package report import ( "bytes" "" ) // Table returns a text-formatted table, optionally as valid Markdown, // so the output can be pasted into the docs. func Table(rows [][]string, cols []string, markDown bool) string { return TableWithCaption(rows, cols, "", markDown) } // TableWithCaption returns a text-formatted table with caption, optionally as valid Markdown, // so the output can be pasted into the docs. func TableWithCaption(rows [][]string, cols []string, caption string, markDown bool) string { buf := &bytes.Buffer{} // Set Borders. borders := tablewriter.Border{ Left: true, Right: true, Top: !markDown, Bottom: !markDown, } // Render. table := tablewriter.NewWriter(buf) // Set Caption. if caption != "" { table.SetCaption(true, caption) } table.SetAutoWrapText(!markDown) table.SetAutoFormatHeaders(false) table.SetHeader(cols) table.SetBorders(borders) table.SetCenterSeparator("|") table.AppendBulk(rows) table.Render() return buf.String() }