Carlos Quintana 596dd0b1ee
Support next with Proton Link (#1226)
* Support next with Proton Link

* Add support for double next

* Fix bug on account relink
2022-08-11 10:38:44 +02:00

129 lines
3.3 KiB

import re
import secrets
import string
import time
import urllib.parse
from functools import wraps
from typing import List, Optional
from unidecode import unidecode
from .log import LOG
with open(WORDS_FILE_PATH) as f:
LOG.d("load words file: %s", WORDS_FILE_PATH)
_words =
def random_word():
return secrets.choice(_words)
def word_exist(word):
return word in _words
def random_words():
"""Generate a random words. Used to generate user-facing string, for ex email addresses"""
# nb_words = random.randint(2, 3)
nb_words = 2
return "_".join([secrets.choice(_words) for i in range(nb_words)])
def random_string(length=10, include_digits=False):
"""Generate a random string of fixed length"""
letters = string.ascii_lowercase
if include_digits:
letters += string.digits
return "".join(secrets.choice(letters) for _ in range(length))
def convert_to_id(s: str):
"""convert a string to id-like: remove space, remove special accent"""
s = s.replace(" ", "")
s = s.lower()
s = unidecode(s)
return s
_ALLOWED_CHARS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_-."
def convert_to_alphanumeric(s: str) -> str:
ret = []
# drop all control characters like shift, separator, etc
for c in s:
if c not in _ALLOWED_CHARS:
return "".join(ret)
def encode_url(url):
return urllib.parse.quote(url, safe="")
def sanitize_email(email_address: str, not_lower=False) -> str:
if email_address:
email_address = email_address.strip().replace(" ", "").replace("\n", " ")
if not not_lower:
email_address = email_address.lower()
return email_address
class NextUrlSanitizer:
def sanitize(url: Optional[str], allowed_domains: List[str]) -> Optional[str]:
if not url:
return None
replaced = url.replace("\\", "/")
result = urllib.parse.urlparse(replaced)
if result.hostname:
if result.hostname in allowed_domains:
return replaced
return None
if result.path and result.path[0] == "/" and not result.path.startswith("//"):
if result.query:
return f"{result.path}?{result.query}"
return result.path
return None
def sanitize_next_url(url: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
return NextUrlSanitizer.sanitize(url, ALLOWED_REDIRECT_DOMAINS)
def sanitize_scheme(scheme: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
if not scheme:
return None
if scheme in ["http", "https"]:
return None
scheme_regex = re.compile("^[a-z.]+$")
if scheme_regex.match(scheme):
return scheme
return None
def query2str(query):
"""Useful utility method to print out a SQLAlchemy query"""
return query.statement.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True})
def debug_info(func):
def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
start = time.time()
LOG.d("start %s %s %s", func.__name__, args, kwargs)
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
LOG.d("finish %s. Takes %s seconds", func.__name__, time.time() - start)
return ret
return wrap