\/){1}.*', 'i'); return !!pattern.test(str); } String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replacement) { var target = this; return target.split(search).join(replacement); };