package crop import ( "fmt" "image" "math" "strconv" "strings" "" ) // Areas represents a list of relative crop areas. type Areas []Area // Area represents a relative crop area. type Area struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` X float32 `json:"x,omitempty"` Y float32 `json:"y,omitempty"` W float32 `json:"w,omitempty"` H float32 `json:"h,omitempty"` } // Empty tests if the area is empty. func (a Area) Empty() bool { return a.X == 0 && a.Y == 0 && a.W == 0 && a.H == 0 } // String returns a string identifying the crop area. func (a Area) String() string { if a.Empty() { return "" } return fmt.Sprintf("%03x%03x%03x%03x", int(a.X*1000), int(a.Y*1000), int(a.W*1000), int(a.H*1000)) } // Thumb returns a string identifying the file and crop area to create a thumb. func (a Area) Thumb(fileHash string) string { if len(fileHash) < 40 { return a.String() } return fmt.Sprintf("%040s-%012s", fileHash, a.String()) } // Bounds returns absolute coordinates and dimension. func (a Area) Bounds(img image.Image) (min, max image.Point, dim int) { size := img.Bounds().Max min = image.Point{X: int(float32(size.X) * a.X), Y: int(float32(size.Y) * a.Y)} max = image.Point{X: int(float32(size.X) * (a.X + a.W)), Y: int(float32(size.Y) * (a.Y + a.H))} dim = int(float32(size.X) * a.W) return min, max, dim } // FileWidth returns the ideal file width based on the crop size. func (a Area) FileWidth(size Size) int { return int(float32(size.Width) / a.W) } // Top returns the top Y coordinate as float64. func (a Area) Top() float64 { return float64(a.Y) } // Left returns the left X coordinate as float64. func (a Area) Left() float64 { return float64(a.X) } // Right returns the right X coordinate as float64. func (a Area) Right() float64 { return float64(a.X + a.W) } // Bottom returns the bottom Y coordinate as float64. func (a Area) Bottom() float64 { return float64(a.Y + a.H) } // Surface returns the surface area. func (a Area) Surface() float64 { return float64(a.W * a.H) } // SurfaceRatio returns the surface ratio. func (a Area) SurfaceRatio(area float64) float64 { if area <= 0 { return 0 } if s := a.Surface(); s <= 0 { return 0 } else if area > s { return s / area } else { return area / s } } // Overlap calculates the overlap of two areas. func (a Area) Overlap(other Area) (x, y float64) { x = math.Max(0, math.Min(a.Right(), other.Right())-math.Max(a.Left(), other.Left())) y = math.Max(0, math.Min(a.Bottom(), other.Bottom())-math.Max(a.Top(), other.Top())) return x, y } // OverlapArea calculates the overlap area of two areas. func (a Area) OverlapArea(other Area) (area float64) { x, y := a.Overlap(other) return x * y } // OverlapPercent calculates the overlap ratio of two areas in percent. func (a Area) OverlapPercent(other Area) int { return int(math.Round(other.SurfaceRatio(a.OverlapArea(other)) * 100)) } // clipVal ensures the relative size is within a valid range. func clipVal(f float32) float32 { if f > 1 { f = 1 } else if f < 0 { f = 0 } return f } // NewArea returns new relative image area. func NewArea(name string, x, y, w, h float32) Area { return Area{ Name: name, X: clipVal(x), Y: clipVal(y), W: clipVal(w), H: clipVal(h), } } // AreaFromString returns an image area. func AreaFromString(s string) Area { if len(s) != 12 || !rnd.IsHex(s) { return Area{} } x, _ := strconv.ParseInt(s[0:3], 16, 32) y, _ := strconv.ParseInt(s[3:6], 16, 32) w, _ := strconv.ParseInt(s[6:9], 16, 32) h, _ := strconv.ParseInt(s[9:12], 16, 32) return NewArea("crop", float32(x)/1000, float32(y)/1000, float32(w)/1000, float32(h)/1000) } // IsCroppedThumb tests if the string represents a cropped thumbnail and returns the split position if true. func IsCroppedThumb(thumb string) int { if thumb == "" || len(thumb) < 41 { return -1 } if i := strings.IndexRune(thumb, '-'); i >= 40 && i < len(thumb)-1 { return i } return -1 } // ParseThumb splits a thumbnail string into the crop area and file hash. func ParseThumb(thumb string) (fileHash, area string) { if len(thumb) == 12 { return "", thumb } else if len(thumb) < 41 { return thumb, "" } s := strings.SplitN(strings.Trim(thumb, "/ -"), "-", 2) fileHash = s[0] if len(s) < 2 { // Do nothing. } else if len(s[1]) >= 12 { area = s[1] } return fileHash, area }