package test import ( "fmt" "log" "os" "testing" "time" "" _ "" _ "" "" "" "" ) const ( DataURL = "" DataHash = "1a59b358b80221ab3e76efb683ad72402f0b0844" ConfigFile = "../../configs/photoprism.yml" ) var DarktableCli = "/usr/bin/darktable-cli" var DataZip = "/tmp/photoprism/" var AssetsPath = fsutil.ExpandedFilename("../../assets") var DataPath = AssetsPath + "/testdata" var CachePath = fsutil.ExpandedFilename(DataPath + "/cache") var OriginalsPath = fsutil.ExpandedFilename(DataPath + "/originals") var ImportPath = fsutil.ExpandedFilename(DataPath + "/import") var ExportPath = fsutil.ExpandedFilename(DataPath + "/export") var DatabaseDriver = "mysql" var DatabaseDsn = "photoprism:photoprism@tcp(database:3306)/photoprism?parseTime=true" func init() { conf := NewConfig() conf.MigrateDb() } type Config struct { db *gorm.DB } func (c *Config) RemoveTestData(t *testing.T) { os.RemoveAll(c.GetImportPath()) os.RemoveAll(c.GetExportPath()) os.RemoveAll(c.GetOriginalsPath()) os.RemoveAll(c.GetCachePath()) } func (c *Config) DownloadTestData(t *testing.T) { if fsutil.Exists(DataZip) { hash := fsutil.Hash(DataZip) if hash != DataHash { os.Remove(DataZip) t.Logf("Removed outdated test data zip file (fingerprint %s)\n", hash) } } if !fsutil.Exists(DataZip) { fmt.Printf("Downloading latest test data zip file from %s\n", DataURL) if err := fsutil.Download(DataZip, DataURL); err != nil { fmt.Printf("Download failed: %s\n", err.Error()) } } } func (c *Config) UnzipTestData(t *testing.T) { if _, err := fsutil.Unzip(DataZip, DataPath); err != nil { t.Logf("Could not unzip test data: %s\n", err.Error()) } } func (c *Config) InitializeTestData(t *testing.T) { t.Log("Initializing test data") c.RemoveTestData(t) c.DownloadTestData(t) c.UnzipTestData(t) } func NewConfig() *Config { return &Config{} } // CreateDirectories creates all the folders that photoprism needs. These are: // OriginalsPath // ThumbnailsPath // ImportPath // ExportPath func (c *Config) CreateDirectories() error { if err := os.MkdirAll(c.GetOriginalsPath(), os.ModePerm); err != nil { return err } if err := os.MkdirAll(c.GetImportPath(), os.ModePerm); err != nil { return err } if err := os.MkdirAll(c.GetExportPath(), os.ModePerm); err != nil { return err } if err := os.MkdirAll(c.GetThumbnailsPath(), os.ModePerm); err != nil { return err } if err := os.MkdirAll(c.GetDatabasePath(), os.ModePerm); err != nil { return err } if err := os.MkdirAll(c.GetTensorFlowModelPath(), os.ModePerm); err != nil { return err } if err := os.MkdirAll(c.GetPublicBuildPath(), os.ModePerm); err != nil { return err } return nil } // connectToDatabase estabilishes a connection to a database given a driver. // It tries to do this 12 times with a 5 second sleep intervall in between. func (c *Config) connectToDatabase() error { dbDriver := c.GetDatabaseDriver() dbDsn := c.GetDatabaseDsn() db, err := gorm.Open(dbDriver, dbDsn) if err != nil || db == nil { for i := 1; i <= 12; i++ { time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) db, err = gorm.Open(dbDriver, dbDsn) if db != nil && err == nil { break } } if err != nil || db == nil { log.Fatal(err) } } c.db = db return err } // AppName returns the application name. func (c *Config) AppName() string { return "PhotoPrism" } // GetAppVersion returns the application version. func (c *Config) GetAppVersion() string { return "DEVELOPMENT" } // GetAppCopyright returns the application copyright. func (c *Config) GetAppCopyright() string { return "The PhotoPrism contributors " } // IsDebug returns true if debug mode is on. func (c *Config) IsDebug() bool { return false } // ConfigFile returns the config file name. func (c *Config) ConfigFile() string { return ConfigFile } // GetServerIP returns the server IP address (empty for all). func (c *Config) GetServerIP() string { return "" } // GetServerPort returns the server port. func (c *Config) GetServerPort() int { return 80 } // DbServerIP returns the database server IP address (empty for all). func (c *Config) DbServerIP() string { return "" } // DbServerPort returns the database server port. func (c *Config) DbServerPort() uint { return 4001 } // GetServerMode returns the server mode. func (c *Config) GetServerMode() string { return "test" } // GetOriginalsPath returns the originals. func (c *Config) GetOriginalsPath() string { return OriginalsPath } // GetImportPath returns the import directory. func (c *Config) GetImportPath() string { return ImportPath } // GetExportPath returns the export directory. func (c *Config) GetExportPath() string { return ExportPath } // GetDarktableCli returns the darktable-cli binary file name. func (c *Config) GetDarktableCli() string { return DarktableCli } // GetDatabaseDriver returns the database driver name. func (c *Config) GetDatabaseDriver() string { return DatabaseDriver } // GetDatabaseDsn returns the database data source name (DSN). func (c *Config) GetDatabaseDsn() string { return DatabaseDsn } // GetCachePath returns the path to the cache. func (c *Config) GetCachePath() string { return CachePath } // GetThumbnailsPath returns the path to the cached thumbnails. func (c *Config) GetThumbnailsPath() string { return c.GetCachePath() + "/thumbnails" } // GetAssetsPath returns the path to the assets. func (c *Config) GetAssetsPath() string { return AssetsPath } // GetTensorFlowModelPath returns the tensorflow model path. func (c *Config) GetTensorFlowModelPath() string { return c.GetAssetsPath() + "/tensorflow" } // GetDatabasePath returns the database storage path (e.g. for SQLite or Bleve). func (c *Config) GetDatabasePath() string { return c.GetAssetsPath() + "/database" } // GetServerAssetsPath returns the server assets path (public files, favicons, templates,...). func (c *Config) GetServerAssetsPath() string { return c.GetAssetsPath() + "/server" } // GetTemplatesPath returns the server templates path. func (c *Config) GetTemplatesPath() string { return c.GetServerAssetsPath() + "/templates" } // GetFaviconsPath returns the favicons path. func (c *Config) GetFaviconsPath() string { return c.GetServerAssetsPath() + "/favicons" } // GetPublicPath returns the public server path (//server/assets/*). func (c *Config) GetPublicPath() string { return c.GetServerAssetsPath() + "/public" } // GetPublicBuildPath returns the public build path (//server/assets/build/*). func (c *Config) GetPublicBuildPath() string { return c.GetPublicPath() + "/build" } // Db gets a db connection. If it already is estabilished it will return that. func (c *Config) Db() *gorm.DB { if c.db == nil { c.connectToDatabase() } return c.db } // MigrateDb will start a migration process. func (c *Config) MigrateDb() { db := c.Db() db.AutoMigrate(&models.File{}, &models.Photo{}, &models.Tag{}, &models.Album{}, &models.Location{}, &models.Camera{}, &models.Lens{}, &models.Country{}) } // ClientConfig returns a loaded and set configuration entity. func (c *Config) ClientConfig() frontend.Config { db := c.Db() var cameras []*models.Camera type country struct { LocCountry string LocCountryCode string } var countries []country db.Model(&models.Location{}).Select("DISTINCT loc_country_code, loc_country").Scan(&countries) db.Where("deleted_at IS NULL").Limit(1000).Order("camera_model").Find(&cameras) jsHash := fsutil.Hash(c.GetPublicBuildPath() + "/app.js") cssHash := fsutil.Hash(c.GetPublicBuildPath() + "/app.css") result := frontend.Config{ "appName": c.AppName(), "appVersion": c.GetAppVersion(), "debug": c.IsDebug(), "cameras": cameras, "countries": countries, "jsHash": jsHash, "cssHash": cssHash, } return result }