Install extra networking tools (insiders)

This commit is contained in:
billz 2023-12-04 16:15:32 +00:00
parent 0a547442a4
commit 243a5e49fa

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@ -235,16 +235,19 @@ function _install_dependencies() {
echo "${dhcpcd_package} and ${iw_package} will be installed from the main deb sources list"
if [ ${OS,,} = "raspbian" ] && [[ ${RELEASE} =~ ^(12) ]]; then
dhcpcd_package="dhcpcd dhcpcd-base"
echo "${dhcpcd_package} will be installed from the main deb sources list"
if [ "$insiders" == 1 ]; then
network_tools="curl dnsutils nmap"
echo "${network_tools} will be installed from the main deb sources list"
# Set dconf-set-selections
echo iptables-persistent iptables-persistent/autosave_v4 boolean true | sudo debconf-set-selections
echo iptables-persistent iptables-persistent/autosave_v6 boolean true | sudo debconf-set-selections
sudo apt-get install -y lighttpd git hostapd dnsmasq iptables-persistent $php_package $dhcpcd_package $iw_package vnstat qrencode jq isoquery || _install_status 1 "Unable to install dependencies"
sudo apt-get install -y lighttpd git hostapd dnsmasq iptables-persistent $php_package $dhcpcd_package $iw_package $network_tools vnstat qrencode jq isoquery || _install_status 1 "Unable to install dependencies"
_install_status 0