$('.mailbox-select').multipleSelect(); $(".delete-email").on("click", function () { let alias = $(this).parent().find(".alias").val(); let message = `Once ${alias} is deleted, people/apps ` + "who used to contact you via this alias cannot reach you any more," + " please confirm."; let that = $(this); bootbox.confirm({ message: message, buttons: { confirm: { label: 'Yes, delete it', className: 'btn-danger' }, cancel: { label: 'Cancel', className: 'btn-outline-primary' } }, callback: function (result) { if (result) { that.closest("form").submit(); } } }) }); $(".enable-disable-alias").change(async function () { let aliasId = $(this).data("alias"); let alias = $(this).data("alias-email"); await disableAlias(aliasId, alias); }) async function disableAlias(aliasId, alias) { let oldValue; try { let res = await fetch(`/api/aliases/${aliasId}/toggle`, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", } }); if (res.ok) { let json = await res.json(); if (json.enabled) { toastr.success(`${alias} is enabled`); $(`#send-email-${aliasId}`).removeClass("disabled"); } else { toastr.success(`${alias} is disabled`); $(`#send-email-${aliasId}`).addClass("disabled"); } } else { toastr.error("Sorry for the inconvenience! Could you refresh the page & retry please?", "Unknown Error"); // reset to the original value oldValue = !$(this).prop("checked"); $(this).prop("checked", oldValue); } } catch (e) { toastr.error("Sorry for the inconvenience! Could you refresh the page & retry please?", "Unknown Error"); // reset to the original value oldValue = !$(this).prop("checked"); $(this).prop("checked", oldValue); } } $(".enable-disable-pgp").change(async function (e) { let aliasId = $(this).data("alias"); let alias = $(this).data("alias-email"); const oldValue = !$(this).prop("checked"); let newValue = !oldValue; try { let res = await fetch(`/api/aliases/${aliasId}`, { method: "PUT", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ disable_pgp: oldValue, }), }); if (res.ok) { if (newValue) { toastr.success(`PGP is enabled for ${alias}`); } else { toastr.info(`PGP is disabled for ${alias}`); } } else { toastr.error("Sorry for the inconvenience! Could you refresh the page & retry please?", "Unknown Error"); // reset to the original value $(this).prop("checked", oldValue); } } catch (e) { toastr.error("Sorry for the inconvenience! Could you refresh the page & retry please?", "Unknown Error"); // reset to the original value $(this).prop("checked", oldValue); } }) $(".pin-alias").change(async function () { let aliasId = $(this).data("alias"); let alias = $(this).data("alias-email"); const oldValue = !$(this).prop("checked"); let newValue = !oldValue; try { let res = await fetch(`/api/aliases/${aliasId}`, { method: "PUT", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ pinned: newValue, }), }); if (res.ok) { if (newValue) { toastr.success(`${alias} is added to favorite`); } else { toastr.info(`${alias} is removed from favorite`); } } else { toastr.error("Sorry for the inconvenience! Could you refresh the page & retry please?", "Unknown Error"); // reset to the original value $(this).prop("checked", oldValue); } } catch (e) { toastr.error("Sorry for the inconvenience! Could you refresh the page & retry please?", "Unknown Error"); // reset to the original value $(this).prop("checked", oldValue); } }) $(".save-note").on("click", async function () { let oldValue; let aliasId = $(this).data("alias"); let note = $(`#note-${aliasId}`).val(); try { let res = await fetch(`/api/aliases/${aliasId}`, { method: "PUT", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ note: note, }), }); if (res.ok) { toastr.success(`Note Saved`); } else { toastr.error("Sorry for the inconvenience! Could you refresh the page & retry please?", "Unknown Error"); // reset to the original value oldValue = !$(this).prop("checked"); $(this).prop("checked", oldValue); } } catch (e) { toastr.error("Sorry for the inconvenience! Could you refresh the page & retry please?", "Unknown Error"); // reset to the original value oldValue = !$(this).prop("checked"); $(this).prop("checked", oldValue); } }) $(".save-mailbox").on("click", async function () { let oldValue; let aliasId = $(this).data("alias"); let mailbox_ids = $(`#mailbox-${aliasId}`).val(); if (mailbox_ids.length === 0) { toastr.error("You must select at least a mailbox", "Error"); return; } try { let res = await fetch(`/api/aliases/${aliasId}`, { method: "PUT", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ mailbox_ids: mailbox_ids, }), }); if (res.ok) { toastr.success(`Mailbox Updated`); } else { toastr.error("Sorry for the inconvenience! Could you refresh the page & retry please?", "Unknown Error"); // reset to the original value oldValue = !$(this).prop("checked"); $(this).prop("checked", oldValue); } } catch (e) { toastr.error("Sorry for the inconvenience! Could you refresh the page & retry please?", "Unknown Error"); // reset to the original value oldValue = !$(this).prop("checked"); $(this).prop("checked", oldValue); } }) $(".save-alias-name").on("click", async function () { let aliasId = $(this).data("alias"); let name = $(`#alias-name-${aliasId}`).val(); try { let res = await fetch(`/api/aliases/${aliasId}`, { method: "PUT", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ name: name, }), }); if (res.ok) { toastr.success(`Alias Name Saved`); } else { toastr.error("Sorry for the inconvenience! Could you refresh the page & retry please?", "Unknown Error"); } } catch (e) { toastr.error("Sorry for the inconvenience! Could you refresh the page & retry please?", "Unknown Error"); } }) new Vue({ el: '#filter-app', delimiters: ["[[", "]]"], // necessary to avoid conflict with jinja data: { showFilter: false }, methods: { async toggleFilter() { let that = this; that.showFilter = !that.showFilter; store.set('showFilter', that.showFilter); } }, async mounted() { if (store.get("showFilter")) this.showFilter = true; } });