Michael Mayer fd55b9046c Live Photos: Refactor Support for Samsung Motion Photos #439 #3588
Signed-off-by: Michael Mayer <>
2023-08-22 10:48:37 +02:00

1379 lines
36 KiB

package photoprism
import (
_ "image/gif"
_ "image/jpeg"
_ "image/png"
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
// MediaFile represents a single photo, video, sidecar, or other supported media file.
type MediaFile struct {
fileName string
fileNameResolved string
fileRoot string
statErr error
modTime time.Time
fileSize int64
fileType fs.Type
mimeType string
takenAt time.Time
takenAtSrc string
hash string
checksum string
hasPreviewImage bool
noColorProfile bool
colorProfile string
width int
height int
metaData meta.Data
metaOnce sync.Once
fileMutex sync.Mutex
location *entity.Cell
imageConfig *image.Config
// NewMediaFile returns a new media file and automatically resolves any symlinks.
func NewMediaFile(fileName string) (*MediaFile, error) {
if fileNameResolved, err := fs.Resolve(fileName); err != nil {
// Don't return nil on error, as this would change the previous behavior.
return &MediaFile{}, err
} else {
return NewMediaFileSkipResolve(fileName, fileNameResolved)
// NewMediaFileSkipResolve returns a new media file without resolving symlinks.
// This is useful because if it is known that the filename is fully resolved, it is much faster.
func NewMediaFileSkipResolve(fileName string, fileNameResolved string) (*MediaFile, error) {
// Create and initialize the new media file.
m := &MediaFile{
fileName: fileName,
fileNameResolved: fileNameResolved,
fileRoot: entity.RootUnknown,
fileType: fs.UnknownType,
metaData: meta.New(),
width: -1,
height: -1,
// Check if the file exists and is not empty.
if size, _, err := m.Stat(); err != nil {
// Return error if os.Stat() failed.
return m, fmt.Errorf("%s not found", clean.Log(m.RootRelName()))
} else if size == 0 {
// Notify the user that the file is empty.
log.Infof("media: %s is empty", clean.Log(m.RootRelName()))
return m, nil
// Ok checks if the file has a name, exists and is not empty.
func (m *MediaFile) Ok() bool {
return m.FileName() != "" && m.statErr == nil && !m.Empty()
// Empty checks if the file is empty.
func (m *MediaFile) Empty() bool {
return m.FileSize() <= 0
// Stat calls os.Stat() to return the file size and modification time,
// or an error if this failed.
func (m *MediaFile) Stat() (size int64, mod time.Time, err error) {
if m.fileSize > 0 {
return m.fileSize, m.modTime, m.statErr
if s, err := os.Stat(m.fileNameResolved); err != nil {
m.statErr = err
m.modTime = time.Time{}
m.fileSize = -1
} else {
m.statErr = nil
m.modTime = s.ModTime().UTC().Truncate(time.Second)
m.fileSize = s.Size()
return m.fileSize, m.modTime, m.statErr
// ModTime returns the file modification time.
func (m *MediaFile) ModTime() time.Time {
_, modTime, _ := m.Stat()
return modTime
// FileSize returns the file size in bytes.
func (m *MediaFile) FileSize() int64 {
fileSize, _, _ := m.Stat()
return fileSize
// DateCreated returns only the date on which the media file was probably taken in UTC.
func (m *MediaFile) DateCreated() time.Time {
takenAt, _ := m.TakenAt()
return takenAt
// TakenAt returns the date on which the media file was taken in UTC and the source of this information.
func (m *MediaFile) TakenAt() (time.Time, string) {
if !m.takenAt.IsZero() {
return m.takenAt, m.takenAtSrc
m.takenAt = time.Now().UTC()
data := m.MetaData()
if data.Error == nil && !data.TakenAt.IsZero() && data.TakenAt.Year() > 1000 {
m.takenAt = data.TakenAt.UTC()
m.takenAtSrc = entity.SrcMeta
log.Infof("media: %s was taken at %s (%s)", clean.Log(filepath.Base(m.fileName)), m.takenAt.String(), m.takenAtSrc)
return m.takenAt, m.takenAtSrc
if nameTime := txt.DateFromFilePath(m.fileName); !nameTime.IsZero() {
m.takenAt = nameTime
m.takenAtSrc = entity.SrcName
log.Infof("media: %s was taken at %s (%s)", clean.Log(filepath.Base(m.fileName)), m.takenAt.String(), m.takenAtSrc)
return m.takenAt, m.takenAtSrc
m.takenAtSrc = entity.SrcAuto
fileInfo, err := times.Stat(m.FileName())
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("media: %s (file stat)", err.Error())
log.Infof("media: %s was taken at %s (now)", clean.Log(filepath.Base(m.fileName)), m.takenAt.String())
return m.takenAt, m.takenAtSrc
if fileInfo.HasBirthTime() {
m.takenAt = fileInfo.BirthTime().UTC()
log.Infof("media: %s was taken at %s (file birth time)", clean.Log(filepath.Base(m.fileName)), m.takenAt.String())
} else {
m.takenAt = fileInfo.ModTime().UTC()
log.Infof("media: %s was taken at %s (file mod time)", clean.Log(filepath.Base(m.fileName)), m.takenAt.String())
return m.takenAt, m.takenAtSrc
func (m *MediaFile) HasTimeAndPlace() bool {
data := m.MetaData()
result := !data.TakenAt.IsZero() && data.Lat != 0 && data.Lng != 0
return result
// CameraModel returns the camera model with which the media file was created.
func (m *MediaFile) CameraModel() string {
data := m.MetaData()
return data.CameraModel
// CameraMake returns the make of the camera with which the file was created.
func (m *MediaFile) CameraMake() string {
data := m.MetaData()
return data.CameraMake
// LensModel returns the lens model of a media file.
func (m *MediaFile) LensModel() string {
data := m.MetaData()
return data.LensModel
// LensMake returns the make of the Lens.
func (m *MediaFile) LensMake() string {
data := m.MetaData()
return data.LensMake
// FocalLength return the length of the focal for a file.
func (m *MediaFile) FocalLength() int {
data := m.MetaData()
return data.FocalLength
// FNumber returns the F number with which the media file was created.
func (m *MediaFile) FNumber() float32 {
data := m.MetaData()
return data.FNumber
// Iso returns the iso rating as int.
func (m *MediaFile) Iso() int {
data := m.MetaData()
return data.Iso
// Exposure returns the exposure time as string.
func (m *MediaFile) Exposure() string {
data := m.MetaData()
return data.Exposure
// CanonicalName returns the canonical name of a media file.
func (m *MediaFile) CanonicalName() string {
return fs.CanonicalName(m.DateCreated(), m.Checksum())
// CanonicalNameFromFile returns the canonical name of a file derived from the image name.
func (m *MediaFile) CanonicalNameFromFile() string {
basename := filepath.Base(m.FileName())
if end := strings.Index(basename, "."); end != -1 {
return basename[:end] // Length of canonical name: 16 + 12
return basename
// CanonicalNameFromFileWithDirectory gets the canonical name for a MediaFile
// including the directory.
func (m *MediaFile) CanonicalNameFromFileWithDirectory() string {
return m.Dir() + string(os.PathSeparator) + m.CanonicalNameFromFile()
// Hash returns the SHA1 hash of a media file.
func (m *MediaFile) Hash() string {
if len(m.hash) == 0 {
m.hash = fs.Hash(m.FileName())
return m.hash
// Checksum returns the CRC32 checksum of a media file.
func (m *MediaFile) Checksum() string {
if len(m.checksum) == 0 {
m.checksum = fs.Checksum(m.FileName())
return m.checksum
// EditedName returns the corresponding edited image file name as used by Apple (e.g. IMG_E12345.JPG).
func (m *MediaFile) EditedName() string {
basename := filepath.Base(m.fileName)
if strings.ToUpper(basename[:4]) == "IMG_" && strings.ToUpper(basename[:5]) != "IMG_E" {
if filename := filepath.Dir(m.fileName) + string(os.PathSeparator) + basename[:4] + "E" + basename[4:]; fs.FileExists(filename) {
return filename
return ""
// ExtractEmbeddedVideo extracts an embedded video file and returns its filename, if any.
func (m *MediaFile) ExtractEmbeddedVideo() (string, error) {
if m == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("mediafile: file is nil - you may have found a bug")
// Abort if the source media file does not exist.
if !m.Exists() {
return "", fmt.Errorf("mediafile: %s not found", clean.Log(m.RootRelName()))
} else if m.Empty() {
return "", fmt.Errorf("mediafile: %s is empty", clean.Log(m.RootRelName()))
// Get the embedded video field name from the file metadata.
if metaData := m.MetaData(); metaData.Error == nil && metaData.EmbeddedVideo != "" {
outputPath := filepath.Join(Config().TempPath(), m.RootRelPath(), "%f")
cmd := exec.Command(Config().ExifToolBin(),
fmt.Sprintf("-%s", metaData.EmbeddedVideo), // TODO: Is this safe?
"-b", "-w",
outputPath, m.FileName())
var out bytes.Buffer
var stderr bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &out
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
cmd.Env = []string{fmt.Sprintf("HOME=%s", Config().TempPath())}
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
log.Debugf("Error running exiftool on video file: ", err)
if stderr.String() != "" {
return "", errors.New(stderr.String())
} else {
return "", err
// Find the extracted video file.
outputPath = strings.Replace(outputPath, "%f", m.BasePrefix(false), 1)
// Detect mime type of the extracted video file.
mimeType := fs.MimeType(outputPath)
if l := len(strings.Split(mimeType, "/")); l <= 1 {
log.Debugf("Error detecting the mime type of video file at %s", outputPath)
return "", nil
} else if extension := strings.Split(mimeType, "/")[l-1]; extension != "" {
// Rename the extracted video file with the correct extension and move it to the sidecar path.
_, file := filepath.Split(outputPath)
newFileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", file, extension)
dstPath := filepath.Join(Config().SidecarPath(), m.RootRelPath(), newFileName)
if err := fs.Move(outputPath, dstPath); err != nil {
log.Debugf("failed to move extracted video file to %s", outputPath)
return "", err
return dstPath, nil
return "", nil
// PathNameInfo returns file name infos for indexing.
func (m *MediaFile) PathNameInfo(stripSequence bool) (fileRoot, fileBase, relativePath, relativeName string) {
fileRoot = m.Root()
var rootPath string
switch fileRoot {
case entity.RootSidecar:
rootPath = Config().SidecarPath()
case entity.RootImport:
rootPath = Config().ImportPath()
case entity.RootExamples:
rootPath = Config().ExamplesPath()
case entity.RootOriginals:
rootPath = Config().OriginalsPath()
rootPath = Config().OriginalsPath()
fileBase = m.BasePrefix(stripSequence)
relativePath = m.RelPath(rootPath)
relativeName = m.RelName(rootPath)
return fileRoot, fileBase, relativePath, relativeName
// FileName returns the filename.
func (m *MediaFile) FileName() string {
return m.fileName
// BaseName returns the filename without path.
func (m *MediaFile) BaseName() string {
return filepath.Base(m.fileName)
// SetFileName sets the filename to the given string.
func (m *MediaFile) SetFileName(fileName string) {
if m == nil {
log.Errorf("media: file %s is nil - you may have found a bug", clean.Log(fileName))
m.fileName = fileName
m.fileRoot = entity.RootUnknown
// RootRelName returns the relative filename, and automatically detects the root path.
func (m *MediaFile) RootRelName() string {
return m.RelName(m.RootPath())
// RelName returns the relative filename.
func (m *MediaFile) RelName(directory string) string {
return fs.RelName(m.fileName, directory)
// RelPath returns the relative path without filename.
func (m *MediaFile) RelPath(directory string) string {
pathname := m.fileName
if i := strings.Index(pathname, directory); i == 0 {
if i := strings.LastIndex(directory, string(os.PathSeparator)); i == len(directory)-1 {
pathname = pathname[len(directory):]
} else if i := strings.LastIndex(directory, string(os.PathSeparator)); i != len(directory) {
pathname = pathname[len(directory)+1:]
if end := strings.LastIndex(pathname, string(os.PathSeparator)); end != -1 {
pathname = pathname[:end]
} else if end := strings.LastIndex(pathname, string(os.PathSeparator)); end == -1 {
pathname = ""
// Remove hidden sub directory if exists.
if path.Base(pathname) == fs.HiddenPath {
pathname = path.Dir(pathname)
// Use empty string for current / root directory.
if pathname == "." || pathname == "/" || pathname == "\\" {
pathname = ""
return pathname
// RootPath returns the file root path based on the configuration.
func (m *MediaFile) RootPath() string {
switch m.Root() {
case entity.RootSidecar:
return Config().SidecarPath()
case entity.RootImport:
return Config().ImportPath()
case entity.RootExamples:
return Config().ExamplesPath()
return Config().OriginalsPath()
// RootRelPath returns the relative path and automatically detects the root path.
func (m *MediaFile) RootRelPath() string {
return m.RelPath(m.RootPath())
// RelPrefix returns the relative path and file name prefix.
func (m *MediaFile) RelPrefix(directory string, stripSequence bool) string {
if relativePath := m.RelPath(directory); relativePath != "" {
return filepath.Join(relativePath, m.BasePrefix(stripSequence))
return m.BasePrefix(stripSequence)
// Dir returns the file path.
func (m *MediaFile) Dir() string {
return filepath.Dir(m.fileName)
// SubDir returns a sub directory name.
func (m *MediaFile) SubDir(dir string) string {
return filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(m.fileName), dir)
// BasePrefix returns the filename base without any extensions and path.
func (m *MediaFile) BasePrefix(stripSequence bool) string {
return fs.BasePrefix(m.FileName(), stripSequence)
// Root returns the file root directory.
func (m *MediaFile) Root() string {
if m.fileRoot != entity.RootUnknown {
return m.fileRoot
if strings.HasPrefix(m.FileName(), Config().OriginalsPath()) {
m.fileRoot = entity.RootOriginals
return m.fileRoot
importPath := Config().ImportPath()
if importPath != "" && strings.HasPrefix(m.FileName(), importPath) {
m.fileRoot = entity.RootImport
return m.fileRoot
sidecarPath := Config().SidecarPath()
if sidecarPath != "" && strings.HasPrefix(m.FileName(), sidecarPath) {
m.fileRoot = entity.RootSidecar
return m.fileRoot
examplesPath := Config().ExamplesPath()
if examplesPath != "" && strings.HasPrefix(m.FileName(), examplesPath) {
m.fileRoot = entity.RootExamples
return m.fileRoot
return m.fileRoot
// AbsPrefix returns the directory and base filename without any extensions.
func (m *MediaFile) AbsPrefix(stripSequence bool) string {
return fs.AbsPrefix(m.FileName(), stripSequence)
// MimeType returns the mime type.
func (m *MediaFile) MimeType() string {
if m.mimeType != "" {
return m.mimeType
var err error
fileName := m.FileName()
// Resolve symlinks.
if fileName, err = fs.Resolve(fileName); err != nil {
return m.mimeType
m.mimeType = fs.MimeType(fileName)
return m.mimeType
// openFile opens the file and returns the descriptor.
func (m *MediaFile) openFile() (handle *os.File, err error) {
fileName := m.FileName()
// Resolve symlinks.
if fileName, err = fs.Resolve(fileName); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s %s", err, clean.Log(m.RootRelName()))
handle, err = os.Open(fileName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return handle, nil
// Exists checks if a media file exists by filename.
func (m *MediaFile) Exists() bool {
return fs.FileExists(m.FileName())
// Remove permanently removes a media file.
func (m *MediaFile) Remove() error {
return os.Remove(m.FileName())
// HasSameName compares a media file with another media file and returns if
// their filenames are matching or not.
func (m *MediaFile) HasSameName(f *MediaFile) bool {
if f == nil {
return false
return m.FileName() == f.FileName()
// Move file to a new destination with the filename provided in parameter.
func (m *MediaFile) Move(dest string) error {
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(dest), fs.ModeDir); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.Rename(m.fileName, dest); err != nil {
log.Debugf("failed renaming file, fallback to copy and delete: %s", err.Error())
} else {
return nil
if err := m.Copy(dest); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.Remove(m.fileName); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Copy a MediaFile to another file by destinationFilename.
func (m *MediaFile) Copy(dest string) error {
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(dest), fs.ModeDir); err != nil {
return err
defer m.fileMutex.Unlock()
thisFile, err := m.openFile()
if err != nil {
return err
defer thisFile.Close()
destFile, err := os.OpenFile(dest, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, fs.ModeFile)
if err != nil {
return err
defer destFile.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(destFile, thisFile)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Extension returns the filename extension of this media file.
func (m *MediaFile) Extension() string {
return strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(m.fileName))
// IsPreviewImage return true if this media file is a JPEG or PNG image.
func (m *MediaFile) IsPreviewImage() bool {
return m.IsJpeg() || m.IsPNG()
// IsJpeg checks if the file is a JPEG image with a supported file type extension.
func (m *MediaFile) IsJpeg() bool {
if m.Extension() == fs.ExtTHM {
// Ignore .thm files, as some cameras automatically
// create them as thumbnails.
return false
} else if fs.FileType(m.fileName) != fs.ImageJPEG {
// Files with an incorrect file extension are no longer
// recognized as JPEG to improve indexing performance.
return false
// Since mime type detection is expensive, it is only
// performed after other checks have passed.
return m.MimeType() == fs.MimeTypeJPEG
// IsJpegXL checks if the file is a JPEG XL image with a supported file type extension.
func (m *MediaFile) IsJpegXL() bool {
if fs.FileType(m.fileName) != fs.ImageJPEGXL {
return false
return m.MimeType() == fs.MimeTypeJPEGXL
// IsPNG checks if the file is a PNG image with a supported file type extension.
func (m *MediaFile) IsPNG() bool {
if fs.FileType(m.fileName) != fs.ImagePNG {
// Files with an incorrect file extension are no longer
// recognized as PNG to improve indexing performance.
return false
// Since mime type detection is expensive, it is only
// performed after other checks have passed.
mimeType := m.MimeType()
return mimeType == fs.MimeTypePNG || mimeType == fs.MimeTypeAPNG
// IsGIF checks if the file is a GIF image with a supported file type extension.
func (m *MediaFile) IsGIF() bool {
if fs.FileType(m.fileName) != fs.ImageGIF {
return false
return m.MimeType() == fs.MimeTypeGIF
// IsTIFF checks if the file is a TIFF image with a supported file type extension.
func (m *MediaFile) IsTIFF() bool {
if fs.FileType(m.fileName) != fs.ImageTIFF {
return false
return m.MimeType() == fs.MimeTypeTIFF
// IsDNG checks if the file is a Adobe Digital Negative (DNG) image with a supported file type extension.
func (m *MediaFile) IsDNG() bool {
if fs.FileType(m.fileName) != fs.ImageDNG {
return false
return m.MimeType() == fs.MimeTypeDNG
// IsHEIF checks if the file is a High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF) container with a supported file type extension.
func (m *MediaFile) IsHEIF() bool {
return m.IsHEIC() || m.IsHEICS() || m.IsAVIF() || m.IsAVIFS()
// IsHEIC checks if the file is a High Efficiency Image Container (HEIC) image with a supported file type extension.
func (m *MediaFile) IsHEIC() bool {
if t := fs.FileType(m.fileName); t != fs.ImageHEIF && t != fs.ImageHEIC {
return false
return m.MimeType() == fs.MimeTypeHEIC
// IsHEICS checks if the file is a HEIC image sequence with a supported file type extension.
func (m *MediaFile) IsHEICS() bool {
return m.HasFileType(fs.ImageHEICS)
// IsAVIF checks if the file is an AV1 Image File Format image with a supported file type extension.
func (m *MediaFile) IsAVIF() bool {
if t := fs.FileType(m.fileName); t != fs.ImageAVIF {
return false
return m.MimeType() == fs.MimeTypeAVIF
// IsAVIFS checks if the file is an AVIF image sequence with a supported file type extension.
func (m *MediaFile) IsAVIFS() bool {
return m.HasFileType(fs.ImageAVIFS)
// IsBMP checks if the file is a bitmap image with a supported file type extension.
func (m *MediaFile) IsBMP() bool {
if fs.FileType(m.fileName) != fs.ImageBMP {
return false
return m.MimeType() == fs.MimeTypeBMP
// IsWebP checks if the file is a WebP image file with a supported file type extension.
func (m *MediaFile) IsWebP() bool {
if fs.FileType(m.fileName) != fs.ImageWebP {
return false
return m.MimeType() == fs.MimeTypeWebP
// Duration returns the duration if the file is a video.
func (m *MediaFile) Duration() time.Duration {
if !m.IsVideo() {
return 0
return m.MetaData().Duration
// IsAnimatedImage checks if the file is an animated image.
func (m *MediaFile) IsAnimatedImage() bool {
return fs.IsAnimatedImage(m.fileName) && (m.MetaData().Frames > 1 || m.MetaData().Duration > 0)
// IsJSON checks if the file is a JSON sidecar file with a supported file type extension.
func (m *MediaFile) IsJSON() bool {
return m.HasFileType(fs.SidecarJSON)
// FileType returns the file type (jpg, gif, tiff,...).
func (m *MediaFile) FileType() fs.Type {
switch {
case m.IsJpeg():
return fs.ImageJPEG
case m.IsPNG():
return fs.ImagePNG
case m.IsGIF():
return fs.ImageGIF
case m.IsBMP():
return fs.ImageBMP
case m.IsDNG():
return fs.ImageDNG
case m.IsAVIF():
return fs.ImageAVIF
case m.IsHEIC():
return fs.ImageHEIC
return fs.FileType(m.fileName)
// Media returns the media content type (video, image, raw, sidecar,...).
func (m *MediaFile) Media() media.Type {
return media.FromName(m.fileName)
// HasMediaType checks if the file has is the given media type.
func (m *MediaFile) HasMediaType(mediaType media.Type) bool {
return m.Media() == mediaType
// HasFileType checks if the file has the given file type.
func (m *MediaFile) HasFileType(fileType fs.Type) bool {
if fileType == fs.ImageJPEG {
return m.IsJpeg()
return m.FileType() == fileType
// IsImage checks if the file is an image.
func (m *MediaFile) IsImage() bool {
return m.HasMediaType(media.Image)
// IsRaw returns true if this is a RAW file.
func (m *MediaFile) IsRaw() bool {
return m.HasFileType(fs.ImageRaw) || m.HasMediaType(media.Raw) || m.IsDNG()
// IsAnimated returns true if it is a video or animated image.
func (m *MediaFile) IsAnimated() bool {
return m.IsVideo() || m.IsAnimatedImage()
// NotAnimated checks if the file is not a video or an animated image.
func (m *MediaFile) NotAnimated() bool {
return !m.IsAnimated()
// IsVideo returns true if this is a video file.
func (m *MediaFile) IsVideo() bool {
return m.HasMediaType(media.Video)
// IsVector returns true if this is a vector graphics.
func (m *MediaFile) IsVector() bool {
return m.HasMediaType(media.Vector) || m.IsSVG()
// IsSidecar checks if the file is a metadata sidecar file, independent of the storage location.
func (m *MediaFile) IsSidecar() bool {
return m.Media() == media.Sidecar
// IsSVG returns true if this is a SVG vector graphics.
func (m *MediaFile) IsSVG() bool {
return m.FileType() == fs.VectorSVG
// IsXMP returns true if this is a XMP sidecar file.
func (m *MediaFile) IsXMP() bool {
return m.FileType() == fs.SidecarXMP
// InOriginals checks if the file is stored in the 'originals' folder.
func (m *MediaFile) InOriginals() bool {
return m.Root() == entity.RootOriginals
// InSidecar checks if the file is stored in the 'sidecar' folder.
func (m *MediaFile) InSidecar() bool {
return m.Root() == entity.RootSidecar
// NeedsTranscoding checks whether the media file is a video or an animated image and should be transcoded to a playable format.
func (m *MediaFile) NeedsTranscoding() bool {
if m.NotAnimated() {
return false
} else if m.HasFileType(fs.VideoAVC) || m.HasFileType(fs.VideoMP4) && m.MetaData().CodecAvc() {
return false
if m.IsAnimatedImage() {
return fs.VideoMP4.FindFirst(m.FileName(), []string{Config().SidecarPath(), fs.HiddenPath}, Config().OriginalsPath(), false) == ""
return fs.VideoAVC.FindFirst(m.FileName(), []string{Config().SidecarPath(), fs.HiddenPath}, Config().OriginalsPath(), false) == ""
// SkipTranscoding checks if the media file is not animated or has already been transcoded to a playable format.
func (m *MediaFile) SkipTranscoding() bool {
return !m.NeedsTranscoding()
// IsImageOther returns true if this is a PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, or WebP file.
func (m *MediaFile) IsImageOther() bool {
switch {
case m.IsPNG(), m.IsGIF(), m.IsTIFF(), m.IsBMP(), m.IsWebP():
return true
return false
// IsImageNative returns true if it is a natively supported image file.
func (m *MediaFile) IsImageNative() bool {
return m.IsJpeg() || m.IsImageOther()
// IsLive checks if the file is a live photo.
func (m *MediaFile) IsLive() bool {
if m.IsHEIC() {
return fs.VideoMOV.FindFirst(m.FileName(), []string{}, Config().OriginalsPath(), false) != ""
if m.IsVideo() {
return fs.ImageHEIC.FindFirst(m.FileName(), []string{}, Config().OriginalsPath(), false) != ""
return false
// ExifSupported returns true if parsing exif metadata is supported for the media file type.
func (m *MediaFile) ExifSupported() bool {
return m.IsJpeg() || m.IsRaw() || m.IsHEIF() || m.IsPNG() || m.IsTIFF()
// IsMedia returns true if this is a media file (photo or video, not sidecar or other).
func (m *MediaFile) IsMedia() bool {
return m.IsImage() || m.IsRaw() || m.IsVideo() || m.IsVector()
// PreviewImage returns a PNG or JPEG version of the media file, if exists.
func (m *MediaFile) PreviewImage() (*MediaFile, error) {
if m.IsJpeg() {
if !fs.FileExists(m.FileName()) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("jpeg should exist, but does not: %s", m.RootRelName())
return m, nil
} else if m.Empty() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is empty", m.RootRelName())
jpegName := fs.ImageJPEG.FindFirst(m.FileName(), []string{Config().SidecarPath(), fs.HiddenPath}, Config().OriginalsPath(), false)
if jpegName != "" {
return NewMediaFile(jpegName)
pngName := fs.ImagePNG.FindFirst(m.FileName(), []string{Config().SidecarPath(), fs.HiddenPath}, Config().OriginalsPath(), false)
if pngName != "" {
return NewMediaFile(pngName)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no preview image found for %s", m.RootRelName())
// HasPreviewImage returns true if the file has or is a JPEG or PNG image.
func (m *MediaFile) HasPreviewImage() bool {
if m.hasPreviewImage {
return true
if m.IsPreviewImage() {
m.hasPreviewImage = true
return true
jpegName := fs.ImageJPEG.FindFirst(
Config().OriginalsPath(), false,
if m.hasPreviewImage = fs.MimeType(jpegName) == fs.MimeTypeJPEG; m.hasPreviewImage {
return true
pngName := fs.ImagePNG.FindFirst(
Config().SidecarPath(), fs.HiddenPath,
}, Config().OriginalsPath(), false,
if m.hasPreviewImage = fs.MimeType(pngName) == fs.MimeTypePNG; m.hasPreviewImage {
return true
return false
func (m *MediaFile) decodeDimensions() error {
// Media dimensions already known?
if m.width > 0 && m.height > 0 {
return nil
// Valid media file?
if !m.Ok() || !m.IsMedia() {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid media file", clean.Log(m.Extension()))
// Extract the actual width and height from natively supported formats.
if m.IsImageNative() {
cfg, err := m.DecodeConfig()
if err != nil {
return err
orientation := m.Orientation()
if orientation > 4 && orientation <= 8 {
m.width = cfg.Height
m.height = cfg.Width
} else {
m.width = cfg.Width
m.height = cfg.Height
return nil
// Extract the width and height from metadata for other formats.
if data := m.MetaData(); data.Error != nil {
return data.Error
} else {
m.width = data.ActualWidth()
m.height = data.ActualHeight()
return nil
// DecodeConfig extracts the raw dimensions from the header of natively supported image file formats.
func (m *MediaFile) DecodeConfig() (_ *image.Config, err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("panic %s while decoding %s dimensions\nstack: %s", r, clean.Log(m.Extension()), debug.Stack())
if m.imageConfig != nil {
return m.imageConfig, nil
if !m.IsImageNative() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s not supported natively", clean.Log(m.Extension()))
defer m.fileMutex.Unlock()
fileName := m.FileName()
// Resolve symlinks.
if fileName, err = fs.Resolve(fileName); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s %s", err, clean.Log(m.RootRelName()))
file, err := os.Open(fileName)
if err != nil || file == nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close()
// Reset file offset.
// see
_, err = file.Seek(0, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s on seek", err)
// Decode image config (dimensions).
cfg, _, err := image.DecodeConfig(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s while decoding", err)
m.imageConfig = &cfg
return m.imageConfig, nil
// Width return the width dimension of a MediaFile.
func (m *MediaFile) Width() int {
// Valid media file?
if !m.Ok() || !m.IsMedia() {
return 0
if m.width < 0 {
if err := m.decodeDimensions(); err != nil {
log.Debugf("media: %s", err)
return m.width
// Height returns the height dimension of a MediaFile.
func (m *MediaFile) Height() int {
// Valid media file?
if !m.Ok() || !m.IsMedia() {
return 0
if m.height < 0 {
if err := m.decodeDimensions(); err != nil {
log.Debugf("media: %s", err)
return m.height
// Megapixels returns the resolution in megapixels if possible.
func (m *MediaFile) Megapixels() (resolution int) {
// Valid media file?
if !m.Ok() || !m.IsMedia() {
return 0
if cfg, err := m.DecodeConfig(); err == nil {
resolution = int(math.Round(float64(cfg.Width*cfg.Height) / 1000000))
if resolution <= 0 {
resolution = m.metaData.Megapixels()
return resolution
// ExceedsBytes checks if the file exceeds the specified size limit in bytes.
func (m *MediaFile) ExceedsBytes(limit int64) (err error, fileSize int64) {
if fileSize = m.FileSize(); limit <= 0 {
return nil, fileSize
} else if fileSize <= 0 || fileSize <= limit {
return nil, fileSize
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("%s exceeds file size limit (%s / %s)", clean.Log(m.RootRelName()), humanize.Bytes(uint64(fileSize)), humanize.Bytes(uint64(limit))), fileSize
// ExceedsResolution checks if an image in a natively supported format exceeds the configured resolution limit in megapixels.
func (m *MediaFile) ExceedsResolution(limit int) (err error, resolution int) {
if limit <= 0 {
return nil, resolution
} else if !m.IsImage() {
return nil, resolution
} else if resolution = m.Megapixels(); resolution <= 0 || resolution <= limit {
return nil, resolution
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("%s exceeds resolution limit (%d / %d MP)", clean.Log(m.RootRelName()), resolution, limit), resolution
// AspectRatio returns the aspect ratio of a MediaFile.
func (m *MediaFile) AspectRatio() float32 {
width := float64(m.Width())
height := float64(m.Height())
if width <= 0 || height <= 0 {
return 0
aspectRatio := float32(math.Round((width/height)*100) / 100)
return aspectRatio
// Portrait tests if the image is a portrait.
func (m *MediaFile) Portrait() bool {
return m.Width() < m.Height()
// Orientation returns the Exif orientation of the media file.
func (m *MediaFile) Orientation() int {
if data := m.MetaData(); data.Error == nil {
return data.Orientation
return 1
// RenameSidecarFiles moves related sidecar files.
func (m *MediaFile) RenameSidecarFiles(oldFileName string) (renamed map[string]string, err error) {
renamed = make(map[string]string)
sidecarPath := Config().SidecarPath()
originalsPath := Config().OriginalsPath()
newName := m.RelPrefix(originalsPath, false)
oldPrefix := fs.RelPrefix(oldFileName, originalsPath, false)
globPrefix := filepath.Join(sidecarPath, oldPrefix) + "."
matches, err := filepath.Glob(regexp.QuoteMeta(globPrefix) + "*")
if err != nil {
return renamed, err
for _, srcName := range matches {
destName := filepath.Join(sidecarPath, newName+fs.Ext(srcName))
if fs.FileExists(destName) {
renamed[fs.RelName(srcName, sidecarPath)] = fs.RelName(destName, sidecarPath)
if err := os.Remove(srcName); err != nil {
log.Errorf("files: failed removing sidecar %s", clean.Log(fs.RelName(srcName, sidecarPath)))
} else {
log.Infof("files: removed sidecar %s", clean.Log(fs.RelName(srcName, sidecarPath)))
if err := fs.Move(srcName, destName); err != nil {
return renamed, err
} else {
log.Infof("files: moved existing sidecar to %s", clean.Log(newName+filepath.Ext(srcName)))
renamed[fs.RelName(srcName, sidecarPath)] = fs.RelName(destName, sidecarPath)
return renamed, nil
// RemoveSidecarFiles permanently removes related sidecar files.
func (m *MediaFile) RemoveSidecarFiles() (numFiles int, err error) {
fileName := m.FileName()
if fileName == "" {
return numFiles, fmt.Errorf("empty filename")
sidecarPath := Config().SidecarPath()
originalsPath := Config().OriginalsPath()
prefix := fs.RelPrefix(fileName, originalsPath, false)
globPrefix := filepath.Join(sidecarPath, prefix) + "."
matches, err := filepath.Glob(regexp.QuoteMeta(globPrefix) + "*")
if err != nil {
return numFiles, err
for _, sidecarName := range matches {
if err = os.Remove(sidecarName); err != nil {
log.Errorf("files: failed deleting sidecar %s", clean.Log(fs.RelName(sidecarName, sidecarPath)))
} else {
log.Infof("files: deleted sidecar %s", clean.Log(fs.RelName(sidecarName, sidecarPath)))
return numFiles, nil
// ColorProfile returns the ICC color profile name.
func (m *MediaFile) ColorProfile() string {
if !m.IsJpeg() || m.colorProfile != "" || m.noColorProfile {
return m.colorProfile
start := time.Now()
logName := clean.Log(m.BaseName())
defer m.fileMutex.Unlock()
var err error
fileName := m.FileName()
// Resolve symlinks.
if fileName, err = fs.Resolve(fileName); err != nil {
return m.colorProfile
// Open file.
fileReader, err := os.Open(fileName)
if err != nil {
m.noColorProfile = true
return ""
defer fileReader.Close()
// Reset file offset.
// see
_, err = fileReader.Seek(0, 0)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("media: %s in %s on seek [%s]", err, logName, time.Since(start))
return ""
// Read color metadata.
md, _, err := autometa.Load(fileReader)
if err != nil || md == nil {
m.noColorProfile = true
return ""
// Read ICC profile and convert colors if possible.
if iccProfile, err := md.ICCProfile(); err != nil || iccProfile == nil {
// Do nothing.
} else if profile, err := iccProfile.Description(); err == nil && profile != "" {
log.Debugf("media: %s has color profile %s [%s]", logName, clean.Log(profile), time.Since(start))
m.colorProfile = profile
return m.colorProfile
log.Tracef("media: %s has no color profile [%s]", logName, time.Since(start))
m.noColorProfile = true
return ""