// Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT. package migrate var DialectSQLite3 = Migrations{ { ID: "20211121-094727", Dialect: "sqlite3", Statements: []string{"DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_places_place_label;"}, }, { ID: "20211124-120008", Dialect: "sqlite3", Statements: []string{"DROP INDEX IF EXISTS uix_places_place_label;", "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS uix_places_label;"}, }, { ID: "20220329-040000", Dialect: "sqlite3", Statements: []string{"DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_albums_album_filter;"}, }, { ID: "20220329-050000", Dialect: "sqlite3", Statements: []string{"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_albums_album_filter ON albums (album_filter);"}, }, { ID: "20220329-061000", Dialect: "sqlite3", Statements: []string{"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_files_photo_id ON files (photo_id, file_primary);"}, }, { ID: "20220329-071000", Dialect: "sqlite3", Statements: []string{"UPDATE files SET photo_taken_at = (SELECT p.taken_at_local FROM photos p WHERE p.id = photo_id) WHERE photo_id IS NOT NULL;"}, }, { ID: "20220329-081000", Dialect: "sqlite3", Statements: []string{"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_files_search_media ON files (media_id);"}, }, { ID: "20220329-082000", Dialect: "sqlite3", Statements: []string{"UPDATE files SET media_id = CASE WHEN file_missing = 0 AND deleted_at IS NULL THEN (HEX(100000000000 - photo_id) || '-' || (1 + file_sidecar - file_primary) || '-' || file_uid) ELSE NULL END WHERE photo_id IS NOT NULL;"}, }, { ID: "20220329-091000", Dialect: "sqlite3", Statements: []string{"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_files_search_timeline ON files (time_index);"}, }, { ID: "20220329-092000", Dialect: "sqlite3", Statements: []string{"UPDATE files SET time_index = CASE WHEN file_missing = 0 AND deleted_at IS NULL THEN ((100000000000000 - CAST(photo_taken_at AS UNSIGNED)) || '-' || media_id) ELSE NULL END WHERE media_id IS NOT NULL;"}, }, }