from flask import url_for from app.config import EMAIL_DOMAIN, MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN from app.extensions import db from app.models import User, ApiKey, GenEmail from app.utils import random_word def test_success(flask_client): user = User.create( email="a@b.c", password="password", name="Test User", activated=True ) db.session.commit() # create api_key api_key = ApiKey.create(, "for test") db.session.commit() # create new alias with note word = random_word() r = url_for("api.new_custom_alias", hostname=""), headers={"Authentication": api_key.code}, json={ "alias_prefix": "prefix", "alias_suffix": f".{word}@{EMAIL_DOMAIN}", "note": "test note", }, ) assert r.status_code == 201 assert r.json["alias"] == f"prefix.{word}@{EMAIL_DOMAIN}" new_ge = GenEmail.get_by(email=r.json["alias"]) assert new_ge.note == "test note" # create alias without note word = random_word() r = url_for("api.new_custom_alias", hostname=""), headers={"Authentication": api_key.code}, json={"alias_prefix": "prefix", "alias_suffix": f".{word}@{EMAIL_DOMAIN}",}, ) assert r.status_code == 201 assert r.json["alias"] == f"prefix.{word}@{EMAIL_DOMAIN}" new_ge = GenEmail.get_by(email=r.json["alias"]) assert new_ge.note is None def test_out_of_quota(flask_client): user = User.create( email="a@b.c", password="password", name="Test User", activated=True ) user.trial_end = None db.session.commit() # create api_key api_key = ApiKey.create(, "for test") db.session.commit() # create MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN custom alias to run out of quota for _ in range(MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN): GenEmail.create_new(user, prefix="test") word = random_word() r = url_for("api.new_custom_alias", hostname=""), headers={"Authentication": api_key.code}, json={"alias_prefix": "prefix", "alias_suffix": f".{word}@{EMAIL_DOMAIN}"}, ) assert r.status_code == 400 assert r.json == { "error": "You have reached the limitation of a free account with the maximum of 3 aliases, please upgrade your plan to create more aliases" }