add POST /api/auth/google

This commit is contained in:
Son NK 2020-02-28 17:29:33 +07:00
parent 7cf39c269d
commit 4d1d236066
2 changed files with 66 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -745,13 +745,15 @@ Input:
- device: device name. Used to create the API Key. Should be humanly readable so user can manage later on the "API Key" page.
Output: Same output as for `/api/auth/login` endpoint
- name: user name, could be an empty string
- mfa_enabled: boolean
- mfa_key: only useful when user enables MFA. In this case, user needs to enter their OTP token in order to login.
- api_key: if MFA is not enabled, the `api key` is returned right away.
The `api_key` is used in all subsequent requests. It's empty if MFA is enabled.
If user hasn't enabled MFA, `mfa_key` is empty.
#### POST /api/auth/google
- google_token: Facebook access token
- device: device name. Used to create the API Key. Should be humanly readable so user can manage later on the "API Key" page.
Output: Same output as for `/api/auth/login` endpoint
#### GET /api/aliases

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@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
from flask import g
from flask import jsonify, request
import facebook
import google.oauth2.credentials
import googleapiclient.discovery
from flask import jsonify, request
from flask_cors import cross_origin
from itsdangerous import Signer
from app import email_utils
from app.api.base import api_bp, verify_api_key
from app.api.base import api_bp
from app.config import (
from app.email_utils import can_be_used_as_personal_email, email_already_used
from app.extensions import db
from app.log import LOG
from app.models import GenEmail, AliasUsedOn, User, ApiKey, SocialAuth
from app.utils import convert_to_id
import facebook
from app.models import User, ApiKey, SocialAuth
@api_bp.route("/auth/login", methods=["POST"])
@ -105,6 +104,58 @@ def auth_facebook():
return jsonify(**auth_payload(user, device)), 200
@api_bp.route("/auth/google", methods=["POST"])
def auth_google():
Authenticate user with Facebook
google_token: Google access token
device: to create an ApiKey associated with this device
200 and user info containing:
name: "John Wick",
mfa_enabled: true,
mfa_key: "a long string",
api_key: "a long string"
data = request.get_json()
if not data:
return jsonify(error="request body cannot be empty"), 400
google_token = data.get("google_token")
device = data.get("device")
cred = google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials(token=google_token)
build ="oauth2", "v2", credentials=cred)
user_info = build.userinfo().get().execute()
email = user_info.get("email")
user = User.get_by(email=email)
if not user:
return jsonify(error="registration is closed"), 400
if not can_be_used_as_personal_email(email) or email_already_used(email):
return jsonify(error=f"cannot use {email} as personal inbox"), 400
LOG.d("create Google user with %s", user_info)
user = User.create(email=email.lower(), name="", activated=True)
if not SocialAuth.get_by(, social="google"):
SocialAuth.create(, social="google")
return jsonify(**auth_payload(user, device)), 200
def auth_payload(user, device) -> dict:
ret = {