--- Title: Theme Description: Picobook is a template for PICO CMS , blazing fast, flat file CMS. Cover: https://axcora.my.id/data/uploads/pico/piconic/piconic-source-code-for-built-website-mobilweb-and-android-mobile-application-3.jpg --- Another template using pico cms free download. + Piconic : is a modern mobile website build with pico cms and ionic mobile framework, [test demo and download →](https://axcora.my.id/piconic/demo) + AxcoraPico : Clean design all about pico build with pico cms and pico css , [test demo and download →](https://axcora.my.id/pico/demo) + Pena : A blogger template with SEO , [test demo and download →](https://axcora.my.id/pena/)