from flask import request, jsonify from app.extensions import db from app.jose_utils import make_id_token from app.log import LOG from app.models import Client, AuthorizationCode, OauthToken, ClientUser from app.oauth.base import oauth_bp from app.oauth.views.authorize import generate_access_token from app.oauth_models import Scope @oauth_bp.route("/token", methods=["POST"]) def get_access_token(): """ Calls by client to exchange the access token given the authorization code. The client authentications using Basic Authentication. The form contains the following data: - grant_type: must be "authorization_code" - code: the code obtained in previous step """ # Basic authentication oauth_client_id = ( request.authorization and request.authorization.username ) or request.form.get("client_id") oauth_client_secret = ( request.authorization and request.authorization.password ) or request.form.get("client_secret") client = Client.filter_by( oauth_client_id=oauth_client_id, oauth_client_secret=oauth_client_secret ).first() if not client: return jsonify(error="wrong client-id or client-secret"), 400 # Get code from form data grant_type = request.form.get("grant_type") code = request.form.get("code") # sanity check if grant_type != "authorization_code": return jsonify(error="grant_type must be authorization_code"), 400 auth_code: AuthorizationCode = AuthorizationCode.filter_by(code=code).first() if not auth_code: return jsonify(error=f"no such authorization code {code}"), 400 if auth_code.client_id != return jsonify(error=f"are you sure this code belongs to you?"), 400 LOG.debug( "Create Oauth token for user %s, client %s", auth_code.user, auth_code.client ) # Create token oauth_token = OauthToken.create( client_id=auth_code.client_id, user_id=auth_code.user_id, scope=auth_code.scope, redirect_uri=auth_code.redirect_uri, access_token=generate_access_token(), ) db.session.add(oauth_token) # Auth code can be used only once AuthorizationCode.delete( db.session.commit() client_user: ClientUser = ClientUser.get_by( client_id=auth_code.client_id, user_id=auth_code.user_id ) user_data = client_user.get_user_info() res = { "access_token": oauth_token.access_token, "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 3600, "scope": "", "user": user_data, } if oauth_token.scope and Scope.OPENID.value in oauth_token.scope: res["id_token"] = make_id_token(client_user) return jsonify(res)