import os from email.message import EmailMessage from email.utils import make_msgid, formatdate from smtplib import SMTP from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader from app.config import ( SUPPORT_EMAIL, ROOT_DIR, POSTFIX_SERVER, ADMIN_EMAIL, NOT_SEND_EMAIL, ) from app.log import LOG def _render(template_name, **kwargs) -> str: templates_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "templates", "emails") env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(templates_dir)) template = env.get_template(template_name) return template.render(**kwargs) def send_welcome_email(email, name): send_by_postfix( email, f"{name}, welcome to SimpleLogin!", _render("welcome.txt", name=name), _render("welcome.html", name=name), ) def send_activation_email(email, name, activation_link): send_by_postfix( email, f"{name}, just one more step to join SimpleLogin", _render( "activation.txt", name=name, activation_link=activation_link, email=email ), _render( "activation.html", name=name, activation_link=activation_link, email=email ), ) def send_reset_password_email(email, name, reset_password_link): send_by_postfix( email, f"{name}, reset your password on SimpleLogin", _render( "reset-password.txt", name=name, reset_password_link=reset_password_link ), _render( "reset-password.html", name=name, reset_password_link=reset_password_link ), ) def send_change_email(new_email, current_email, name, link): send_by_postfix( new_email, f"{name}, confirm email update on SimpleLogin", _render( "change-email.txt", name=name, link=link, new_email=new_email, current_email=current_email, ), _render( "change-email.html", name=name, link=link, new_email=new_email, current_email=current_email, ), ) def send_new_app_email(email, name): send_by_postfix( email, f"{name}, any questions/feedbacks for SimpleLogin?", _render("new-app.txt", name=name), _render("new-app.html", name=name), ) def send_test_email_alias(email, name): send_by_postfix( email, f"{name}, this email is sent to {email}", _render("test-email.txt", name=name, alias=email), _render("test-email.html", name=name, alias=email), ) def send_by_postfix(to_email, subject, plaintext, html): if NOT_SEND_EMAIL: LOG.d( "send email with subject %s to %s, plaintext: %s, html:%s", subject, to_email, plaintext, html, ) return # host IP, setup via Docker network smtp = SMTP(POSTFIX_SERVER, 25) msg = EmailMessage() msg["Subject"] = subject msg["From"] = f"Son from SimpleLogin <{SUPPORT_EMAIL}>" msg["To"] = to_email msg.set_content(plaintext) if html is not None: msg.add_alternative(html, subtype="html") msg_id_header = make_msgid() LOG.d("message-id %s", msg_id_header) msg["Message-ID"] = msg_id_header date_header = formatdate() LOG.d("Date header: %s", date_header) msg["Date"] = date_header smtp.send_message(msg, from_addr=SUPPORT_EMAIL, to_addrs=[to_email]) def notify_admin(subject, html_content=""): send_by_postfix(ADMIN_EMAIL, subject, html_content, html_content) def get_email_name(email_from): """parse email from header and return the name part First Last -> First Last -> "" """ if "<" in email_from: return email_from[: email_from.find("<")].strip() return "" def get_email_part(email_from): """parse email from header and return the email part First Last -> -> "" """ if "<" in email_from: return email_from[email_from.find("<") + 1 : email_from.find(">")].strip() return email_from