import Photo from "model/photo"; import MockAdapter from "axios-mock-adapter"; import Api from "common/api"; import {FormatJpeg} from "../../../src/model/photo"; window.__CONFIG__ = { name: "PhotoPrism", version: "201213-283748ca-Linux-x86_64-DEBUG", copyright: "(c) 2018-2021 Michael Mayer \\u003e", flags: "public debug experimental settings", siteUrl: "http://localhost:2342/", sitePreview: "http://localhost:2342/static/img/preview.jpg", siteTitle: "PhotoPrism", siteCaption: "Browse Your Life", siteDescription: "Open-Source Personal Photo Management", siteAuthor: "@photoprism_app", debug: true, readonly: false, uploadNSFW: false, public: true, experimental: true, disableSettings: false, albumCategories: null, albums: [], cameras: [ { ID: 6, Slug: "apple-iphone-5s", Name: "Apple iPhone 5s", Make: "Apple", Model: "iPhone 5s" }, { ID: 7, Slug: "apple-iphone-6", Name: "Apple iPhone 6", Make: "Apple", Model: "iPhone 6" }, { ID: 8, Slug: "apple-iphone-se", Name: "Apple iPhone SE", Make: "Apple", Model: "iPhone SE" }, { ID: 2, Slug: "canon-eos-5d", Name: "Canon EOS 5D", Make: "Canon", Model: "EOS 5D" }, { ID: 4, Slug: "canon-eos-6d", Name: "Canon EOS 6D", Make: "Canon", Model: "EOS 6D" }, { ID: 5, Slug: "canon-eos-7d", Name: "Canon EOS 7D", Make: "Canon", Model: "EOS 7D" }, { ID: 9, Slug: "huawei-p30", Name: "HUAWEI P30", Make: "HUAWEI", Model: "P30" }, { ID: 3, Slug: "olympus-c2500l", Name: "Olympus C2500L", Make: "Olympus", Model: "C2500L" }, { ID: 1, Slug: "zz", Name: "Unknown", Make: "", Model: "Unknown" }, ], lenses: [ { ID: 2, Slug: "24-0-105-0-mm", Name: "24.0 - 105.0 mm", Make: "", Model: "24.0 - 105.0 mm", Type: "", }, { ID: 7, Slug: "apple-iphone-5s-back-camera-4-12mm-f-2-2", Name: "Apple iPhone 5s back camera 4.12mm f/2.2", Make: "Apple", Model: "iPhone 5s back camera 4.12mm f/2.2", Type: "", }, { ID: 9, Slug: "apple-iphone-6-back-camera-4-15mm-f-2-2", Name: "Apple iPhone 6 back camera 4.15mm f/2.2", Make: "Apple", Model: "iPhone 6 back camera 4.15mm f/2.2", Type: "", }, { ID: 10, Slug: "apple-iphone-se-back-camera-4-15mm-f-2-2", Name: "Apple iPhone SE back camera 4.15mm f/2.2", Make: "Apple", Model: "iPhone SE back camera 4.15mm f/2.2", Type: "", }, { ID: 3, Slug: "ef100mm-f-2-8l-macro-is-usm", Name: "EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM", Make: "", Model: "EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM", Type: "", }, { ID: 6, Slug: "ef16-35mm-f-2-8l-ii-usm", Name: "EF16-35mm f/2.8L II USM", Make: "", Model: "EF16-35mm f/2.8L II USM", Type: "", }, { ID: 4, Slug: "ef24-105mm-f-4l-is-usm", Name: "EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM", Make: "", Model: "EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM", Type: "", }, { ID: 8, Slug: "ef35mm-f-2-is-usm", Name: "EF35mm f/2 IS USM", Make: "", Model: "EF35mm f/2 IS USM", Type: "", }, { ID: 5, Slug: "ef70-200mm-f-4l-is-usm", Name: "EF70-200mm f/4L IS USM", Make: "", Model: "EF70-200mm f/4L IS USM", Type: "", }, { ID: 1, Slug: "zz", Name: "Unknown", Make: "", Model: "Unknown", Type: "" }, ], countries: [ { ID: "at", Slug: "austria", Name: "Austria" }, { ID: "bw", Slug: "botswana", Name: "Botswana" }, { ID: "ca", Slug: "canada", Name: "Canada" }, { ID: "cu", Slug: "cuba", Name: "Cuba" }, { ID: "fr", Slug: "france", Name: "France" }, { ID: "de", Slug: "germany", Name: "Germany" }, { ID: "gr", Slug: "greece", Name: "Greece" }, { ID: "it", Slug: "italy", Name: "Italy" }, { ID: "za", Slug: "south-africa", Name: "South Africa" }, { ID: "ch", Slug: "switzerland", Name: "Switzerland" }, { ID: "gb", Slug: "united-kingdom", Name: "United Kingdom" }, { ID: "us", Slug: "usa", Name: "USA" }, { ID: "zz", Slug: "zz", Name: "Unknown" }, ], thumbs: [ { size: "fit_720", use: "Mobile, TV", w: 720, h: 720 }, { size: "fit_1280", use: "Mobile, HD Ready TV", w: 1280, h: 1024 }, { size: "fit_1920", use: "Mobile, Full HD TV", w: 1920, h: 1200 }, { size: "fit_2048", use: "Tablets, Cinema 2K", w: 2048, h: 2048 }, { size: "fit_2560", use: "Quad HD, Retina Display", w: 2560, h: 1600 }, { size: "fit_4096", use: "Ultra HD, Retina 4K", w: 4096, h: 4096 }, { size: "fit_7680", use: "8K Ultra HD 2, Retina 6K", w: 7680, h: 4320 }, ], status: "unregistered", mapKey: "jOTd5JGKYQV1fiAW4UZO", downloadToken: "2lbh9x09", previewToken: "public", jsHash: "6d752756", cssHash: "c5bb9de2", settings: { ui: { scrollbar: true, theme: "default", language: "en" }, templates: { default: "index.tmpl" }, maps: { animate: 0, style: "streets" }, features: { upload: true, download: true, private: true, review: true, files: true, moments: true, labels: true, places: true, edit: true, archive: true, delete: false, share: true, library: true, import: true, logs: true, }, import: { path: "/", move: false }, index: { path: "/", convert: true, rescan: false }, stack: { uuid: true, meta: true, name: true }, share: { title: "" }, }, count: { cameras: 8, lenses: 9, countries: 12, photos: 105, videos: 1, hidden: 0, favorites: 12, private: 1, review: 2, stories: 0, albums: 0, moments: 5, months: 38, folders: 3, files: 211, places: 44, states: 20, labels: 36, labelMaxPhotos: 12, }, pos: { uid: "pql8ug81ssr670tu", cid: "s2:47a85a624184", utc: "2020-08-31T16:03:10Z", lat: 52.4525, lng: 13.3092, }, years: [2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2002], colors: [ { Example: "#AB47BC", Name: "Purple", Slug: "purple" }, { Example: "#FF00FF", Name: "Magenta", Slug: "magenta" }, { Example: "#EC407A", Name: "Pink", Slug: "pink" }, { Example: "#EF5350", Name: "Red", Slug: "red" }, { Example: "#FFA726", Name: "Orange", Slug: "orange" }, { Example: "#D4AF37", Name: "Gold", Slug: "gold" }, { Example: "#FDD835", Name: "Yellow", Slug: "yellow" }, { Example: "#CDDC39", Name: "Lime", Slug: "lime" }, { Example: "#66BB6A", Name: "Green", Slug: "green" }, { Example: "#009688", Name: "Teal", Slug: "teal" }, { Example: "#00BCD4", Name: "Cyan", Slug: "cyan" }, { Example: "#2196F3", Name: "Blue", Slug: "blue" }, { Example: "#A1887F", Name: "Brown", Slug: "brown" }, { Example: "#F5F5F5", Name: "White", Slug: "white" }, { Example: "#9E9E9E", Name: "Grey", Slug: "grey" }, { Example: "#212121", Name: "Black", Slug: "black" }, ], categories: [ { UID: "lql8ufjaz5laqysi", Slug: "animal", Name: "Animal" }, { UID: "lql8ufy1doog8nj1", Slug: "architecture", Name: "Architecture" }, { UID: "lql8ug744yjdmak5", Slug: "beach", Name: "Beach" }, { UID: "lql8ufo2s9bjihwi", Slug: "beetle", Name: "Beetle" }, { UID: "lql8ufk3uptwjvg3", Slug: "bird", Name: "Bird" }, { UID: "lql8ufj3j6r3w5nm", Slug: "building", Name: "Building" }, { UID: "lql8ufi2gjxy6361", Slug: "car", Name: "Car" }, { UID: "lql8ufj1sf295op8", Slug: "cat", Name: "Cat" }, { UID: "lql8ufs36d538t93", Slug: "farm", Name: "Farm" }, { UID: "lql8ufj1lfp81sdt", Slug: "insect", Name: "Insect" }, { UID: "lql8ufi1th1xe3te", Slug: "landscape", Name: "Landscape" }, { UID: "lql8uft3u38k3yzm", Slug: "monkey", Name: "Monkey" }, { UID: "lql8ufi1g2tjncrj", Slug: "mountains", Name: "Mountains" }, { UID: "lql8ufi3fn64dtpn", Slug: "nature", Name: "Nature" }, { UID: "lql8ufi204pq0lr1", Slug: "plant", Name: "Plant" }, { UID: "lql8ug118d50qdln", Slug: "reptile", Name: "Reptile" }, { UID: "lql8ufi1ucnpvw4w", Slug: "shop", Name: "Shop" }, { UID: "lql8ufv1zz33ie3d", Slug: "snow", Name: "Snow" }, { UID: "lql8ufy1bpizwiah", Slug: "tower", Name: "Tower" }, { UID: "lql8ufiv8ks762y1", Slug: "vehicle", Name: "Vehicle" }, { UID: "lql8ug02bt57syc8", Slug: "water", Name: "Water" }, { UID: "lql8ufo19zyipy8i", Slug: "wildlife", Name: "Wildlife" }, ], clip: 160, server: { cores: 6, routines: 16, memory: { used: 358461896, reserved: 562501688, info: "Used 358 MB / Reserved 562 MB" }, }, }; let chai = require("chai/chai"); let assert = chai.assert; const mock = new MockAdapter(Api); mock .onPost("batch/photos/archive").reply(200, {"photos": [1, 3]}) .onPost("api/v1/photos/pqbemz8276mhtobh/approve").reply(200, {}) .onPost("api/v1/photos/pqbemz8276mhtobh/files/fqbfk181n4ca5sud/primary").reply(200, { ID: 10, UID: "pqbemz8276mhtobh", Files: [{ UID: "fqbfk181n4ca5sud", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: true, Type: "mp4", Hash: "1xxbgdt55", }, ], }) .onPut("api/v1/photos/pqbemz8276mhtobh").reply(200, { ID: 10, UID: "pqbemz8276mhtobh", TitleSrc: "manual", Files: [{ UID: "fqbfk181n4ca5sud", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Hash: "1xxbgdt55"}]}) .onDelete("api/v1/photos/abc123/unlike").reply(200) .onDelete("api/v1/photos/pqbemz8276mhtobh/files/fqbfk181n4ca5sud").reply(200, {"success": "successfully deleted"}) .onPost("api/v1/photos/pqbemz8276mhtobh/files/fqbfk181n4ca5sud/unstack").reply(200, {"success": "ok"}) .onPost("api/v1/photos/pqbemz8276mhtobh/label", {Name: "Cat", Priority: 10}).reply(200, {"success": "ok"}) .onPut("api/v1/photos/pqbemz8276mhtobh/label/12345", {Uncertainty: 0}).reply(200, {"success": "ok"}) .onPut("api/v1/photos/pqbemz8276mhtobh/label/12345", {Label: {Name: "Sommer"}}).reply(200, {"success": "ok"}) .onDelete("api/v1/photos/pqbemz8276mhtobh/label/12345").reply(200, {"success": "ok"}); describe("model/photo", () => { it("should get photo entity name", () => { const values = {UID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getEntityName(); assert.equal(result, "Crazy Cat"); }); it("should get photo uuid", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", UID: 789}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getId(); assert.equal(result, 789); }); it("should get photo title", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", UID: 789}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getTitle(); assert.equal(result, "Crazy Cat"); }); it("should get photo maps link", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", Lat: 36.442881666666665, Lng: 28.229493333333334}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getGoogleMapsLink(); assert.equal(result, ",28.229493333333334"); }); it("should get photo thumbnail url", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", Hash: 345982}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.thumbnailUrl("tile500"); assert.equal(result, "/api/v1/t/345982/public/tile500"); const values2 = {ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Files: [{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt55"}]}; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); const result2 = photo2.thumbnailUrl("tile500"); assert.equal(result2, "/api/v1/t/1xxbgdt55/public/tile500"); const values3 = {ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Files: [{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Width: 500, Height: 600},]}; const photo3 = new Photo(values3); const result3 = photo3.thumbnailUrl("tile500"); assert.equal(result3, "/api/v1/svg/photo"); }); it("should get classes", () => { const values2 = {ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Type: "video", Portrait: true, Favorite: true, Private: true, Files: [{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Video: true, Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt55"}, {UID: "123fde", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdkkk"}]}; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); const result2 = photo2.classes(); assert.include(result2, "is-photo"); assert.include(result2, "uid-ABC127"); assert.include(result2, "type-video"); assert.include(result2, "is-portrait"); assert.include(result2, "is-favorite"); assert.include(result2, "is-private"); assert.include(result2, "is-stack"); assert.include(result2, "is-playable"); }); it("should get photo download url", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", Hash: 345982}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getDownloadUrl(); assert.equal(result, "/api/v1/dl/345982?t=2lbh9x09"); }); it("should calculate photo size", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", Width: 500,Height: 200}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.calculateSize(500, 200); assert.equal(result.width, 500); assert.equal(result.height, 200); }); it("should calculate photo size with srcAspectRatio < maxAspectRatio", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", Width: 500, Height: 200}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.calculateSize(300, 50); assert.equal(result.width, 125); assert.equal(result.height, 50); }); it("should calculate photo size with srcAspectRatio > maxAspectRatio", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", Width: 500, Height: 200}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.calculateSize(400, 300); assert.equal(result.width, 400); assert.equal(result.height, 160); }); it("should get local day string", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAt: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TimeZone: "UTC"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.localDayString(); // Current day of the month (changes): assert.equal(result.length, 2); const values2 = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAtLocal: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TakenAt: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TimeZone: "UTC", Day: 8}; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); const result2 = photo2.localDayString(); assert.equal(result2, "08"); }); it("should get local month string", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAt: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TimeZone: "UTC"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.localMonthString(); assert.equal(result, (new Date().getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0")); const values2 = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAtLocal: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TakenAt: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TimeZone: "UTC", Month: 8}; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); const result2 = photo2.localMonthString(); assert.equal(result2, "08"); }); it("should get local year string", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAt: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TimeZone: "UTC"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.localYearString(); assert.equal(result, new Date().getFullYear().toString().padStart(4, "0")); const values2 = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAtLocal: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TakenAt: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TimeZone: "UTC", Year: 2010}; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); const result2 = photo2.localYearString(); assert.equal(result2, "2010"); }); it("should get local date string", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAtLocal: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TakenAt: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TimeZone: "UTC"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.localDateString(); assert.equal(result, "2012-07-08T14:45:39"); }); it("should get local date", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAt: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TimeZone: "Indian/Reunion"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.localDate(); assert.equal(String(result), "2012-07-08T14:45:39.000Z"); }); it("should get date string", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAtLocal: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TakenAt: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TimeZone: "UTC"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getDateString(); assert.equal(result, "Sunday, July 8, 2012, 2:45 PM"); const values2 = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAtLocal: "", TakenAt: "", TimeZone: "UTC"}; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); const result2 = photo2.getDateString(); assert.equal(result2, "Unknown"); const values3 = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAtLocal: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TakenAt: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z"}; const photo3 = new Photo(values3); const result3 = photo3.getDateString(); assert.equal(result3, "Sunday, July 8, 2012"); const values4 = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAtLocal: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TakenAt: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", Month: -1}; const photo4 = new Photo(values4); const result4 = photo4.getDateString(); assert.equal(result4, "2012"); const values5 = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAtLocal: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TakenAt: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", Day: -1}; const photo5 = new Photo(values5); const result5 = photo5.getDateString(); assert.equal(result5, "July 2012"); }); it("should get short date string", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAtLocal: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TakenAt: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TimeZone: "UTC"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.shortDateString(); assert.equal(result, "Jul 8, 2012"); const values2 = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAtLocal: "", TakenAt: "", TimeZone: "UTC"}; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); const result2 = photo2.shortDateString(); assert.equal(result2, "Unknown"); const values3 = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAtLocal: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TakenAt: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z"}; const photo3 = new Photo(values3); const result3 = photo3.shortDateString(); assert.equal(result3, "Jul 8, 2012"); const values4 = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAtLocal: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TakenAt: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", Month: -1}; const photo4 = new Photo(values4); const result4 = photo4.shortDateString(); assert.equal(result4, "2012"); const values5 = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", TakenAtLocal: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", TakenAt: "2012-07-08T14:45:39Z", Day: -1}; const photo5 = new Photo(values5); const result5 = photo5.shortDateString(); assert.equal(result5, "July 2012"); }); it("should test whether photo has location", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", Lat: 36.442881666666665, Lng: 28.229493333333334}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.hasLocation(); assert.equal(result, true); }); it("should test whether photo has location", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", Lat: 0, Lng: 0}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.hasLocation(); assert.equal(result, false); }); it("should get location", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", CellID: 6, CellCategory: "viewpoint", PlaceLabel: "Cape Point, South Africa", PlaceCountry: "South Africa"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.locationInfo(); assert.equal(result, "Cape Point, South Africa"); }); it("should get location", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", CellID: 6, CellCategory: "viewpoint", PlaceLabel: "Cape Point, State, South Africa", PlaceCountry: "South Africa", PlaceCity: "Cape Town", PlaceCounty: "County", PlaceState: "State"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.locationInfo(); assert.equal(result, "Cape Point, State, South Africa"); }); it("should get location", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", CellCategory: "viewpoint", CellName: "Cape Point", PlaceCountry: "Africa", PlaceCity: "Cape Town", PlaceCounty: "County", PlaceState: "State"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.locationInfo(); assert.equal(result, "Unknown"); }); it("should get location", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", CountryName: "Africa", PlaceCity: "Cape Town"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.locationInfo(); assert.equal(result, "Unknown"); }); it("should get camera", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", CameraModel: "EOSD10", CameraMake: "Canon"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getCamera(); assert.equal(result, "Canon EOSD10"); const values2 = { ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Files: [{ UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", Primary: true, Type: "jpg", Hash: "1xxbgdt55"}], Camera: { Make: "Canon", Model: "abc", }, }; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); assert.equal(photo2.getCamera(), "Canon abc"); }); it("should get camera", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getCamera(); assert.equal(result, "Unknown"); }); it("should get collection resource", () => { const result = Photo.getCollectionResource(); assert.equal(result, "photos"); }); it("should return batch size", () => { assert.equal(Photo.batchSize(), 60); }); it("should get model name", () => { const result = Photo.getModelName(); assert.equal(result, "Photo"); }); it("should like photo", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", CountryName: "Africa", Favorite: false}; const photo = new Photo(values); assert.equal(photo.Favorite, false);; assert.equal(photo.Favorite, true); }); it("should unlike photo", () => { const values = {ID: 5, UID: "abc123", Title: "Crazy Cat", CountryName: "Africa", Favorite: true}; const photo = new Photo(values); assert.equal(photo.Favorite, true); photo.unlike(); assert.equal(photo.Favorite, false); }); /* TODO it("should toggle like", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", CountryName: "Africa", Favorite: true}; const photo = new Photo(values); assert.equal(photo.Favorite, true); photo.toggleLike(); assert.equal(photo.Favorite, false); photo.toggleLike(); assert.equal(photo.Favorite, true); }); */ it("should get photo defaults", () => { const values = {ID: 5, UID: "ABC123"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getDefaults(); assert.equal(result.UID, ""); }); it("should get photos base name", () => { const values = {ID: 8, UID: "ABC123", Filename: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", FileUID: "123fgb", Files: [{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", Primary: true, Type: "TypeJpeg", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt53"}]}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.baseName(); assert.equal(result, "superCuteKitten.jpg"); const result2 = photo.baseName(5); assert.equal(result2, "supe…"); }); it("should refresh file attributes", () => { const values2 = {ID: 5, UID: "ABC123"}; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); photo2.refreshFileAttr(); assert.equal(photo2.Width, undefined); assert.equal(photo2.Height, undefined); assert.equal(photo2.Hash, undefined); const values = {ID: 8, UID: "ABC123", Filename: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", FileUID: "123fgb", Files: [{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", Primary: true, Type: "TypeJpeg", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt53"}]}; const photo = new Photo(values); assert.equal(photo.Width, undefined); assert.equal(photo.Height, undefined); assert.equal(photo.Hash, undefined); photo.refreshFileAttr(); assert.equal(photo.Width, 500); assert.equal(photo.Height, 600); assert.equal(photo.Hash, "1xxbgdt53"); }); it("should return is playable", () => { const values = {ID: 8, UID: "ABC123", Filename: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", FileUID: "123fgb", Files: [{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", Primary: true, Type: "TypeJpeg", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt53"}]}; const photo = new Photo(values); assert.equal(photo.isPlayable(), false); const values2 = {ID: 9, UID: "ABC163"}; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); assert.equal(photo2.isPlayable(), false); const values3 = {ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Filename: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", FileUID: "123fgb", Files: [{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Video: true, Type: "mp4", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt55"}]}; const photo3 = new Photo(values3); assert.equal(photo3.isPlayable(), true); const values4 = {ID: 1, UID: "ABC128", Filename: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", FileUID: "123fgb", Files: [{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", Primary: false, Video: true, Type: "jpg", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt53", Codec: "avc1"}]}; const photo4 = new Photo(values4); assert.equal(photo4.isPlayable(), true); }); it("should return video params", () => { const values3 = {ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Filename: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", FileUID: "123fgb", Files: [{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Video: true, Type: "mp4", Width: 900, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt55"}]}; const photo3 = new Photo(values3); const result = photo3.videoParams(); assert.equal(result.height, "463"); assert.equal(result.width, "695"); assert.equal(result.loop, false); assert.equal(result.uri, "/api/v1/videos/1xxbgdt55/public/avc"); const values = {ID: 11, UID: "ABC127", Filename: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", FileUID: "123fgb", Files: [{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Video: true, Type: "mp4", Width: 0, Height: 0, Hash: "1xxbgdt55"}, {UID: "123fpp", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", Primary: true, Width: 5000, Height: 5000, Hash: "1xxbgdt544"}]}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result2 = photo.videoParams(); assert.equal(result2.height, "440"); assert.equal(result2.width, "440"); assert.equal(result2.loop, false); assert.equal(result2.uri, "/api/v1/videos/1xxbgdt55/public/avc"); }); it("should return videofile", () => { const values = {ID: 8, UID: "ABC123", Filename: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", FileUID: "123fgb", Files: [{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", Primary: true, Type: "jpg", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt53"}]}; const photo = new Photo(values); assert.equal(photo.videoFile(), undefined); const values2 = {ID: 9, UID: "ABC163"}; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); assert.equal(photo2.videoFile(), false); const values3 = {ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Filename: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", FileUID: "123fgb", Files: [{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt55"}]}; const photo3 = new Photo(values3); const file = photo3.videoFile(); assert.equal(photo3.videoFile().Name, "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4"); const values4 = {ID: 1, UID: "ABC128", Filename: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", FileUID: "123fgb", Files: [{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", Primary: false, Type: "jpg", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt53", Codec: "avc1"}]}; const photo4 = new Photo(values4); assert.equal(photo4.videoFile().Name, "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg"); const file2 = photo4.videoFile(); }); it("should return video url", () => { const values = {ID: 8, UID: "ABC123", Filename: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", Hash: "703cf8f274fbb265d49c6262825780e1", FileUID: "123fgb", Files: [{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", Primary: true, Type: "jpg", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt53"}]}; const photo = new Photo(values); assert.equal(photo.videoUrl(), "/api/v1/videos/703cf8f274fbb265d49c6262825780e1/public/avc"); const values2 = {ID: 9, UID: "ABC163", Hash: "2305e512e3b183ec982d60a8b608a8ca501973ba"}; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); assert.equal(photo2.videoUrl(), "/api/v1/videos/2305e512e3b183ec982d60a8b608a8ca501973ba/public/avc"); const values3 = {ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Filename: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", FileUID: "123fgb", Files: [{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt55"}]}; const photo3 = new Photo(values3); assert.equal(photo3.videoUrl(), "/api/v1/videos/1xxbgdt55/public/avc"); const values4 = {ID: 1, UID: "ABC128", Filename: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", FileUID: "123fgb", Files: [{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", Primary: false, Type: "jpg", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt53", Codec: "avc1"}]}; const photo4 = new Photo(values4); assert.equal(photo4.videoUrl(), "/api/v1/videos/1xxbgdt53/public/avc"); }); it("should return main file", () => { const values = {ID: 9, UID: "ABC163", Width: 111, Height: 222}; const photo = new Photo(values); assert.equal(photo.mainFile(), photo); const values2 = {ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Files: [ {UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt55"} ,{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", Primary: false, Type: "jpg", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt56"}]}; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); const file = photo2.mainFile(); assert.equal(file.Name, "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg"); const values3 = {ID: 1, UID: "ABC128", Files: [ {UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/NotMainKitten.jpg", Primary: false, Type: "jpg", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt53"}, {UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/MainKitten.jpg", Primary: true, Type: "jpg", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt54"} ]}; const photo3 = new Photo(values3); const file2 = photo3.mainFile(); assert.equal(file2.Name, "1980/01/MainKitten.jpg"); }); it("should return jpeg files", () => { const values = {ID: 8, UID: "ABC123", Filename: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.jpegFiles(); assert.equal(result[0].Filename, "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg"); const values3 = {ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Filename: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", FileUID: "123fgb", Files: [{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", Primary: false, Type: FormatJpeg, Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt55"}, {UID: "123fgz", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt66"}]}; const photo3 = new Photo(values3); const file = photo3.jpegFiles(); assert.equal(file[0].Name, "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg"); }); it("should return main hash", () => { const values = {ID: 9, UID: "ABC163"}; const photo = new Photo(values); assert.equal(photo.mainFileHash(), ""); const values2 = {ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Files: [ {UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt55"} ,{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", Primary: false, Type: "jpg", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt56"}]}; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); assert.equal(photo2.mainFileHash(), "1xxbgdt56"); }); it("should test filemodels", () => { const values = {ID: 9, UID: "ABC163"}; const photo = new Photo(values); assert.empty(photo.fileModels()); const values2 = {ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Files: [ {UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/cat.jpg", Primary: false, Type: "jpg", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt55"} ,{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1999/01/dog.jpg", Primary: true, Type: "jpg", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt56"}]}; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); assert.equal(photo2.fileModels()[0].Name, "1999/01/dog.jpg"); const values3 = {ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Files: [ {UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/cat.jpg", Primary: true, Type: "jpg", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt55"} ,{UID: "123fgb", Name: "1999/01/dog.jpg", Primary: false, Type: "jpg", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt56"}]}; const photo3 = new Photo(values3); assert.equal(photo3.fileModels()[0].Name, "1980/01/cat.jpg"); const values4 = {ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Files: [ {UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/cat.jpg", Primary: true, Type: "jpg", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt55"}]}; const photo4 = new Photo(values4); assert.equal(photo4.fileModels()[0].Name, "1980/01/cat.jpg"); }); it("should get country name", () => { const values = {ID: 5, UID: "ABC123", Country: "zz"}; const photo = new Photo(values); assert.equal(photo.countryName(), "Unknown"); const values2 = {ID: 5, UID: "ABC123", Country: "es"}; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); assert.equal(photo2.countryName(), "Spain"); }); it("should get location info", () => { const values = {ID: 5, UID: "ABC123", Country: "zz", PlaceID: "zz", PlaceLabel: "Nice beach"}; const photo = new Photo(values); assert.equal(photo.locationInfo(), "Nice beach"); const values2 = {ID: 5, UID: "ABC123", Country: "es", PlaceID: "zz"}; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); assert.equal(photo2.locationInfo(), "Spain"); }); it("should return video info", () => { const values = { ID: 9, UID: "ABC163"}; const photo = new Photo(values); assert.equal(photo.getVideoInfo(), "Video"); const values2 = { ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Files: [{ UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Hash: "1xxbgdt55"}]}; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); assert.equal(photo2.getVideoInfo(), "Video"); const values3 = { ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Files: [{ UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt55", Duration: 6000, Size: 222897, Codec: "avc1"}]}; const photo3 = new Photo(values3); assert.equal(photo3.getVideoInfo(), "6µs, AVC1, 500 × 600, 0.2 MB"); const values4 = { ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Files: [{ UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Hash: "1xxbgdt55", Duration: 6000, Size: 10240, Codec: "avc1"}, { UID: "345fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", Primary: true, Type: "jpg", Hash: "1xxbgjhu5", Width: 300, Height: 500}]}; const photo4 = new Photo(values4); assert.equal(photo4.getVideoInfo(), "6µs, AVC1, 300 × 500, 10.0 KB"); }); it("should return photo info", () => { const values = { ID: 9, UID: "ABC163"}; const photo = new Photo(values); assert.equal(photo.getPhotoInfo(), "Unknown"); const values2 = { ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Files: [{ UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", Primary: true, Type: "jpg", Hash: "1xxbgdt55"}], Size: "300", Camera: { Make: "Canon", Model: "abc", }, }; const photo2 = new Photo(values2); assert.equal(photo2.getPhotoInfo(), "Canon abc"); const values3 = { ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", CameraMake: "Canon", CameraModel: "abcde", Files: [{ UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt55", Duration: 6000, Codec: "avc1"}]}; const photo3 = new Photo(values3); assert.equal(photo3.getPhotoInfo(), "Canon abcde, AVC1, 500 × 600"); const values4 = { ID: 10, UID: "ABC127", Files: [{ UID: "123fgb", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Width: 500, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt55", Duration: 6000, Size: 300, Codec: "avc1"}, { UID: "123fgx", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.jpg", Primary: true, Type: "jpg", Width: 800, Height: 600, Hash: "1xxbgdt55", Duration: 6000, Size: 200, Codec: "avc1"}, ]}; const photo4 = new Photo(values4); assert.equal(photo3.getPhotoInfo(), "Canon abcde, AVC1, 500 × 600"); }); it("should archive photo", (done) => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", CountryName: "Africa", Favorite: false}; const photo = new Photo(values); photo.archive().then((response) => { assert.equal(200, response.status); assert.deepEqual({ photos: [ 1, 3 ] },; done(); } ).catch( (error) => { done(error); } ); }); it("should approve photo", (done) => { const values = {ID: 5, UID: "pqbemz8276mhtobh", Title: "Crazy Cat", CountryName: "Africa", Favorite: false}; const photo = new Photo(values); photo.approve().then((response) => { assert.equal(200, response.status); done(); } ).catch( (error) => { done(error); } ); }); it("should toggle private", () => { const values = {ID: 5, Title: "Crazy Cat", CountryName: "Africa", Private: true}; const photo = new Photo(values); assert.equal(photo.Private, true); photo.togglePrivate(); assert.equal(photo.Private, false); photo.togglePrivate(); assert.equal(photo.Private, true); }); it("should mark photo as primary", (done) => { const values = { ID: 10, UID: "pqbemz8276mhtobh", Files: [{ UID: "fqbfk181n4ca5sud", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Hash: "1xxbgdt55"}]}; const photo = new Photo(values); photo.primaryFile("fqbfk181n4ca5sud").then( (response) => { assert.equal(response.Files[0].Primary, true); done(); } ).catch( (error) => { done(error); } ); }); it("should unstack", (done) => { const values = { ID: 10, UID: "pqbemz8276mhtobh", Files: [{ UID: "fqbfk181n4ca5sud", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Hash: "1xxbgdt55"}]}; const photo = new Photo(values); photo.unstackFile("fqbfk181n4ca5sud").then( (response) => { assert.equal(response.success, "ok"); done(); } ).catch( (error) => { done(error); } ); }); it("should delete file", (done) => { const values = { ID: 10, UID: "pqbemz8276mhtobh", Files: [{ UID: "fqbfk181n4ca5sud", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Hash: "1xxbgdt55"}, { UID: "fqbfk181n4ca5abc", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: true, Type: "mp4", Hash: "1xxbgdt89"}]}; const photo = new Photo(values); photo.deleteFile("fqbfk181n4ca5sud").then( (response) => { assert.equal(response.success, "successfully deleted"); done(); } ).catch( (error) => { done(error); } ); }); it("should add label", (done) => { const values = { ID: 10, UID: "pqbemz8276mhtobh"}; const photo = new Photo(values); photo.addLabel("Cat").then((response) => { assert.equal(response.success, "ok"); done(); } ).catch( (error) => { done(error); } ); }); it("should activate label", (done) => { const values = { ID: 10, UID: "pqbemz8276mhtobh"}; const photo = new Photo(values); photo.activateLabel(12345).then((response) => { assert.equal(response.success, "ok"); done(); } ).catch( (error) => { done(error); } ); }); it("should rename label", (done) => { const values = { ID: 10, UID: "pqbemz8276mhtobh"}; const photo = new Photo(values); photo.renameLabel(12345, "Sommer").then((response) => { assert.equal(response.success, "ok"); done(); } ).catch( (error) => { done(error); } ); }); it("should remove label", (done) => { const values = { ID: 10, UID: "pqbemz8276mhtobh"}; const photo = new Photo(values); photo.removeLabel(12345).then( (response) => { assert.equal(response.success, "ok"); done(); } ).catch( (error) => { done(error); } ); }); it("should test update", (done) => { const values = { ID: 10, UID: "pqbemz8276mhtobh", Lat: 1.1, Lng: 3.3, CameraID: 123, Title: "Test Titel", Description: "Super nice video", Files: [{ UID: "fqbfk181n4ca5sud", Name: "1980/01/superCuteKitten.mp4", Primary: false, Type: "mp4", Hash: "1xxbgdt55"}]}; const photo = new Photo(values); photo.update().then((response) => { assert.equal(response.TitleSrc, "manual"); done(); } ).catch( (error) => { done(error); } ); }); });