2023-01-22 04:39:31 -05:00

217 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# === Patches for free version to be a properly isolated service ===
# - Restricts all public listening ports to the IP(s) associated with the
# container's hostname
# - Replaces all localhost listening ports with unix-domain sockets inside
# the container
# With these changes, multiple instances can be run on the same
# machine (as long as each container has its own public IP), and no internal
# services (such as quota, websockets, etc.) are exposed to the host's
# loopback interface.
set -eu # fail on any errors or undefined variables
shopt -s nullglob
# A tiny DSL for editing files with sed: `~ edit files...; {{ commands }}`
edit() { local sed; ::block sed-dsl; if (($#)); then sed -i -e "$sed" "$@"; fi; }
sed-dsl() { sed."$@"; }
sed.sub() { sed+="s~$1~$2~${3-}"$'\n'; }
sed.del() { sed+="${1+/$1/}d"$'\n'; }
sed.append() { sed+='$a'; ((!$#))||__sedline "$@"; ::block __sedline; sed+=$'\n'; }
sed.after() { sed+='/'"$1"'/a'; (($#<2))||__sedline "${@:2}"; ::block __sedline; sed+=$'\n'; }
sed.range() { sed+="/$1/,/$2/ {"$'\n'; ::block sed-dsl; sed+=$'}\n'; }
__sedline() { sed+="${*/#/\\$'\n'}"; }
# DSL syntax macros: minified runtime copied from
shopt -q expand_aliases||{ unalias -a;shopt -s expand_aliases;};builtin alias +='{ ::__;::(){ ((!$#))||{ shift;"${__dsl__[@]-::no-dsl}" ' ~='{ ::__;::(){ ((!$#))||{ shift; ' -='"${__dsl__[@]-::no-dsl}" ' '{{=return;return;};__blk__=;set -- "${__blarg__[@]:1}"; ' '}}=};__:: 0 "$@";}';::block(){ ((!$#))||local __dsl__=("$@");${__blk__:+::};};__bsp__=0;::__(){ __bstk__[__bsp__++]="${__blk__:+__blk__=1;$(declare -f ::)}";};__::(){ local __blarg__=("$@");__blk__=1;:: "$@"||set -- $?;__blk__=;local REPLY;${__bstk__[--__bsp__]:+eval "${__bstk__[__bsp__]}"}||:;return $1;}
# === Upstream bug fixes ===
# Remove this when 2.3.x is stable
~ edit opt/admin/src/AppBundle/Resources/views/Box/edit.html[.]twig; {{
# Fix typo
- sub "refereneId" "referenceId"
# === Restrict public ports to the container hostname IP ===
~ edit /opt/www/webmail/config/; {{
# Make webmail connect to the public hostname, instead of localhost
+ append ""; {{
- "\$config['default_host'] = 'ssl://' . gethostname();"
- "\$config['smtp_server'] = 'tls://' . gethostname() . ':587';"
- "\$config['managesieve_port'] = 4190;"
- "\$config['managesieve_host'] = gethostname();"
- "\$config['managesieve_usetls'] = true;"
~ edit /healthcheck/; {{
- sub "" '"http://$(hostname)"'
~ edit \
/opt/admin/src/AppBundle/CommandInternal/DeliverQuarantineCommand[.]php \
/opt/admin/src/Base/CommandInternal/DeliverQuarantineCommand[.]php ;
# Quarantine "deliver" / deliver:quarantine should send to host, not localhost
- sub "\['msmtp', '-f'.*" "['msmtp', '--host', gethostname(), '-f', \$meta['from']];"
~ edit /etc/nginx/sites-enabled.templates/{no-,}https; {{
# Remove the listen lines that lack an address
- del 'listen __HTTP_PORT__;'
- del 'listen __HTTPS_PORT__ ssl;'
# Replace the IPv6 wildcard and any localhost references w/explicit host
- sub 'listen \[::\]:' 'listen __HOST__:'
- sub localhost '$hostname'
~ edit /opt/haraka-{smtp,submission}/config/plugins; {{
# Fake remote IP to when connection is from localhost
- after "status_http" \
# Add our outbound IP routing plugin
- append 'outbound_ips'
# === Replace localhost ports with unix sockets ====
# Note: if you change any of these socket names or locations, they must also be
# changed in the corresponding files, as applicable:
# - files/etc/dovecot/local.conf
# - files/etc/rspamd/override.d/worker-*.inc
# - files/opt/haraka-smtp/config/redis.ini
# redis and haraka run unprivileged and so need directories of their own
mkdir -p "$sockdir"/redis "$sockdir"/haraka
chown redis "$sockdir"/redis
chown delivery "$sockdir"/haraka
# Change nginx proxy settings to use unix sockets
~ edit /etc/nginx/sites-enabled.templates/{no-,}https; {{
- sub unix:"$rspam_web":
- sub 'proxy_pass\$1/' "proxy_pass http://unix:$sockdir/haraka/web-\$1.sock:/"
# The rspamc command needs to reference the web socket explicitly
~ edit /opt/admin/src/AppBundle/Server/System[.]php /opt/admin/src/Base/Server/System[.]php; {{
- sub "rspamc stat" \
"rspamc -h $rspam_web stat"
~ edit /etc/dovecot/sieve/report-{spam,ham}.sieve; {{
- sub '"rspamc" \[' \
'"rspamc" ["--connect='"$rspam_web"'", '
# Disable dovecot quota service on localhost
~ edit /etc/dovecot/conf.d/90-quota.conf; {{
+ range 'inet_listener' '}'; {{
- del
# Haraka plugins need to use sockets for quota instead of ports
~ edit /opt/haraka-smtp/plugins/dovecot_quota.js; {{
- sub "socket\\.connect(13001, '');" \
# Haraka logs should show the redis socket
~ edit /usr/lib/node_modules/Haraka/node_modules/haraka-plugin-redis/index.js; {{
- sub 'redis://\${}:\${opts.port}' \
# Haraka web servers need to listen on unix sockets
~ edit /opt/haraka-smtp/config/http.ini; {{
- sub 'listen=' "listen=$haraka_smtp_web:777"
~ edit /opt/haraka-submission/config/http.ini; {{
- sub 'listen=' "listen=$haraka_sub_web:777"
# Have haraka talk to rspamd via unix socket
~ edit /opt/haraka-{smtp,submission}/config/rspamd.ini; {{
- sub '^host.*=.*$' "unix_socket = $rspam"
# Configure redis to listen on a unix socket, and rspamd+admin to connect there
~ edit /etc/redis/redis.conf; {{
- sub "^port 6379" "port 0" # disable the localhost port
- append "" "unixsocket $redis" "unixsocketperm 777" # can be removed as of 2.3.7
~ edit /etc/rspamd/local.d/{redis,statistic}.conf; {{
- sub 'servers = "127.*;$' \
'servers = "'"$redis"'";'
~ edit /healthcheck/; {{
- sub '-h ""' "-s '$redis'";
~ edit /bin/clear[-]idle-connections; {{ # can be removed as of 2.3.7
- sub "redis-cli'" "redis-cli', '-s', '$redis'"
~ edit /bin/poste-redis-statistics; {{
- sub "redis-cli" "redis-cli -s '$redis'"
~ edit /opt/admin/src/AppBundle/Resources/config/services[.]yml /opt/admin/config/services_base[.]yaml; {{
- sub '^ Predis\\Client: .*$' \
' Predis\\Client: { arguments: [ "unix:'"$redis"'" ] }'
# The above change won't take effect unless the service cache is cleared:
rm -rf /opt/admin/var/cache/prod
# === Support Roundcube plugins and persistent encryption key
# Load 48-digit hex des_key from DES_KEY
~ edit /etc/cont-init.d/{20-apply-server-config,97[-]randoms}; {{
+ range 'roundcube' 'preg_replace'; {{
- sub '[$]key = bin2hex' '$key = getenv("DES_KEY") ?: bin2hex'
# Autoload roundcube plugins from /data/roundcube/installed-plugins
~ edit /opt/www/webmail/config/; {{
+ append ""; {{
- 'foreach ( explode("\\n", file_get_contents("/data/roundcube/installed-plugins")) as $line ) {'
- ' $line = trim($line);'
- ' if ( "" === $line || substr($line,0,1) === "#" || ! is_dir("plugins/$line")) continue;'
- ' $config["plugins"][] = $line;'
- '}'