import json import secrets import webauthn from app.config import RP_ID from flask import request, render_template, redirect, url_for, flash, session from flask_login import login_user from flask_wtf import FlaskForm from wtforms import HiddenField, validators from app.auth.base import auth_bp from app.config import MFA_USER_ID from app.log import LOG from app.models import User from app.extensions import db class FidoTokenForm(FlaskForm): sk_assertion = HiddenField("sk_assertion", validators=[validators.DataRequired()]) @auth_bp.route("/fido", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def fido(): # passed from login page user_id = session.get(MFA_USER_ID) # user access this page directly without passing by login page if not user_id: flash("Unknown error, redirect back to main page", "warning") return redirect(url_for("auth.login")) user = User.get(user_id) if not (user and (user.fido_enabled())): flash("Only user with security key linked should go to this page", "warning") return redirect(url_for("auth.login")) fido_token_form = FidoTokenForm() next_url = request.args.get("next") webauthn_user = webauthn.WebAuthnUser( user.fido_uuid,,, False, user.fido_credential_id, user.fido_pk, user.fido_sign_count, RP_ID, ) # Handling POST requests if fido_token_form.validate_on_submit(): try: sk_assertion = json.loads( except Exception as e: flash("Key verification failed. Error: Invalid Payload", "warning") return redirect(url_for("auth.login")) challenge = session["fido_challenge"] credential_id = sk_assertion["id"] webauthn_assertion_response = webauthn.WebAuthnAssertionResponse( webauthn_user, sk_assertion, challenge, SITE_URL, uv_required=False ) is_webauthn_verified = False try: new_sign_count = webauthn_assertion_response.verify() is_webauthn_verified = True except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"An error occurred in WebAuthn verification process: {e}") flash("Key verification failed.", "warning") if is_webauthn_verified: user.fido_sign_count = new_sign_count db.session.commit() del session[MFA_USER_ID] login_user(user) flash(f"Welcome back {}!", "success") # User comes to login page from another page if next_url: LOG.debug("redirect user to %s", next_url) return redirect(next_url) else: LOG.debug("redirect user to dashboard") return redirect(url_for("dashboard.index")) else: # Verification failed, put else here to make structure clear pass # Prepare information for key registration process session.pop("challenge", None) challenge = secrets.token_urlsafe(32) session["fido_challenge"] = challenge.rstrip("=") webauthn_assertion_options = webauthn.WebAuthnAssertionOptions( webauthn_user, challenge ) webauthn_assertion_options = webauthn_assertion_options.assertion_dict return render_template( "auth/fido.html", fido_token_form=fido_token_form, webauthn_assertion_options=webauthn_assertion_options, enable_otp=user.enable_otp, )