Michael Mayer 82d61d1f93 File Types: Add experimental support for animated GIFs #590 #2207
Animated GIFs are transcoded to AVC because it is much smaller and
thus also suitable for long/large animations. In addition, this commit
adds support for more metadata fields such as frame rate, number of
frames, file capture timestamp (unix milliseconds), media type,
and software version. Support for SVG files can later be implemented in
a similar way.
2022-04-13 22:17:59 +02:00

769 lines
23 KiB

package entity
import (
type DownloadName string
const (
DownloadNameFile DownloadName = "file"
DownloadNameOriginal DownloadName = "original"
DownloadNameShare DownloadName = "share"
DownloadNameDefault = DownloadNameFile
// Files represents a file result set.
type Files []File
// Index updates should not run simultaneously.
var fileIndexMutex = sync.Mutex{}
var filePrimaryMutex = sync.Mutex{}
// File represents an image or sidecar file that belongs to a photo.
type File struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primary_key" json:"-" yaml:"-"`
Photo *Photo `json:"-" yaml:"-"`
PhotoID uint `gorm:"index:idx_files_photo_id;" json:"-" yaml:"-"`
PhotoUID string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(42);index;" json:"PhotoUID" yaml:"PhotoUID"`
PhotoTakenAt time.Time `gorm:"type:DATETIME;index;" json:"TakenAt" yaml:"TakenAt"`
MetaUTC int64 `gorm:"column:meta_utc;index;" json:"MetaUTC" yaml:"MetaUTC,omitempty"`
TimeIndex *string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(48);" json:"TimeIndex" yaml:"TimeIndex"`
MediaID *string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(32);" json:"MediaID" yaml:"MediaID"`
InstanceID string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(42);index;" json:"InstanceID,omitempty" yaml:"InstanceID,omitempty"`
FileUID string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(42);unique_index;" json:"UID" yaml:"UID"`
FileName string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(755);unique_index:idx_files_name_root;" json:"Name" yaml:"Name"`
FileRoot string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(16);default:'/';unique_index:idx_files_name_root;" json:"Root" yaml:"Root,omitempty"`
OriginalName string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(755);" json:"OriginalName" yaml:"OriginalName,omitempty"`
FileHash string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(128);index" json:"Hash" yaml:"Hash,omitempty"`
FileSize int64 `json:"Size" yaml:"Size,omitempty"`
FileCodec string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(32)" json:"Codec" yaml:"Codec,omitempty"`
FileType string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(16)" json:"FileType" yaml:"FileType,omitempty"`
MediaType string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(16)" json:"MediaType" yaml:"MediaType,omitempty"`
FileMime string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(64)" json:"Mime" yaml:"Mime,omitempty"`
FilePrimary bool `gorm:"index:idx_files_photo_id;" json:"Primary" yaml:"Primary,omitempty"`
FileSidecar bool `json:"Sidecar" yaml:"Sidecar,omitempty"`
FileMissing bool `json:"Missing" yaml:"Missing,omitempty"`
FilePortrait bool `json:"Portrait" yaml:"Portrait,omitempty"`
FileVideo bool `json:"Video" yaml:"Video,omitempty"`
FileDuration time.Duration `json:"Duration" yaml:"Duration,omitempty"`
FileFPS float64 `gorm:"column:file_fps;" json:"FPS" yaml:"FPS,omitempty"`
FileFrames int `json:"Frames" yaml:"Frames,omitempty"`
FileWidth int `json:"Width" yaml:"Width,omitempty"`
FileHeight int `json:"Height" yaml:"Height,omitempty"`
FileOrientation int `json:"Orientation" yaml:"Orientation,omitempty"`
FileProjection string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(64);" json:"Projection,omitempty" yaml:"Projection,omitempty"`
FileAspectRatio float32 `gorm:"type:FLOAT;" json:"AspectRatio" yaml:"AspectRatio,omitempty"`
FileHDR bool `gorm:"column:file_hdr;" json:"HDR" yaml:"HDR,omitempty"`
FileWatermark bool `gorm:"column:file_watermark;" json:"Watermark" yaml:"Watermark,omitempty"`
FileColorProfile string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(64);" json:"ColorProfile,omitempty" yaml:"ColorProfile,omitempty"`
FileMainColor string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(16);index;" json:"MainColor" yaml:"MainColor,omitempty"`
FileColors string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(9);" json:"Colors" yaml:"Colors,omitempty"`
FileLuminance string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(9);" json:"Luminance" yaml:"Luminance,omitempty"`
FileDiff uint32 `json:"Diff" yaml:"Diff,omitempty"`
FileChroma uint8 `json:"Chroma" yaml:"Chroma,omitempty"`
FileSoftware string `gorm:"type:VARCHAR(64)" json:"Software" yaml:"Software,omitempty"`
FileError string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(512)" json:"Error" yaml:"Error,omitempty"`
ModTime int64 `json:"ModTime" yaml:"-"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"CreatedAt" yaml:"-"`
CreatedIn int64 `json:"CreatedIn" yaml:"-"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"UpdatedAt" yaml:"-"`
UpdatedIn int64 `json:"UpdatedIn" yaml:"-"`
DeletedAt *time.Time `sql:"index" json:"DeletedAt,omitempty" yaml:"-"`
Share []FileShare `json:"-" yaml:"-"`
Sync []FileSync `json:"-" yaml:"-"`
markers *Markers
// TableName returns the entity database table name.
func (File) TableName() string {
return "files"
// RegenerateIndex updates the search index columns.
func (m File) RegenerateIndex() {
defer fileIndexMutex.Unlock()
start := time.Now()
filesTable := File{}.TableName()
photosTable := Photo{}.TableName()
var updateWhere *gorm.SqlExpr
var scope string
if m.PhotoID > 0 {
updateWhere = gorm.Expr("photo_id = ?", m.PhotoID)
scope = "partial file index"
} else if m.PhotoUID != "" {
updateWhere = gorm.Expr("photo_uid = ?", m.PhotoUID)
scope = "partial file index"
} else if m.ID > 0 {
updateWhere = gorm.Expr("id = ?", m.ID)
scope = "partial file index"
} else {
updateWhere = gorm.Expr("photo_id IS NOT NULL")
scope = "file index"
switch DbDialect() {
case MySQL:
Log("files", "regenerate photo_taken_at",
Db().Exec("UPDATE ? f JOIN ? p ON = f.photo_id SET f.photo_taken_at = p.taken_at_local WHERE ?",
gorm.Expr(filesTable), gorm.Expr(photosTable), updateWhere).Error)
Log("files", "regenerate media_id",
Db().Exec("UPDATE ? SET media_id = CASE WHEN file_missing = 0 AND deleted_at IS NULL THEN CONCAT(HEX(100000000000 - photo_id), '-', 1 + file_sidecar - file_primary, '-', file_uid) ELSE NULL END WHERE ?",
gorm.Expr(filesTable), updateWhere).Error)
Log("files", "regenerate time_index",
Db().Exec("UPDATE ? SET time_index = CASE WHEN media_id IS NOT NULL AND photo_taken_at IS NOT NULL THEN CONCAT(100000000000000 - CAST(photo_taken_at AS UNSIGNED), '-', media_id) ELSE NULL END WHERE ?",
gorm.Expr(filesTable), updateWhere).Error)
case SQLite3:
Log("files", "regenerate photo_taken_at",
Db().Exec("UPDATE ? SET photo_taken_at = (SELECT p.taken_at_local FROM ? p WHERE = photo_id) WHERE ?",
gorm.Expr(filesTable), gorm.Expr(photosTable), updateWhere).Error)
Log("files", "regenerate media_id",
Db().Exec("UPDATE ? SET media_id = CASE WHEN file_missing = 0 AND deleted_at IS NULL THEN (HEX(100000000000 - photo_id) || '-' || (1 + file_sidecar - file_primary) || '-' || file_uid) ELSE NULL END WHERE ?",
gorm.Expr(filesTable), updateWhere).Error)
Log("files", "regenerate time_index",
Db().Exec("UPDATE ? SET time_index = CASE WHEN media_id IS NOT NULL AND photo_taken_at IS NOT NULL THEN ((100000000000000 - CAST(photo_taken_at AS UNSIGNED)) || '-' || media_id) ELSE NULL END WHERE ?",
gorm.Expr(filesTable), updateWhere).Error)
log.Warnf("sql: unsupported dialect %s", DbDialect())
log.Debugf("search: updated %s [%s]", scope, time.Since(start))
type FileInfos struct {
FileWidth int
FileHeight int
FileOrientation int
FileAspectRatio float32
FileMainColor string
FileColors string
FileLuminance string
FileDiff uint32
FileChroma uint8
// FirstFileByHash gets a file in db from its hash
func FirstFileByHash(fileHash string) (File, error) {
var file File
res := Db().Unscoped().First(&file, "file_hash = ?", fileHash)
return file, res.Error
// PrimaryFile returns the primary file for a photo uid.
func PrimaryFile(photoUID string) (*File, error) {
file := File{}
res := Db().Unscoped().First(&file, "file_primary = 1 AND photo_uid = ?", photoUID)
return &file, res.Error
// BeforeCreate creates a random UID if needed before inserting a new row to the database.
func (m *File) BeforeCreate(scope *gorm.Scope) error {
if rnd.IsUID(m.FileUID, 'f') {
return nil
return scope.SetColumn("FileUID", rnd.PPID('f'))
// DownloadName returns the download file name.
func (m *File) DownloadName(n DownloadName, seq int) string {
switch n {
case DownloadNameFile:
return m.Base(seq)
case DownloadNameOriginal:
return m.OriginalBase(seq)
return m.ShareBase(seq)
// Base returns the file name without path.
func (m *File) Base(seq int) string {
if m.FileName == "" {
return m.ShareBase(seq)
base := filepath.Base(m.FileName)
if seq > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d)%s", fs.StripExt(base), seq, filepath.Ext(base))
return base
// OriginalBase returns the original file name without path.
func (m *File) OriginalBase(seq int) string {
if m.OriginalName == "" {
return m.Base(seq)
base := filepath.Base(m.OriginalName)
if seq > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d)%s", fs.StripExt(base), seq, filepath.Ext(base))
return base
// ShareBase returns a meaningful file name for sharing.
func (m *File) ShareBase(seq int) string {
photo := m.RelatedPhoto()
if photo == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", m.FileHash, m.FileType)
} else if len(m.FileHash) < 8 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", rnd.UUID(), m.FileType)
} else if photo.TakenAtLocal.IsZero() || photo.PhotoTitle == "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", m.FileHash, m.FileType)
name := strings.Title(slug.MakeLang(photo.PhotoTitle, "en"))
taken := photo.TakenAtLocal.Format("20060102-150405")
if seq > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s (%d).%s", taken, name, seq, m.FileType)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s.%s", taken, name, m.FileType)
// Changed returns true if new and old file size or modified time are different.
func (m File) Changed(fileSize int64, modTime time.Time) bool {
// File size has changed.
if m.FileSize != fileSize {
return true
// Modification time has changed.
if m.ModTime == modTime.Unix() {
return false
return true
// Missing returns true if this file is current missing or marked as deleted.
func (m File) Missing() bool {
return m.FileMissing || m.DeletedAt != nil
// DeletePermanently permanently removes a file from the index.
func (m *File) DeletePermanently() error {
if m.ID < 1 || m.FileUID == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid file id %d / uid %s", m.ID, sanitize.Log(m.FileUID))
if err := UnscopedDb().Delete(Marker{}, "file_uid = ?", m.FileUID).Error; err != nil {
log.Errorf("file %s: %s while removing markers", sanitize.Log(m.FileUID), err)
if err := UnscopedDb().Delete(FileShare{}, "file_id = ?", m.ID).Error; err != nil {
log.Errorf("file %s: %s while removing share info", sanitize.Log(m.FileUID), err)
if err := UnscopedDb().Delete(FileSync{}, "file_id = ?", m.ID).Error; err != nil {
log.Errorf("file %s: %s while removing remote sync info", sanitize.Log(m.FileUID), err)
if err := m.ReplaceHash(""); err != nil {
log.Errorf("file %s: %s while removing covers", sanitize.Log(m.FileUID), err)
return UnscopedDb().Delete(m).Error
// ReplaceHash updates file hash references.
func (m *File) ReplaceHash(newHash string) error {
if m.FileHash == newHash {
// Nothing to do.
return nil
// Log values.
if m.FileHash != "" && newHash == "" {
log.Tracef("file %s: removing hash %s", sanitize.Log(m.FileUID), sanitize.Log(m.FileHash))
} else if m.FileHash != "" && newHash != "" {
log.Tracef("file %s: hash %s changed to %s", sanitize.Log(m.FileUID), sanitize.Log(m.FileHash), sanitize.Log(newHash))
// Reset error when hash changes.
m.FileError = ""
// Set file hash to new value.
oldHash := m.FileHash
m.FileHash = newHash
// Ok to skip updating related tables?
if m.NoJPEG() || m.FileHash == "" {
return nil
entities := Tables{
"albums": Album{},
"labels": Label{},
// Search related tables for references and update them.
for name, entity := range entities {
start := time.Now()
if res := UnscopedDb().Model(entity).Where("thumb = ?", oldHash).UpdateColumn("thumb", newHash); res.Error != nil {
return res.Error
} else if res.RowsAffected > 0 {
log.Infof("%s: updated %s [%s]", name, english.Plural(int(res.RowsAffected), "cover", "covers"), time.Since(start))
return nil
// Delete deletes the entity from the database.
func (m *File) Delete(permanently bool) error {
if m.ID < 1 || m.FileUID == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid file id %d / uid %s", m.ID, sanitize.Log(m.FileUID))
if permanently {
return m.DeletePermanently()
return Db().Delete(m).Error
// Purge removes a file from the index by marking it as missing.
func (m *File) Purge() error {
deletedAt := TimeStamp()
m.FileMissing = true
m.FilePrimary = false
m.DeletedAt = &deletedAt
return UnscopedDb().Exec("UPDATE files SET file_missing = 1, file_primary = 0, deleted_at = ? WHERE id = ?", &deletedAt, m.ID).Error
// Found restores a previously purged file.
func (m *File) Found() error {
m.FileMissing = false
m.DeletedAt = nil
return UnscopedDb().Exec("UPDATE files SET file_missing = 0, deleted_at = NULL WHERE id = ?", m.ID).Error
// AllFilesMissing returns true, if all files for the photo of this file are missing.
func (m *File) AllFilesMissing() bool {
count := 0
if err := Db().Model(&File{}).
Where("photo_id = ? AND file_missing = 0", m.PhotoID).
Count(&count).Error; err != nil {
log.Errorf("file: %s", err.Error())
return count == 0
// Create inserts a new row to the database.
func (m *File) Create() error {
if m.PhotoID == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("file: cannot create file with empty photo id")
if err := UnscopedDb().Create(m).Error; err != nil {
log.Errorf("file: %s while saving", err)
return err
if _, err := m.SaveMarkers(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("file %s: %s while saving markers", sanitize.Log(m.FileUID), err)
return err
return m.ResolvePrimary()
// ResolvePrimary ensures there is only one primary file for a photo.
func (m *File) ResolvePrimary() (err error) {
defer filePrimaryMutex.Unlock()
if !m.FilePrimary {
return nil
err = UnscopedDb().
Exec("UPDATE files SET file_primary = (id = ?) WHERE photo_id = ?", m.ID, m.PhotoID).Error
if err == nil {
return err
// Save stores the file in the database.
func (m *File) Save() error {
if m.PhotoID == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("file %s: cannot save file with empty photo id", m.FileUID)
if err := UnscopedDb().Save(m).Error; err != nil {
log.Errorf("file %s: %s while saving", sanitize.Log(m.FileUID), err)
return err
if _, err := m.SaveMarkers(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("file %s: %s while saving markers", sanitize.Log(m.FileUID), err)
return err
return m.ResolvePrimary()
// UpdateVideoInfos updates related video infos based on this file.
func (m *File) UpdateVideoInfos() error {
values := FileInfos{}
if err := deepcopier.Copy(&values).From(m); err != nil {
return err
return Db().Model(File{}).Where("photo_id = ? AND file_video = 1", m.PhotoID).Updates(values).Error
// Update updates a column in the database.
func (m *File) Update(attr string, value interface{}) error {
return UnscopedDb().Model(m).UpdateColumn(attr, value).Error
// Updates multiple columns in the database.
func (m *File) Updates(values interface{}) error {
return UnscopedDb().Model(m).UpdateColumns(values).Error
// Rename updates the name and path of this file.
func (m *File) Rename(fileName, rootName, filePath, fileBase string) error {
log.Debugf("file %s: renaming %s to %s", sanitize.Log(m.FileUID), sanitize.Log(m.FileName), sanitize.Log(fileName))
// Update database row.
if err := m.Updates(map[string]interface{}{
"FileName": fileName,
"FileRoot": rootName,
"FileMissing": false,
"DeletedAt": nil,
}); err != nil {
return err
m.FileName = fileName
m.FileRoot = rootName
m.FileMissing = false
m.DeletedAt = nil
// Update photo path and name if possible.
if p := m.RelatedPhoto(); p != nil {
return p.Updates(map[string]interface{}{
"PhotoPath": filePath,
"PhotoName": fileBase,
return nil
// Undelete removes the missing flag from this file.
func (m *File) Undelete() error {
if !m.Missing() {
return nil
// Update database row.
err := m.Updates(map[string]interface{}{
"FileMissing": false,
"DeletedAt": nil,
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("file %s: removed missing flag from %s", sanitize.Log(m.FileUID), sanitize.Log(m.FileName))
m.FileMissing = false
m.DeletedAt = nil
return nil
// RelatedPhoto returns the related photo entity.
func (m *File) RelatedPhoto() *Photo {
if m.Photo != nil {
return m.Photo
photo := Photo{}
return &photo
// NoJPEG returns true if the file is not a JPEG image file.
func (m *File) NoJPEG() bool {
return m.FileType != string(fs.FormatJpeg)
// Links returns all share links for this entity.
func (m *File) Links() Links {
return FindLinks("", m.FileUID)
// Panorama tests if the file seems to be a panorama image.
func (m *File) Panorama() bool {
if m.FileSidecar || m.FileWidth <= 1000 || m.FileHeight <= 500 {
return false
return m.Projection() != ProjDefault || (m.FileWidth/m.FileHeight) >= 2
// Projection returns the panorama projection name if any.
func (m *File) Projection() string {
return SanitizeStringTypeLower(m.FileProjection)
// SetProjection sets the panorama projection name.
func (m *File) SetProjection(name string) {
m.FileProjection = SanitizeStringTypeLower(name)
// IsHDR returns true if it is a high dynamic range file.
func (m *File) IsHDR() bool {
return m.FileHDR
// SetHDR sets the high dynamic range flag.
func (m *File) SetHDR(isHdr bool) {
if isHdr {
m.FileHDR = true
// ResetHDR removes the high dynamic range flag.
func (m *File) ResetHDR() {
m.FileHDR = false
// HasWatermark returns true if the file has a watermark.
func (m *File) HasWatermark() bool {
return m.FileWatermark
// IsAnimated returns true if the file has animated image frames.
func (m *File) IsAnimated() bool {
return m.FileFrames > 1 && m.MediaType == MediaImage
// ColorProfile returns the ICC color profile name if any.
func (m *File) ColorProfile() string {
return SanitizeStringType(m.FileColorProfile)
// HasColorProfile tests if the file has a matching color profile.
func (m *File) HasColorProfile(profile colors.Profile) bool {
return profile.Equal(m.FileColorProfile)
// SetColorProfile sets the ICC color profile name such as "Display P3".
func (m *File) SetColorProfile(name string) {
if name = SanitizeStringType(name); name != "" {
m.FileColorProfile = SanitizeStringType(name)
// ResetColorProfile removes the ICC color profile name.
func (m *File) ResetColorProfile() {
m.FileColorProfile = ""
// SetSoftware sets the software name.
func (m *File) SetSoftware(name string) {
if name = SanitizeStringType(name); name != "" {
m.FileSoftware = name
// SetDuration sets the video/animation duration.
func (m *File) SetDuration(d time.Duration) {
if d <= 0 {
m.FileDuration = d.Round(time.Second)
// Update number of frames.
if m.FileFrames <= 0 && m.FileFPS > 0 {
m.FileFrames = int(math.Round(m.FileFPS * m.FileDuration.Seconds()))
// Update number of frames per second.
if m.FileFPS <= 0 && m.FileFrames > 0 {
m.FileFPS = float64(m.FileFrames) / m.FileDuration.Seconds()
// SetFPS sets the average number of frames per second.
func (m *File) SetFPS(frameRate float64) {
if frameRate <= 0 {
m.FileFPS = frameRate
// Update number of frames.
if m.FileFrames <= 0 && m.FileDuration > 0 {
m.FileFrames = int(math.Round(m.FileFPS * m.FileDuration.Seconds()))
// SetFrames sets the number of video/animation frames.
func (m *File) SetFrames(n int) {
if n <= 0 {
m.FileFrames = n
// Update FPS.
if m.FileFPS <= 0 && m.FileDuration > 0 {
m.FileFPS = float64(m.FileFrames) / m.FileDuration.Seconds()
// SetMetaUTC sets the creation date found in the metadata as a unix ms timestamp.
func (m *File) SetMetaUTC(taken time.Time) {
if taken.IsZero() {
m.MetaUTC = taken.UTC().UnixMilli()
// AddFaces adds face markers to the file.
func (m *File) AddFaces(faces face.Faces) {
sort.Slice(faces, func(i, j int) bool {
return faces[i].Size() > faces[j].Size()
for _, f := range faces {
m.AddFace(f, "")
// AddFace adds a face marker to the file.
func (m *File) AddFace(f face.Face, subjUID string) {
// Only add faces with exactly one embedding so that they can be compared and clustered.
if !f.Embeddings.One() {
// Create new marker from face.
marker := NewFaceMarker(f, *m, subjUID)
// Failed creating new marker?
if marker == nil {
// Append marker if it doesn't conflict with existing marker.
if markers := m.Markers(); !markers.Contains(*marker) {
// ValidFaceCount returns the number of valid face markers.
func (m *File) ValidFaceCount() (c int) {
return ValidFaceCount(m.FileUID)
// UpdatePhotoFaceCount updates the faces count in the index and returns it if the file is primary.
func (m *File) UpdatePhotoFaceCount() (c int, err error) {
// Primary file of an existing photo?
if !m.FilePrimary || m.PhotoID == 0 {
return 0, nil
c = m.ValidFaceCount()
err = UnscopedDb().Model(Photo{}).
Where("id = ?", m.PhotoID).
UpdateColumn("photo_faces", c).Error
return c, err
// SaveMarkers updates markers in the index.
func (m *File) SaveMarkers() (count int, err error) {
if m.markers == nil {
return 0, nil
return m.markers.Save(m)
// Markers finds and returns existing file markers.
func (m *File) Markers() *Markers {
if m.markers != nil {
return m.markers
} else if m.FileUID == "" {
m.markers = &Markers{}
} else if res, err := FindMarkers(m.FileUID); err != nil {
log.Warnf("file %s: %s while loading markers", sanitize.Log(m.FileUID), err)
m.markers = &Markers{}
} else {
m.markers = &res
return m.markers
// UnsavedMarkers tests if any marker hasn't been saved yet.
func (m *File) UnsavedMarkers() bool {
if m.markers == nil {
return false
return m.markers.Unsaved()
// SubjectNames returns all known subject names.
func (m *File) SubjectNames() []string {
return m.Markers().SubjectNames()