import Api from 'common/api'; import Form from 'common/form'; class Abstract { constructor(values) { this.__originalValues = {}; if (values) { this.setValues(values); } } setValues(values) { if(!values) return; for(let key in values) { if(values.hasOwnProperty(key) && key !== '__originalValues') { this[key] = values[key]; this.__originalValues[key] = values[key]; } } return this; } getValues() { const result = {}; for(let key in this.__originalValues) { if(this.__originalValues.hasOwnProperty(key) && key !== '__originalValues') { result[key] = this[key]; } } return result; } getId() { return; } hasId() { return !!this.getId(); } find(id, params) { return Api.get(this.getEntityResource(id), params).then((response) => Promise.resolve(new this(; } save() { if (this.hasId()) { return this.update(); } return, this.getValues()).then((response) => Promise.resolve(this.setValues(; } update() { return Api.put(this.getEntityResource(), this.getValues()).then((response) => Promise.resolve(this.setValues(; } remove() { return Api.delete(this.getEntityResource()).then(() => Promise.resolve(this)); } getEditForm() { return Api.options(this.getEntityResource()).then(response => Promise.resolve(new Form(; } getEntityResource(id) { if (!id) { id = this.getId(); } return this.constructor.getCollectionResource() + '/' + id; } getEntityName() { return this.constructor.getModelName() + ' ' + this.getId(); } static getCollectionResource() { throw new Error('getCollectionResource() needs to be implemented'); } static getCreateResource() { return this.getCollectionResource() + '/new'; } static getCreateForm() { return Api.options(this.getCreateResource()).then(response => Promise.resolve(new Form(; } static getModelName() { return 'Item'; } static getSearchForm() { return Api.options(this.getCollectionResource()).then(response => Promise.resolve(new Form(; } static search(params) { const options = { params: params, }; return Api.get(this.getCollectionResource(), options).then((response) => { response.models = []; for(let i = 0; i <; i++) { response.models.push(new this([i])); } return Promise.resolve(response); }); } } export default Abstract;