Michael Mayer 323d495840 Auth: Apply user rights and permissions in the search API #98 #782
Signed-off-by: Michael Mayer <>
2022-09-30 00:42:19 +02:00

368 lines
9.7 KiB

package entity
import (
// SessionPrefix for RefID.
const (
SessionPrefix = "sess"
// Sessions represents a list of sessions.
type Sessions []Session
// Session represents a User session.
type Session struct {
ID string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(2048);primary_key;auto_increment:false;" json:"ID" yaml:"ID"`
Status int `gorm:"-"`
AuthMethod string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(128);default:'';" json:"AuthMethod,omitempty" yaml:"AuthMethod,omitempty"`
AuthProvider string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(128);default:'';" json:"AuthProvider,omitempty" yaml:"AuthProvider,omitempty"`
AuthScope string `gorm:"size:1024;default:'';" json:"AuthScope,omitempty" yaml:"AuthScope,omitempty"`
AuthID string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(128);index;default:'';" json:"AuthID,omitempty" yaml:"AuthID,omitempty"`
UserUID string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(64);index;default:'';" json:"UserUID,omitempty" yaml:"UserUID,omitempty"`
UserName string `gorm:"size:64;index;" json:"UserName,omitempty" yaml:"UserName,omitempty"`
user *User `gorm:"-"`
PreviewToken string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(64);column:preview_token;default:'';" json:"-" yaml:"-"`
DownloadToken string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(64);column:download_token;default:'';" json:"-" yaml:"-"`
AccessToken string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(4096);column:access_token;default:'';" json:"-" yaml:"-"`
RefreshToken string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(512);column:refresh_token;default:'';" json:"-" yaml:"-"`
IdToken string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(1024);column:id_token;default:'';" json:"IdToken,omitempty" yaml:"IdToken,omitempty"`
UserAgent string `gorm:"size:512;" json:"UserAgent,omitempty" yaml:"UserAgent,omitempty"`
ClientIP string `gorm:"size:64;column:client_ip;" json:"ClientIP,omitempty" yaml:"ClientIP,omitempty"`
LoginIP string `gorm:"size:64;column:login_ip" json:"-" yaml:"-"`
LoginAt time.Time `json:"-" yaml:"-"`
DataJSON json.RawMessage `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(4096);" json:"Data,omitempty" yaml:"Data,omitempty"`
data *SessionData `gorm:"-"`
RefID string `gorm:"type:VARBINARY(16);default:'';" json:"-" yaml:"-"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"CreatedAt" yaml:"CreatedAt"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"UpdatedAt" yaml:"UpdatedAt"`
ExpiresAt time.Time `sql:"index" json:"ExpiresAt,omitempty" yaml:"ExpiresAt,omitempty"`
// TableName returns the entity table name.
func (Session) TableName() string {
return "auth_sessions_dev"
// NewSession creates a new session and returns it.
func NewSession(expiresAfter time.Duration) (m *Session) {
m = &Session{
ID: rnd.SessionID(),
RefID: rnd.RefID(SessionPrefix),
CreatedAt: TimeStamp(),
UpdatedAt: TimeStamp(),
ExpiresAt: time.Now().Add(expiresAfter),
return m
// SessionStatusUnauthorized returns a session with status unauthorized (401).
func SessionStatusUnauthorized() *Session {
return &Session{Status: http.StatusUnauthorized}
// SessionStatusForbidden returns a session with status forbidden (403).
func SessionStatusForbidden() *Session {
return &Session{Status: http.StatusForbidden}
// CacheDuration updates the session entity cache.
func (m *Session) CacheDuration(d time.Duration) {
if !rnd.IsSessionID(m.ID) {
sessionCache.Set(m.ID, *m, d)
// Cache caches the session with the default expiration duration.
func (m *Session) Cache() {
// Create new entity in the database.
func (m *Session) Create() (err error) {
if err = Db().Create(m).Error; err == nil && rnd.IsSessionID(m.ID) {
return err
// Save entity properties.
func (m *Session) Save() (err error) {
if err = Db().Save(m).Error; err == nil && rnd.IsSessionID(m.ID) {
return err
// Delete removes a session.
func (m *Session) Delete() error {
return UnscopedDb().Delete(m).Error
// Updates multiple properties in the database.
func (m *Session) Updates(values interface{}) error {
return UnscopedDb().Model(m).Updates(values).Error
// BeforeCreate creates a random UID if needed before inserting a new row to the database.
func (m *Session) BeforeCreate(scope *gorm.Scope) error {
if rnd.InvalidRefID(m.RefID) {
m.RefID = rnd.RefID(SessionPrefix)
_ = scope.SetColumn("RefID", m.RefID)
if rnd.IsSessionID(m.ID) {
return nil
m.ID = rnd.SessionID()
return scope.SetColumn("ID", m.ID)
// User returns the session's user.
func (m *Session) User() *User {
if m.user != nil {
return m.user
if u := FindUserByUID(m.UserUID); u != nil {
m.user = u
return m.user
return &User{}
// RefreshUser updates the cached user data.
func (m *Session) RefreshUser() *Session {
// Remove user if uid is nil.
if m.UserUID == "" {
m.user = nil
return m
// Fetch matching record.
if u := FindUserByUID(m.UserUID); u != nil {
m.user = u
return m
// SetUser updates the session's user.
func (m *Session) SetUser(u *User) *Session {
if u == nil {
return m
m.user = u
if u.UserUID != "" {
m.UserUID = u.UserUID
m.UserName = u.UserName
if u.DownloadToken != "" {
m.DownloadToken = u.DownloadToken
if u.PreviewToken != "" {
m.PreviewToken = u.PreviewToken
return m
// Data returns the session's data.
func (m *Session) Data() (data *SessionData) {
if != nil {
data =
data = NewSessionData()
if len(m.DataJSON) == 0 {
return data
} else if err := json.Unmarshal(m.DataJSON, data); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed parsing session json: %s", err)
} else {
data.RefreshShares() = data
return data
// SetData updates the session's data.
func (m *Session) SetData(data *SessionData) *Session {
if data == nil {
log.Debugf("auth: empty data passed to session %s", m.RefID)
return m
// Refresh session data.
if j, err := json.Marshal(data); err != nil {
log.Debugf("auth: %s", err)
} else {
m.DataJSON = j
} = data
return m
// SetContext updates the session's request context.
func (m *Session) SetContext(c *gin.Context) *Session {
if c == nil {
return m
return m
// IsVisitor checks if the session belongs to a sharing link visitor.
func (m *Session) IsVisitor() bool {
return m.User().IsVisitor()
// IsRegistered checks if the session belongs to a registered user account.
func (m *Session) IsRegistered() bool {
return m.User().IsRegistered()
// Unregistered checks if the session belongs to a unregistered user.
func (m *Session) Unregistered() bool {
return !m.User().IsRegistered()
// NoShares checks if the session has no shares yet.
func (m *Session) NoShares() bool {
return m.Data().NoShares()
// HasShares checks if the session has any shares.
func (m *Session) HasShares() bool {
return m.Data().HasShares()
// HasShare if the session includes the specified share
func (m *Session) HasShare(uid string) bool {
return m.Data().HasShare(uid)
// Expired checks if the session has expired.
func (m *Session) Expired() bool {
if m.ExpiresAt.IsZero() {
return false
return m.ExpiresAt.Before(time.Now())
// Invalid checks if the session does not belong to a registered user or a visitor with shares.
func (m *Session) Invalid() bool {
return !m.Valid()
// Valid checks whether the session belongs to a registered user or a visitor with shares.
func (m *Session) Valid() bool {
return m.User().IsRegistered() || m.IsVisitor() && m.HasShares()
// Abort aborts the request with the appropriate error code if access to the requested resource is denied.
func (m *Session) Abort(c *gin.Context) bool {
if m.Valid() {
return false
// Abort the request with the appropriate HTTP error code and message.
switch m.Status {
case http.StatusUnauthorized:
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(m.Status, i18n.NewResponse(m.Status, i18n.ErrUnauthorized))
c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusForbidden, i18n.NewResponse(http.StatusForbidden, i18n.ErrForbidden))
return true
// SharedUIDs returns shared entity UIDs.
func (m *Session) SharedUIDs() UIDs {
data := m.Data()
if data == nil {
return UIDs{}
return data.SharedUIDs()
// SetUserAgent sets the client user agent.
func (m *Session) SetUserAgent(ua string) {
if ua == "" {
} else if ua = txt.Clip(ua, 512); ua == "" {
} else if m.UserAgent != "" && m.UserAgent != ua {
event.AuditWarn([]string{m.IP(), "session %s", "user agent has changed from %s to %s"}, m.RefID, clean.LogQuote(m.UserAgent), clean.LogQuote(ua))
m.UserAgent = ua
// SetClientIP sets the client IP address.
func (m *Session) SetClientIP(ip string) {
if ip == "" {
} else if parsed := net.ParseIP(ip); parsed == nil {
} else if ip = parsed.String(); ip == "" {
} else if m.ClientIP != "" && m.ClientIP != ip {
event.AuditWarn([]string{ip, "session %s", "client address has changed from %s to %s"}, m.RefID, clean.LogQuote(m.ClientIP), clean.LogQuote(ip))
m.ClientIP = ip
if m.LoginIP == "" {
m.LoginIP = ip
m.LoginAt = TimeStamp()
// IP returns the client IP address, or "unknown" if it is unknown.
func (m *Session) IP() string {
if m.ClientIP != "" {
return m.ClientIP
} else {
return "unknown"