{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %} {{ render_text("Hi " + user.name) }} {% call text() %} Do you know you can send emails from your alias?
{% endcall %} {% call text() %} If you want to reply to an email, just hit "Reply" and your response will come from your alias. {% endcall %} {% call text() %} To send an email to a new contact, please follow the steps below. You can also watch this Youtube video that quickly walks you through the steps. {% endcall %} {% call text() %} 1. First click Send Email on the alias you want to send email from.
{% endcall %} {% call text() %} 2. Enter your contact email, this will create a reverse-alias for the contact.
{% endcall %} {% call text() %} 3. Send the email to this reverse-alias instead of the contact email.
{% endcall %} {% call text() %} And voilĂ , your contact will receive this email sent from your alias!
{% endcall %} {% endblock %} {% block footer %} This email is sent to {{ user.email }} and is part of our onboarding series. Unsubscribe on Settings {% endblock %}