# DigitalOcean DynDNS Config # Mandatory, DigitalOcean API token. # It can be also set using environment variable DDNS_TOKEN. token: "" # By default, IP check occurs every 5 minutes. # It can be also set using environment variable DDNS_CHECKPERIOD. checkPeriod: "5m" # By default, timeout to external resources is set to 10 seconds. # It can be also set using environment variable DDNS_REQUESTTIMEOUT. requestTimeout: "10s" # By default, IPv6 address is not requested. # IPv6 address can be forced by setting it to `true`. # It can be also set using environment variable DDNS_IPV6. ipv6: false # List of domains and their records to update. domains: example.com: # More details about the fields can be found here: # https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/v2/#create-a-new-domain-record - type: "A" name: "www" - type: "TXT" name: "demo" # By default, is set to "{{.IP}}" (key .IP is reserved). # Supports Go template engine. # Additional keys can be set in "params" block below. data: "My IP is {{.IP}} and I am {{.mood}}" # By default, 1800 seconds (5 minutes). ttl: 1800 # By default, params is empty. params: mood: "cool" # By default, notifications is empty. notifications: # Gotify (https://gotify.net) - type: "gotify" app_url: "https://gotify.example.com" app_token: "" title: "DDNS" # SMTP - type: "smtp" user: "foo@bar.com" password: "1234" host: "localhost" port: "468" from: "bar@foo.com" to: "foo@foo.com" subject: "My DDNS sending me a message" # Telegram (https://telegram.org) - type: "telegram" token: "telegram bot token" chat_id: "1234"