
151 lines
4.3 KiB

{% from "_formhelpers.html" import render_field, render_field_errors %}
{% extends 'default.html' %}
{% set active_page = "developer" %}
{% block title %}
Developer - Edit client
{% endblock %}
{% block default_content %}
<div class="col-md-8 offset-md-2">
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
{{ form.csrf_token }}
<h3>App Information</h3>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-label">App Name</label>
{{"form-control", }}
{{ render_field_errors( }}
<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-label">Website Url</label>
{{ form.home_url(class="form-control", type="url", value=client.home_url or "") }}
{{ render_field_errors(form.home_url) }}
<div class="form-group">
<div class="form-label">App Icon</div>
{{ form.icon(class="form-control-file") }}
{{ render_field_errors(form.icon) }}
{% if client.icon_id %}
<img src="{{ client.icon.get_url() }}" class="client-icon">
{% endif %}
<h3>OpenID/OAuth2 parameters</h3>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-label">OAuth2 Client ID</label>
<div class="input-group mt-2">
<input type="text" value="{{ client.oauth_client_id }}" class="form-control">
<span class="input-group-append">
data-clipboard-text="{{ client.oauth_client_id }}"
class="clipboard btn btn-primary" type="button">
<i class="fe fe-clipboard"></i>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-label">OAuth2 Client Secret</label>
<div class="input-group mt-2">
<input type="password" value="{{ client.oauth_client_secret }}" class="form-control">
<span class="input-group-append">
data-clipboard-text="{{ client.oauth_client_secret }}"
class="clipboard btn btn-primary" type="button">
<i class="fe fe-clipboard"></i>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="form-label">Authorized URIs</label>
{% for redirect_uri in client.redirect_uris %}
<div class="input-group mt-2">
<input type="url" name="uri" class="form-control" value="{{ redirect_uri.uri }}" required>
<span class="input-group-append">
<button class="remove-uri btn btn-primary" type="button">
<i class="fe fe-x"></i>
{% endfor %}
<div id="new-uris">
<!-- New uri will be put here -->
<button type="button" id="create-new-uri" class="mt-2 btn btn-outline-secondary">Add new uri</button>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">Update</button>
<!-- template for new uri -->
<div class="input-group mt-2" id="hidden-uri" style="display: none">
<input type="url" name="uri" class="form-control" required>
<span class="input-group-append">
<button class="remove-uri btn btn-primary" type="button">
<i class="fe fe-x"></i>
{% endblock %}
{% block script %}
<script type="text/x-template" id="course-detail">
<h1> ALO </h1>
require(["jquery", "notie", "clipboard"], function ($, notie, Clipboard) {
$("#create-new-uri").on("click", function (e) {
var clone = $("#hidden-uri").clone(true, true); // (true, true) to clone withDataAndEvents, deepWithDataAndEvents
$(".remove-uri").click(function (e) {
var currentElement = $(this);
var clipboard = new Clipboard('.clipboard');
clipboard.on('success', function (e) {
type: "success",
text: "Copied to clipboard",
time: 2,
{% endblock %}