import argparse import arrow from app import s3 from app.config import IGNORED_EMAILS, ADMIN_EMAIL from app.email_utils import send_email, send_trial_end_soon_email, render from app.extensions import db from app.log import LOG from app.models import ( Subscription, User, Alias, EmailLog, Contact, CustomDomain, Client, ManualSubscription, RefusedEmail, ) from server import create_app def notify_trial_end(): for user in User.query.filter( User.activated == True, User.trial_end.isnot(None), User.lifetime == False ).all(): if user.in_trial() and days=3 ) > user.trial_end >= LOG.d("Send trial end email to user %s", user) send_trial_end_soon_email(user) def delete_refused_emails(): for refused_email in RefusedEmail.query.filter(RefusedEmail.deleted == False).all(): if > refused_email.delete_at >= LOG.d("Delete refused email %s", refused_email) s3.delete(refused_email.path) s3.delete(refused_email.full_report_path) # do not set path and full_report_path to null # so we can check later that the files are indeed deleted refused_email.deleted = True db.session.commit() LOG.d("Finish delete_refused_emails") def notify_premium_end(): """sent to user who has canceled their subscription and who has their subscription ending soon""" for sub in Subscription.query.filter(Subscription.cancelled == True).all(): if ( > sub.next_bill_date >= ): user = sub.user LOG.d(f"Send subscription ending soon email to user {user}") send_email(, f"Your subscription will end soon {}", render("transactional/subscription-end.txt", user=user), render("transactional/subscription-end.html", user=user), ) def notify_manual_sub_end(): for manual_sub in ManualSubscription.query.all(): need_reminder = False if > manual_sub.end_at > need_reminder = True elif > manual_sub.end_at > need_reminder = True if need_reminder: user = manual_sub.user LOG.debug("Remind user %s that their manual sub is ending soon", user) send_email(, f"Your trial will end soon {}", render( "transactional/manual-subscription-end.txt",, user=user, manual_sub=manual_sub, ), render( "transactional/manual-subscription-end.html",, user=user, manual_sub=manual_sub, ), ) def stats(): """send admin stats everyday""" if not ADMIN_EMAIL: # nothing to do return # nb user q = User.query for ie in IGNORED_EMAILS: q = q.filter( nb_user = q.count() LOG.d("total number user %s", nb_user) # nb gen emails q = db.session.query(Alias, User).filter(Alias.user_id == for ie in IGNORED_EMAILS: q = q.filter( nb_alias = q.count() LOG.d("total number alias %s", nb_alias) # nb mails forwarded q = db.session.query(EmailLog, Contact, Alias, User).filter( EmailLog.contact_id ==, Contact.gen_email_id ==, Alias.user_id ==, ) for ie in IGNORED_EMAILS: q = q.filter( nb_forward = nb_block = nb_reply = 0 for fel, _, _, _ in q: if fel.is_reply: nb_reply += 1 elif fel.blocked: nb_block += 1 else: nb_forward += 1 LOG.d("nb forward %s, nb block %s, nb reply %s", nb_forward, nb_block, nb_reply) nb_premium = Subscription.query.count() nb_custom_domain = CustomDomain.query.count() nb_custom_domain_alias = Alias.query.filter( Alias.custom_domain_id.isnot(None) ).count() nb_disabled_alias = Alias.query.filter(Alias.enabled == False).count() nb_app = Client.query.count() today = send_email( ADMIN_EMAIL, subject=f"SimpleLogin Stats for {today}, {nb_user} users, {nb_alias} aliases, {nb_forward} forwards", plaintext="", html=f""" Stats for {today}
nb_user: {nb_user}
nb_premium: {nb_premium}
nb_alias: {nb_alias}
nb_disabled_alias: {nb_disabled_alias}
nb_custom_domain: {nb_custom_domain}
nb_custom_domain_alias: {nb_custom_domain_alias}
nb_forward: {nb_forward}
nb_reply: {nb_reply}
nb_block: {nb_block}
nb_app: {nb_app}
""", ) if __name__ == "__main__": LOG.d("Start running cronjob") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-j", "--job", help="Choose a cron job to run", type=str, choices=[ "stats", "notify_trial_end", "notify_manual_subscription_end", "notify_premium_end", "delete_refused_emails", ], ) args = parser.parse_args() app = create_app() with app.app_context(): if args.job == "stats": LOG.d("Compute Stats") stats() elif args.job == "notify_trial_end": LOG.d("Notify users with trial ending soon") notify_trial_end() elif args.job == "notify_manual_subscription_end": LOG.d("Notify users with manual subscription ending soon") notify_manual_sub_end() elif args.job == "notify_premium_end": LOG.d("Notify users with premium ending soon") notify_premium_end() elif args.job == "delete_refused_emails": LOG.d("Deleted refused emails") delete_refused_emails()