Update installation instructions

This commit is contained in:
Maddie Zhan 2020-04-03 09:23:22 +08:00
parent e9b33d81b8
commit 9212301af6

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@ -35,13 +35,25 @@ Works with mobile versions too.
You need Go 1.13+ to compile the binary.
1. Use this to install the binary into your `GOPATH`:
1. Clone this repository:
$ go get github.com/librespeed/speedtest@go
$ git clone github.com/librespeed/speedtest
# Switch to the Go branch
$ git checkout -b go
2. If you have telemetry enabled,
2. Build
# Change current working directory to the repository
$ cd speedtest
# Compile
$ go build -ldflags "-w -s" -trimpath -o speedtest main.go
3. Copy the `assets` directory, `settings.toml` file along with the compiled `speedtest` binary into a single directory
4. If you have telemetry enabled,
- For PostgreSQL/MySQL, create database and import the corresponding `.sql` file under `database/{postgresql,mysql}`
@ -55,13 +67,13 @@ You need Go 1.13+ to compile the binary.
3. Put `assets` folder under the same directory as your compiled binary.
5. Put `assets` folder under the same directory as your compiled binary.
- Make sure the font files and JavaScripts are in the `assets` directory
- You can have multiple HTML pages under `assets` directory. They can be access directly under the server root
(e.g. `/example-singleServer-full.html`)
- It's possible to have a default page mapped to `/`, simply put a file named `index.html` under `assets`
4. Change `settings.toml` according to your environment:
6. Change `settings.toml` according to your environment:
# bind address, use empty string to bind to all interfaces