Michael Mayer 82d61d1f93 File Types: Add experimental support for animated GIFs #590 #2207
Animated GIFs are transcoded to AVC because it is much smaller and
thus also suitable for long/large animations. In addition, this commit
adds support for more metadata fields such as frame rate, number of
frames, file capture timestamp (unix milliseconds), media type,
and software version. Support for SVG files can later be implemented in
a similar way.
2022-04-13 22:17:59 +02:00

384 lines
12 KiB

package search
import (
// GeoCols contains the geo query column names.
var GeoCols = SelectString(GeoResult{}, []string{"*"})
// Geo searches for photos based on Form values and returns GeoResults ([]GeoResult).
func Geo(f form.SearchGeo) (results GeoResults, err error) {
start := time.Now()
// Parse query string into fields.
if err := f.ParseQueryString(); err != nil {
return GeoResults{}, err
S2Levels := 7
// Search for nearby photos?
if f.Near != "" {
photo := Photo{}
if err := Db().First(&photo, "photo_uid = ?", f.Near).Error; err != nil {
return GeoResults{}, err
f.S2 = photo.CellID
f.Lat = photo.PhotoLat
f.Lng = photo.PhotoLng
S2Levels = 12
s := UnscopedDb()
// s.LogMode(true)
s = s.Table("photos").Select(GeoCols).
Joins(`JOIN files ON files.photo_id = AND files.file_primary = 1 AND files.media_id IS NOT NULL`).
Where("photos.deleted_at IS NULL").
Where("photos.photo_lat <> 0")
// Set search filters based on search terms.
if terms := txt.SearchTerms(f.Query); f.Query != "" && len(terms) == 0 {
if f.Title == "" {
f.Title = fmt.Sprintf("%s*", strings.Trim(f.Query, "%*"))
f.Query = ""
} else if len(terms) > 0 {
switch {
case terms["faces"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "faces", "")
f.Faces = "true"
case terms["people"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "people", "")
f.Faces = "true"
case terms["videos"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "videos", "")
f.Video = true
case terms["video"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "video", "")
f.Video = true
case terms["live"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "live", "")
f.Live = true
case terms["raws"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "raws", "")
f.Raw = true
case terms["favorites"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "favorites", "")
f.Favorite = true
case terms["panoramas"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "panoramas", "")
f.Panorama = true
case terms["scans"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "scans", "")
f.Scan = true
// Filter by label, label category, and keywords?
if f.Query != "" {
var categories []entity.Category
var labels []entity.Label
var labelIds []uint
if err := Db().Where(AnySlug("custom_slug", f.Query, " ")).Find(&labels).Error; len(labels) == 0 || err != nil {
log.Debugf("search: label %s not found, using fuzzy search", txt.LogParamLower(f.Query))
for _, where := range LikeAnyKeyword("k.keyword", f.Query) {
s = s.Where(" IN (SELECT pk.photo_id FROM keywords k JOIN photos_keywords pk ON = pk.keyword_id WHERE (?))", gorm.Expr(where))
} else {
for _, l := range labels {
labelIds = append(labelIds, l.ID)
Log("find categories", Db().Where("category_id = ?", l.ID).Find(&categories).Error)
log.Debugf("search: label %s includes %d categories", txt.LogParamLower(l.LabelName), len(categories))
for _, category := range categories {
labelIds = append(labelIds, category.LabelID)
if wheres := LikeAnyKeyword("k.keyword", f.Query); len(wheres) > 0 {
for _, where := range wheres {
s = s.Where(" IN (SELECT pk.photo_id FROM keywords k JOIN photos_keywords pk ON = pk.keyword_id WHERE (?)) OR "+
" IN (SELECT pl.photo_id FROM photos_labels pl WHERE pl.uncertainty < 100 AND pl.label_id IN (?))", gorm.Expr(where), labelIds)
} else {
s = s.Where(" IN (SELECT pl.photo_id FROM photos_labels pl WHERE pl.uncertainty < 100 AND pl.label_id IN (?))", labelIds)
// Search for one or more keywords?
if f.Keywords != "" {
for _, where := range LikeAnyWord("k.keyword", f.Keywords) {
s = s.Where(" IN (SELECT pk.photo_id FROM keywords k JOIN photos_keywords pk ON = pk.keyword_id WHERE (?))", gorm.Expr(where))
// Filter by number of faces?
if txt.IsUInt(f.Faces) {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_faces >= ?", txt.Int(f.Faces))
} else if txt.New(f.Faces) && f.Face == "" {
f.Face = f.Faces
f.Faces = ""
} else if txt.Yes(f.Faces) {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_faces > 0")
} else if txt.No(f.Faces) {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_faces = 0")
// Filter for specific face clusters? Example: PLJ7A3G4MBGZJRMVDIUCBLC46IAP4N7O
if len(f.Face) >= 32 {
for _, f := range SplitAnd(strings.ToUpper(f.Face)) {
s = s.Where(fmt.Sprintf(" IN (SELECT photo_id FROM files f JOIN %s m ON f.file_uid = m.file_uid AND m.marker_invalid = 0 WHERE face_id IN (?))",
entity.Marker{}.TableName()), SplitOr(f))
} else if txt.New(f.Face) {
s = s.Where(fmt.Sprintf(" IN (SELECT photo_id FROM files f JOIN %s m ON f.file_uid = m.file_uid AND m.marker_invalid = 0 AND m.marker_type = ? WHERE subj_uid IS NULL OR subj_uid = '')",
entity.Marker{}.TableName()), entity.MarkerFace)
} else if txt.No(f.Face) {
s = s.Where(fmt.Sprintf(" IN (SELECT photo_id FROM files f JOIN %s m ON f.file_uid = m.file_uid AND m.marker_invalid = 0 AND m.marker_type = ? WHERE face_id IS NULL OR face_id = '')",
entity.Marker{}.TableName()), entity.MarkerFace)
} else if txt.Yes(f.Face) {
s = s.Where(fmt.Sprintf(" IN (SELECT photo_id FROM files f JOIN %s m ON f.file_uid = m.file_uid AND m.marker_invalid = 0 AND m.marker_type = ? WHERE face_id IS NOT NULL AND face_id <> '')",
entity.Marker{}.TableName()), entity.MarkerFace)
// Filter for one or more subjects?
if f.Subject != "" {
for _, subj := range SplitAnd(strings.ToLower(f.Subject)) {
if subjects := SplitOr(subj); rnd.ContainsUIDs(subjects, 'j') {
s = s.Where(fmt.Sprintf(" IN (SELECT photo_id FROM files f JOIN %s m ON f.file_uid = m.file_uid AND m.marker_invalid = 0 WHERE subj_uid IN (?))",
entity.Marker{}.TableName()), subjects)
} else {
s = s.Where(fmt.Sprintf(" IN (SELECT photo_id FROM files f JOIN %s m ON f.file_uid = m.file_uid AND m.marker_invalid = 0 JOIN %s s ON s.subj_uid = m.subj_uid WHERE (?))",
entity.Marker{}.TableName(), entity.Subject{}.TableName()), gorm.Expr(AnySlug("s.subj_slug", subj, txt.Or)))
} else if f.Subjects != "" {
for _, where := range LikeAllNames(Cols{"subj_name", "subj_alias"}, f.Subjects) {
s = s.Where(fmt.Sprintf(" IN (SELECT photo_id FROM files f JOIN %s m ON f.file_uid = m.file_uid AND m.marker_invalid = 0 JOIN %s s ON s.subj_uid = m.subj_uid WHERE (?))",
entity.Marker{}.TableName(), entity.Subject{}.TableName()), gorm.Expr(where))
// Filter by album?
if rnd.IsPPID(f.Album, 'a') {
if f.Filter != "" {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_uid NOT IN (SELECT photo_uid FROM photos_albums pa WHERE pa.hidden = 1 AND pa.album_uid = ?)", f.Album)
} else {
s = s.Joins("JOIN photos_albums ON photos_albums.photo_uid = photos.photo_uid").
Where("photos_albums.hidden = 0 AND photos_albums.album_uid = ?", f.Album)
} else if f.Unsorted && f.Filter == "" {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_uid NOT IN (SELECT photo_uid FROM photos_albums pa WHERE pa.hidden = 0)")
} else if txt.NotEmpty(f.Album) {
v := strings.Trim(f.Album, "*%") + "%"
s = s.Where("photos.photo_uid IN (SELECT pa.photo_uid FROM photos_albums pa JOIN albums a ON a.album_uid = pa.album_uid AND pa.hidden = 0 WHERE (a.album_title LIKE ? OR a.album_slug LIKE ?))", v, v)
} else if txt.NotEmpty(f.Albums) {
for _, where := range LikeAnyWord("a.album_title", f.Albums) {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_uid IN (SELECT pa.photo_uid FROM photos_albums pa JOIN albums a ON a.album_uid = pa.album_uid AND pa.hidden = 0 WHERE (?))", gorm.Expr(where))
// Filter by camera?
if f.Camera > 0 {
s = s.Where("photos.camera_id = ?", f.Camera)
// Filter by camera lens?
if f.Lens > 0 {
s = s.Where("photos.lens_id = ?", f.Lens)
// Filter by year?
if f.Year != "" {
s = s.Where(AnyInt("photos.photo_year", f.Year, txt.Or, entity.UnknownYear, txt.YearMax))
// Filter by month?
if f.Month != "" {
s = s.Where(AnyInt("photos.photo_month", f.Month, txt.Or, entity.UnknownMonth, txt.MonthMax))
// Filter by day?
if f.Day != "" {
s = s.Where(AnyInt("photos.photo_day", f.Day, txt.Or, entity.UnknownDay, txt.DayMax))
// Filter by main color?
if f.Color != "" {
s = s.Where("files.file_main_color IN (?)", SplitOr(strings.ToLower(f.Color)))
// Find favorites only?
if f.Favorite {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_favorite = 1")
// Find scans only?
if f.Scan {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_scan = 1")
// Find panoramas only?
if f.Panorama {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_panorama = 1")
// Find portrait/landscape/square pictures only?
if f.Portrait {
s = s.Where("files.file_portrait = 1")
} else if f.Landscape {
s = s.Where("files.file_aspect_ratio > 1.25")
} else if f.Square {
s = s.Where("files.file_aspect_ratio = 1")
// Filter by location country?
if f.Country != "" {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_country IN (?)", SplitOr(strings.ToLower(f.Country)))
// Filter by media type?
if f.Type != "" {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_type IN (?)", SplitOr(strings.ToLower(f.Type)))
} else if f.Video {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_type = 'video'")
} else if f.Photo {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_type IN ('image','raw','live','animated')")
} else if f.Raw {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_type = 'raw'")
} else if f.Live {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_type = 'live'")
// Filter by storage path?
if f.Path != "" {
p := f.Path
if strings.HasPrefix(p, "/") {
p = p[1:]
if strings.HasSuffix(p, "/") {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_path = ?", p[:len(p)-1])
} else {
where, values := OrLike("photos.photo_path", p)
s = s.Where(where, values...)
// Filter by primary file name without path and extension?
if f.Name != "" {
where, names := OrLike("photos.photo_name", f.Name)
// Omit file path and known extensions.
for i := range names {
names[i] = fs.StripKnownExt(path.Base(names[i].(string)))
s = s.Where(where, names...)
// Filter by photo title?
if f.Title != "" {
where, values := OrLike("photos.photo_title", f.Title)
s = s.Where(where, values...)
// Filter by status?
if f.Archived {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_quality > -1")
s = s.Where("photos.deleted_at IS NOT NULL")
} else {
s = s.Where("photos.deleted_at IS NULL")
if f.Private {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_private = 1")
} else if f.Public {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_private = 0")
if f.Review {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_quality < 3")
} else if f.Quality != 0 && f.Private == false {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_quality >= ?", f.Quality)
if f.S2 != "" {
s2Min, s2Max := s2.PrefixedRange(f.S2, S2Levels)
s = s.Where("photos.cell_id BETWEEN ? AND ?", s2Min, s2Max)
} else if f.Olc != "" {
s2Min, s2Max := s2.PrefixedRange(pluscode.S2(f.Olc), S2Levels)
s = s.Where("photos.cell_id BETWEEN ? AND ?", s2Min, s2Max)
} else {
// Filter by approx distance to coordinate:
if f.Lat != 0 {
latMin := f.Lat - Radius*float32(f.Dist)
latMax := f.Lat + Radius*float32(f.Dist)
s = s.Where("photos.photo_lat BETWEEN ? AND ?", latMin, latMax)
if f.Lng != 0 {
lngMin := f.Lng - Radius*float32(f.Dist)
lngMax := f.Lng + Radius*float32(f.Dist)
s = s.Where("photos.photo_lng BETWEEN ? AND ?", lngMin, lngMax)
// Find photos taken before date?
if !f.Before.IsZero() {
s = s.Where("photos.taken_at <= ?", f.Before.Format("2006-01-02"))
// Find photos taken after date?
if !f.After.IsZero() {
s = s.Where("photos.taken_at >= ?", f.After.Format("2006-01-02"))
if f.Near == "" {
// Default sort order.
s = s.Order("taken_at, photos.photo_uid")
} else {
// Sort by distance to UID.
s = s.Order(gorm.Expr("(photos.photo_uid = ?) DESC, ABS(? - photos.photo_lat)+ABS(? - photos.photo_lng)", f.Near, f.Lat, f.Lng))
// Limit result count?
if f.Count > 0 {
s = s.Limit(f.Count).Offset(f.Offset)
// Fetch results.
if result := s.Scan(&results); result.Error != nil {
return results, result.Error
log.Debugf("geo: found %s for %s [%s]", english.Plural(len(results), "result", "results"), f.SerializeAll(), time.Since(start))
return results, nil