package query import "" type Counts struct { Cameras int `json:"cameras"` Lenses int `json:"lenses"` Countries int `json:"countries"` Photos int `json:"photos"` Videos int `json:"videos"` Hidden int `json:"hidden"` Favorites int `json:"favorites"` Private int `json:"private"` Review int `json:"review"` Stories int `json:"stories"` Albums int `json:"albums"` Folders int `json:"folders"` Files int `json:"files"` Moments int `json:"moments"` Places int `json:"places"` Labels int `json:"labels"` LabelMaxPhotos int `json:"labelMaxPhotos"` } func (c *Counts) Refresh() { Db().Table("cameras"). Where("camera_slug <> 'zz' AND camera_slug <> ''"). Select("COUNT(*) AS cameras"). Take(c) Db().Table("lenses"). Where("lens_slug <> 'zz' AND lens_slug <> ''"). Select("COUNT(*) AS lenses"). Take(c) Db().Table("photos"). Select("SUM(photo_type = 'video' AND photo_quality > -1 AND photo_private = 0) AS videos, SUM(photo_type IN ('image','raw','live','animated') AND photo_quality < 3 AND photo_quality > -1 AND photo_private = 0) AS review, SUM(photo_quality = -1) AS hidden, SUM(photo_type IN ('image','raw','live','animated') AND photo_private = 0 AND photo_quality > -1) AS photos, SUM(photo_favorite = 1 AND photo_quality > -1) AS favorites, SUM(photo_private = 1 AND photo_quality > -1) AS private"). Where(" NOT IN (SELECT photo_id FROM files WHERE file_primary = 1 AND (file_missing = 1 OR file_error <> ''))"). Where("deleted_at IS NULL"). Take(c) Db().Table("labels"). Select("MAX(photo_count) as label_max_photos, COUNT(*) AS labels"). Where("photo_count > 0"). Where("deleted_at IS NULL"). Where("(label_priority >= 0 || label_favorite = 1)"). Take(c) Db().Table("albums"). Select("SUM(album_type = ?) AS albums, SUM(album_type = ?) AS moments, SUM(album_type = ?) AS folders", entity.AlbumDefault, entity.AlbumMoment, entity.AlbumFolder). Where("deleted_at IS NULL"). Take(c) Db().Table("files"). Select("COUNT(*) AS files"). Where("file_missing = 0 AND file_root = ?", entity.RootOriginals). Take(c) Db().Table("countries"). Select("(COUNT(*) - 1) AS countries"). Take(c) Db().Table("places"). Select("SUM(photo_count > 0) AS places"). Where("id <> 'zz'"). Take(c) Db().Table("photos"). Select("SUM(photo_type = 'video' AND photo_quality > -1 AND photo_private = 0) AS videos, SUM(photo_type IN ('image','raw','live','animated') AND photo_quality < 3 AND photo_quality > -1 AND photo_private = 0) AS review, SUM(photo_quality = -1) AS hidden, SUM(photo_type IN ('image','raw','live','animated') AND photo_private = 0 AND photo_quality > -1) AS photos, SUM(photo_favorite = 1 AND photo_quality > -1) AS favorites, SUM(photo_private = 1 AND photo_quality > -1) AS private"). Where(" NOT IN (SELECT photo_id FROM files WHERE file_primary = 1 AND (file_missing = 1 OR file_error <> ''))"). Where("deleted_at IS NULL"). Take(c) }