from flask import url_for from app.config import EMAIL_DOMAIN, MAX_NB_EMAIL_FREE_PLAN, PAGE_LIMIT from app.extensions import db from app.models import User, ApiKey, GenEmail from app.utils import random_word def test_error_without_pagination(flask_client): user = User.create( email="a@b.c", password="password", name="Test User", activated=True ) db.session.commit() # create api_key api_key = ApiKey.create(, "for test") db.session.commit() r = flask_client.get( url_for("api.get_aliases"), headers={"Authentication": api_key.code}, ) assert r.status_code == 400 assert r.json["error"] def test_success_with_pagination(flask_client): user = User.create( email="a@b.c", password="password", name="Test User", activated=True ) db.session.commit() # create api_key api_key = ApiKey.create(, "for test") db.session.commit() # create more aliases than PAGE_LIMIT for _ in range(PAGE_LIMIT + 1): GenEmail.create_new_random( db.session.commit() # get aliases on the 1st page, should return PAGE_LIMIT aliases r = flask_client.get( url_for("api.get_aliases", page_id=0), headers={"Authentication": api_key.code}, ) assert r.status_code == 200 assert len(r.json["aliases"]) == PAGE_LIMIT # get aliases on the 2nd page, should return 2 aliases # as the total number of aliases is PAGE_LIMIT +2 # 1 alias is created when user is created r = flask_client.get( url_for("api.get_aliases", page_id=1), headers={"Authentication": api_key.code}, ) assert r.status_code == 200 assert len(r.json["aliases"]) == 2 def test_delete_alias(flask_client): user = User.create( email="a@b.c", password="password", name="Test User", activated=True ) db.session.commit() # create api_key api_key = ApiKey.create(, "for test") db.session.commit() gen_email = GenEmail.create_new_random( db.session.commit() r = flask_client.delete( url_for("api.delete_alias",, headers={"Authentication": api_key.code}, ) assert r.status_code == 200 assert r.json == {"deleted": True}