Michael Mayer 82d61d1f93 File Types: Add experimental support for animated GIFs #590 #2207
Animated GIFs are transcoded to AVC because it is much smaller and
thus also suitable for long/large animations. In addition, this commit
adds support for more metadata fields such as frame rate, number of
frames, file capture timestamp (unix milliseconds), media type,
and software version. Support for SVG files can later be implemented in
a similar way.
2022-04-13 22:17:59 +02:00

163 lines
5.3 KiB

package entity
import (
const Accuracy1Km = 1000
// EstimateCountry updates the photo with an estimated country if possible.
func (m *Photo) EstimateCountry() {
if SrcPriority[m.PlaceSrc] > SrcPriority[SrcEstimate] || m.HasLocation() || m.HasPlace() {
// Keep existing data.
} else if m.UnknownCamera() && m.PhotoType == MediaImage {
// Don't estimate if it seems to be a non-photographic image.
// Reset country.
unknown := UnknownCountry.ID
countryCode := unknown
// Try to guess country from photo title.
if code := txt.CountryCode(m.PhotoTitle); code != unknown && m.TitleSrc != SrcAuto {
countryCode = code
// Try to guess country from filename and path.
if countryCode == unknown {
if code := txt.CountryCode(m.PhotoName); code != unknown && !fs.IsGenerated(m.PhotoName) {
countryCode = code
} else if code := txt.CountryCode(m.PhotoPath); code != unknown {
countryCode = code
// Try to guess country from original filename.
if countryCode == unknown && m.OriginalName != "" && !fs.IsGenerated(m.OriginalName) {
if code := txt.CountryCode(m.OriginalName); code != UnknownCountry.ID {
countryCode = code
// Set new country?
if countryCode != unknown {
m.PhotoCountry = countryCode
m.PlaceSrc = SrcEstimate
m.EstimatedAt = TimePointer()
log.Debugf("photo: estimated country for %s is %s", m, sanitize.Log(m.CountryName()))
// EstimateLocation updates the photo with an estimated place and country if possible.
func (m *Photo) EstimateLocation(force bool) {
if SrcPriority[m.PlaceSrc] > SrcPriority[SrcEstimate] || m.HasLocation() && m.PlaceSrc == SrcAuto {
// Keep existing data.
} else if force || m.EstimatedAt == nil {
// Proceed.
} else if hours := TimeStamp().Sub(*m.EstimatedAt) / time.Hour; hours < MetadataEstimateInterval {
// Ignore if location has been estimated recently (in the last 7 days by default).
m.EstimatedAt = TimePointer()
// Don't estimate if it seems to be a non-photographic image.
if m.UnknownCamera() && m.PhotoType == MediaImage {
m.RemoveLocation(SrcEstimate, false)
// Estimate country if TakenAt is unreliable.
if SrcPriority[m.TakenSrc] <= SrcPriority[SrcName] {
m.RemoveLocation(SrcEstimate, false)
var err error
rangeMin := m.TakenAt.Add(-1 * time.Hour * 37)
rangeMax := m.TakenAt.Add(time.Hour * 37)
// Find photo with location info taken at a similar time...
var mostRecent Photos
switch DbDialect() {
case MySQL:
err = UnscopedDb().
Where("photo_lat <> 0 AND photo_lng <> 0").
Where("place_src <> '' AND place_src <> ? AND place_id IS NOT NULL AND place_id <> '' AND place_id <> 'zz'", SrcEstimate).
Where("taken_src <> '' AND taken_at BETWEEN CAST(? AS DATETIME) AND CAST(? AS DATETIME)", rangeMin, rangeMax).
Order(gorm.Expr("ABS(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, taken_at, ?))", m.TakenAt)).Limit(2).
case SQLite3:
err = UnscopedDb().
Where("photo_lat <> 0 AND photo_lng <> 0").
Where("place_src <> '' AND place_src <> ? AND place_id IS NOT NULL AND place_id <> '' AND place_id <> 'zz'", SrcEstimate).
Where("taken_src <> '' AND taken_at BETWEEN ? AND ?", rangeMin, rangeMax).
Order(gorm.Expr("ABS(JulianDay(taken_at) - JulianDay(?))", m.TakenAt)).Limit(2).
log.Warnf("photo: unsupported sql dialect %s", sanitize.Log(DbDialect()))
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("photo: %s while estimating position", err)
// Found?
if len(mostRecent) == 0 {
log.Debugf("photo: unknown position at %s", m.TakenAt)
m.RemoveLocation(SrcEstimate, false)
} else if recentPhoto := mostRecent[0]; recentPhoto.HasLocation() && recentPhoto.HasPlace() {
// Too much time difference?
if hours := recentPhoto.TakenAt.Sub(m.TakenAt) / time.Hour; hours < -36 || hours > 36 {
log.Debugf("photo: skipping %s, %d hours time difference to recent position", m, hours)
m.RemoveLocation(SrcEstimate, false)
} else if len(mostRecent) == 1 || m.UnknownCamera() {
m.AdoptPlace(recentPhoto, SrcEstimate, false)
} else {
p1 := mostRecent[0]
p2 := mostRecent[1]
movement := geo.NewMovement(p1.Position(), p2.Position())
// Ignore inaccurate coordinate estimates.
if estimate := movement.EstimatePosition(m.TakenAt); movement.Km() < 100 && estimate.Accuracy < Accuracy1Km {
m.SetPosition(estimate, SrcEstimate, false)
} else {
m.AdoptPlace(recentPhoto, SrcEstimate, false)
} else if recentPhoto.HasCountry() {
log.Debugf("photo: estimated country for %s is %s", m, sanitize.Log(m.CountryName()))
m.RemoveLocation(SrcEstimate, false)
m.PhotoCountry = recentPhoto.PhotoCountry
m.PlaceSrc = SrcEstimate
} else {
log.Warnf("photo: %s has no location, uid %s", recentPhoto.PhotoName, recentPhoto.PhotoUID)
m.RemoveLocation(SrcEstimate, false)