Michael Mayer 69d14997f4 Config: Rename edition to about in client config values
Signed-off-by: Michael Mayer <>
2022-10-31 12:23:48 +01:00

40 lines
2.5 KiB

<div id="photoprism" class="splash-screen container{{if .config.SiteCaption}} theme-{{ .config.Settings.UI.Theme }}{{end}}">
<div id="noscript-info" class="splash-info">
<a href="" target="_blank">Please enable JavaScript in your browser.</a>
<div id="splash-info" class="has-js splash-info">
{{if .config.LegalInfo}}
{{if .config.LegalUrl}}<a href="{{ .config.LegalUrl }}" target="_blank" class="legal-info">{{ .config.LegalInfo }}</a>
{{else}}<span class="legal-info">{{ .config.LegalInfo }}</span>{{end}}
<div class="about">
{{ .config.About }}
<div class="days">
<span class="quote-0">One picture is worth a thousand words.</span>
<span class="quote-1">It's not the camera, but who's behind the camera.</span>
<span class="quote-2">The pictures you want tomorrow, you have to take today.</span>
<span class="quote-3">A camera captures light, our mind captures images.</span>
<span class="quote-4">If you can shoot on the street you can shoot anything.</span>
<span class="quote-5">When asked what equipment you use, say it's your eyes.</span>
<span class="quote-6">Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world.</span>
const el = document.getElementById("splash-info");
el.classList.add("day-" + new Date().getDay());"display", "block");
<div class="splash-center">
<div class="splash-logo">
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<div id="busy-overlay"></div>